Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Life on the ocean wave has a happy ending after Iran shows goodwill

Dear All

Five British yachtsmen have been released by Iran's Revolutionary Guard after sailing into restricted Iranian waters.

The crew have now been released after spending a week in custody as the Iranians realised that their illegal entry had been a mistake on their part.

The crew have now arrived back in Dubai, safe and well, after their race from Bahrain to Dubai caused an international incident.

Tensions are high in this area as the Iranian’s work on atomic research has created problems and fear in the region.

For Luke Porter, Oliver Smith, Oliver Young, Sam Usher, and David Bloomer, it could have turned out very different if the Iranians had decided to be difficult.

Iran's Revolutionary Guard issued the following statement;

"After carrying out an investigation and interrogation of the five British sailors, it became clear that their illegal entry was a mistake.

This was echoed by Iran's official IRNA news agency who described the situation as accidental.

It seems that on occasion the Iranians can act with goodwill and see sense.

Hopefully they can see more good sense and stop their nuclear programme before it leads to conflict and a great many people die.

But then good will is required on both sides.

Nice to see a happy ending for a change!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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