Monday, December 14, 2009

Labour MP David Miliband and the Labour Government fight to conceal their part in the horrific torture of Binyam Mohamed from the British people

Dear All

The Binyam Mohamed case is a nasty case of British Government collusion in approved state torture, he was kidnapped and tortured horrifically, as the UK Labour Government sat back and did nothing to protect his rights.

As UK Labour Government screamed ‘we don’t approve of torture’ that was exactly what was going on and was known at senior level within the British Government.

Now the sycophantic British Government is trying to limit the PR damage of Binyam being subjected to torture by the use of scalpels or razor blades to repeatedly cut his penis and chest.

The basis of the British Government’s unhappiness is that they don’t want to upset the Americans who approved of the torture citing ‘national security’.

National security is the UK cover all to gag information that puts them and others in a bad light.

The British Government don’t want the people to know they were involved in sadistic torture because at election time, they want to appear whiter than white, the good guys, trying to build a better Britain.

But things are not going well of Foreign Secretary David Miliband and his high priced lawyers.

The judges aren’t playing ball, they want the entire truth to come out.

This has led to Miliband’s Lawyers mounting an extraordinary attack on the High Court judges who want to disclose material relating to allegations of torture involving the CIA.

Jonathan Sumption QC, for Miliband told the Court of Appeal that the judges’ stance was “both, in many respects, unnecessary and profoundly damaging to the interests of this country”.

Since when are the interests of this country protected by shielding people from the truth.

Are Miliband and the Labour Government not proud of what they have done?

What is Labour’s mantra, ‘nothing to hide, nothing to fear’!

For Miliband; Sumption made an extraordinary attack;

“I would go so far as to say their views were irresponsible.”

Since Mr Mohamed had now been released from detention in GuantanĂ¡mo Bay, he was no longer affected by today’s legal proceedings which had “essentially been taken over to serve a wider, and in some respects, political agenda”.

The agenda is justice, natural justice that Binyam Mohamed was entitled and the very protections that society is based on, colour creed, religion play no part, it is one standard for all, no more and no less.

The full extent of the torture of Binyam Mohamed is a matter of public concern to the British people who have the right to know to the fullest extent the kind of people who seek to govern them.

The full facts have to be brought to the public domain.

And the last word on why the documents should be released goes to Labour Foreign Secretary David Miliband;

“Being Jewish must have an influence on the way I think. I am the child of Jewish immigrants and that is a very important part of my identity. It would be wrong to pretend that I was brought up as part of the heart of Anglo-Jewry, but if you ask, do the community's values speak to me? Yes they do. My commitment to equality, social justice, freedom of expression and solidarity must in so many ways reflect my origins”.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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