Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Caroline Cartwright pleads guilty to ASBO breach, people will be able to enjoy xmas in peace

Dear All

It seems that Caroline Cartwright, the mad Sunderland shagger whose love making described as "murder" and "unnatural" has plead guilty to breaching her ASBO order.

Ms. Cartwright attracted a lot of press and complains because of the noise she made in the passions of love.

The neighbours, the local postman and a woman taking her child to school all complained about the noise.

Cartwright from Washington on Wearside, pleaded to three counts of breaching the Asbo.

She will face sentence on 18 January 2010.

Next door Rachel O'Connor, the chief complainer told the court she suffered living next door to the racket. She was frequently late for work because she couldn’t get a decent night’s sleep because of the noise.

Ms. O’Connor said;

"The noise sounds like they are both in considerable pain. I cannot describe the noise. I have never ever heard anything like it."

Which possible means that there could be a marketing opportunity if the couple were prepared to go the porno route?

After all, the old phrase, ‘what’s all the shouting about’ applies, I even gave them a catchy title, all they need is a producer and a camcorder and they are away with it.

Cartwright appealed against a noise abatement notice imposed in 2007 citing her human rights as a defence.

That defence presumably intimated by a lawyer at their Court hearing was bullshit.

Recorder Jeremy Freedman said of the racket;

"It certainly was intrusive and constituted a statutory nuisance”.

Well said sir!

Freedman added;

"It was clearly of a very disturbing nature and it was also compounded by the duration - this was not a one-off, it went on for hours at a time. It is further compounded by the frequency of the episode, virtually every night."

So, now even a leg to stand on then.

Sunderland City Council acting on complains stated to the Court that told they had recorded noise levels of up to 47 decibels using their equipment. They took the opportunity afford by Ms. O’Connor to installed the equipment in her house.

World Health Organisation guidelines state that 30 decibels is enough to cause sleep disturbance.

One has to feel sorry for Rachel O’Connor, she probably would have been better booking into one of the secret torture prisons operated by the United States of America at least they use music!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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