Monday, January 10, 2022

The Real Refusenik, its time that someone started taking Andrew Neil to task, former BBC Presenter Andrew Neil, in an extraordinary rant says "It's time to punish Britain's five million vaccine refuseniks: They put us all at risk of more restrictions. so why shouldn't we curb some of their freedoms?", the selfishness of Andrew Neil is breath taking, he wants people to risk their lives and health so he can have unrestricted and ease of travel to his home in France, the real issue is vaccine injury, something the "real refuseniks" don't want to talk about

In an ideal world, we would like in harmony, everyone would be treated equally under the law, justice wouldn't just be done, it would be seen to be done. One thing which I suspect many ordinary people know is that we live in a corrupt society. Certain events during the course of our lives shape this view. For example, the use of the false messiah who purport to want to help the poor and vulnerable but in fact do the exact opposite, the classic of the false messiah is Tony Blair. He and the Labour Party in the late 1990's used the goodwill of the British people to change Britain for the worst, both internationally and domestically. If you haven't signed the petition to ask that he be stripped of the recent honour by the Queen, please sign it by clicking on the link below. 

Blair is just one example of the false messiah, there are others, over the last 15 years in Scotland, the SNP did this using the same methodology as New Labour done. The SNP's false messiah are Alex Salmond before he was cast out, and Nicola Sturgeon. The public in Scotland has been manipulated, bought off, free bikes, free laptops, and free baby boxes, the issue is helped by ineffective opposition, asking the weak questions and failing to hold the SNP to account. When you look back at the mentality of these people, you see a pattern, deliver false hope and renege on promises. The false messiah isn't limited to the UK, it is a pattern repeated through-out the world. If you caught the news today, you will see that tennis star Novak Djokovic has been freed by a court from detention in Australia. Illegally detained under the guise of public health, rules ignored by the State, and brutality happening on the streets by police acting under orders from politicians. There are two faces of the fascist, the cuddly election time face, and the repressive dictator once the inconvenience of the ballot box is overcome. 

Through-out the Western world, dictatorship is happening, and opposition politicians aren't speaking out. The reason is simple, the oppressive measures enacted against the people would continue under their watch. A few politicians do speak out, they are marginalised, they are a few lights in the darkness. The political class has shown their true colours, and everyone else has fallen lockstep in behind them. The press, radio, the television media, and celebrities, anyone who is termed a social influencer has joined in assisting the oppression. Big tech companies like Google, Youtube, Facebook and Twitter actively censor people on their platforms who dare to question whether the covid injection is safe. People like Piers Morgan and Andrew Neil using their celeb status rail against people who refuse to get injected saying without shame that the drugs are safe. Well as we know now, covid injections carry several risks, death and serious medical problems are part of the risk that Morgan and Neil would have you and your family take. Their rational could be described as 'I have had it, it's safe'. I view Covid injections in the same way that I view German WW2 exploded bombs that failed to detonate on impact. It isn't a case of 'if' but when. Just recently, we learned that Mali star Ousmane Coulibaly, 32, suffered a heart attack on pitch and given emergency medical attention as match abandoned. Icelandic midfielder Emil Palsson, 28, collapses on pitch after suffering cardiac arrest before being airlifted to hospital with match stopped. BBC presenter Lisa Shaw died of a reaction to being given a covid injection. These are people are victims, under normal circumstances, and given the data available in the drug trials, none of these drugs should ever have been passed for use in the general population. 

One person who become a vaccine cheerleader is ex BBC presenter Andrew Neil, for some time on twitter Andrew Neil has railed against people who are unvaccinated as posing a threat to the rest of society, and from it being able to open normally. Here is part of his interview in the press where he gives his experience post vaccination. 

"Last night I took a friend out to dinner near my home in the South of France. At the restaurant door we were politely asked for our vaccine passports, the QR codes on our smartphones were scanned and we were ushered to our table. The check had taken seconds — a very minor inconvenience when a new wave of the coronavirus pandemic is sweeping across the Continent. There was a sense of safety in knowing that all the other diners had proved themselves to be fully vaccinated, or had very recently tested negative, or had contracted the virus and recovered. If smartphones are a bit recherché for you, you can print out a paper version of your vaccine passport. It works just as well." 

When Ousmane Coulibaly turned up for his football, he probably had 5 star treatment from the moment he boarded the team bus to the moment he ran on the pitch, feeling fit and full of life. He like Andrew Neil probably had a sense of safety in knowing that all the other footballers had been vaccinated. As he ran about the pitch, we can only conclude that the movement triggered something in his chest leading to his heart attack. This brings me back to my unexploded bomb analogy above. The three people listed above, were probably very fit, certainly the two footballers were, but their fitness and body couldn't cope because something inside them had changed. Andrew Neil thinks that there is something to celebrate by showing anyone who asks you for your papers, there isn't, the vaccine passports don't stop you from getting covid, or transmitting covid to others, they give a false sense of security. That false sense of security is something that Andrew Neil feels is like a warm blanket, but he acknowledges that People who have been vaccinated can still contract and pass on the virus. 

To me, this is like someone not grasp the problem. What will it take for Andrew Neil to wise up? Heart attack? I genuinely have no idea, his claim vaccination substantially reduces the risk of serious illness and hospitalisation to me sounds spurious, there are people who are tripled vaccinate in ICU, the hospitals are said to be full of vaccinated patients. But people like Andrew ignore them in favour of point the finger at someone who is unvaccinated, the press it seems like to miss out parts of the jigsaw of the other health problems that people have for attending hospital. If they test for covid, then heart attack and stroke etc play second fiddle. Andrew Neil clings onto medical experts are unanimous in their view that the more people who are vaccinated the better the chance we all have of beating this virus. To me, the more people with natural immunity is the real chance of beating this virus, they also have the best chance of donating uncontaminated blood for studies, and being used as a control group to rate the covid drugs. The unvaccinated is a group of people that the government want to destroy, they don't want a large section of uncontaminated people being able to be use for a control group against these experimental drugs. 


As Andrew Neil talks up the joy of how the French people are being  by President Emmanuel Macron, a record 3.7 million people booked to get their jabs. How many of the 3.7 million will experience vaccine injury? How many will die? How many will have lifelong serious illness, and who should be held to account? Are we looking at the greatest man made medical disaster in the history of mankind? The censorship of the media platforms has caused people to go to alternative media platforms, like Bitchute, Rumble and Brand New Tube, the alternative to twitter called GETTR. 

When Andrew Neil says that there are still 5 million unvaccinated British adults, who through fear, ignorance, irresponsibility or sheer stupidity refuse to be jabbed, I just laugh. Why do I laugh because, the labels that Andrew Neil uses against people like me are wrong. I am not anti vaccination, the proof is in my medical records, I am not scared, I am not irresponsible and I am not stupid. I read up, I read up on the information from both sides. I watched as people were censored, I watched as media platforms didn't allow opposing views. I watched how dissent wasn't tolerated in the NHS, people being dismissed. I looked at articles that highlighted vaccine injury. Apparently vaccine injury, death and serious injury isn't something that I should be concerned about. I don't endanger anyone, and I have no faith that Andrew Neil is concerned about my personal safety, to me, his gripe is that he doesn't want anyone to restrict his ability to travel freely to France. He wants me to risk my life so he has ease of passing through French customs, it should don on Andrew Neil that this isn't just a big ask, it is highly unacceptable and morally bankrupt. His further rationale that unvaccinated people are the ones who will put the biggest strain on the NHS, denying the rest of us with serious non-Covid ailments the treatment that is our right is a nonsense. Hospitals are full of vaccinated people, were is his anger towards them for not having better health? It is a joke by him to say with no shame whatsoever, "we are all paying a heavy price for this hard core of the unvaccinated." 

I would like to ask Andrew Neil his opinion on Steve James, a consultant anaesthetist who has been treating coronavirus patients since the start of the pandemic who has stated categorically that he will not be getting vaccinated. Is this highly educated medical professional someone who is fearful, ignorant, irresponsible or sheer stupid? I read online that the most resistant group of people to getting jabbed are people with PhDs, why is that? What are people like them and consultant anaesthetist Steve James reading that Andrew Neil isn't? What is it, that consultant anaesthetist Steve James seeing in the hospital that reinforces his views to not accept the covid drugs? Is he seeing vaccine injury? As a Doctor, he would have been jabbed many times through-out his career, so one more needle in the skin wouldn't phase him. The issue isn't the needle but what is in the syringe. One thing which I think Andrew Neil takes out of context is when he says, "we all have a responsibility to act in ways that don't just protect our own health but also that of others". If he meant don't do anything to proactively hurt someone like chuck a TV off a block of flats, I would agree, but that argument doesn't cover me risking my life for what he believes is a supposed benefit to him. I suppose you could ask, given I reject his claims, what has he done to protect my health? Andrew Neil has taken an experimental drug which was rushed through without in my opinion proper safeguards and testing, normally drugs take circa 10 to 15 years, they cooked these up in little over a year with no long term safety data, these are the facts and they shouldn't be in dispute. 

Finally, the $64,000 question, if people follow Andrew Neil's advice, get jabbed and get seriously injured, what will he do for them? He will do nothing, he will get on with enjoying his life in France. Those vaccine injured would face a living hell. Under the UK Government's Plan B, vaccine passports will be required for entry to nightclubs and at major gatherings at large venues. Andrew argues that it would not be difficult to extend them, "French-style, to other public places, including restaurants, pubs and bars, and non-essential shops (even the unvaxxed need food and medicines!)". He is right that tyranny can be extended, but he is wrong when he says this would give people who haven't got vaccinated, 'pause for thought'. Like Steve James, a consultant anaesthetist, I did consider getting vaccinated, I read up in good faith what was written and said, but I cannot blindly over look vaccine injury data.

The answer is No, and it will always be No!


  1. I normally agree with most of what you have to say, but I can't on this. I can't speak for up to date figures, but the other week, just ONE patient was in ICU in Scotland with Covid, and we weren't told whether that patient had been vaccinated or not. One thing that has become clear is that vaccinated patients may still catch a variant of Covid, but vaccinated patients suffer milder symptoms, are about a fifth as likely to require hospital treatment, and extremely unlikely to be placed in ICU. If you contrast this with how things were just 12 months ago, you see a huge difference, even allowing for the supposedly reduced virulence of Omicron. The mass vaccination programme has allowed more people to move around more safely. Finally, I had BCG and polio vaccinations at school. I expect that you had them too; did you suffer either TB or Polio? I had smallpox vaccinations to allow me to work in South Africa, and while I was there, I took weekly anti-malaria pills. I kept well throughout a 3-year stay.

  2. Personally speaking, people should be free to decide what treatment they want or not.

    Unfortunately a certain section of society are suffering from mental health issues, paranoia brought on by the covid restrictions and the way society has been shaped to believe it's always someone else's fault.

    The trouble with conspiracy theories [I'm not discounting there may well be some truth in there] is that is what they are. Theories.

    Trouble is none them will make the slightest difference to any of us in the long term.

    What will is adding labels to people.

    That's what fascism does.

    And there's plenty of that going around from ALL sides.

  3. Hi weemonkey,

    I like to read lots of stuff, seen some conspiracy stuff myself, one was a guy who vlogged that medicines/ tablets were being tampered with, they then did a demo, twice to prove this, but it was clear that this was fake news.

    As you say there maybe some people who don't want to get jabbed because of mental health problems, but I would say that if you look at the footage with the UK health Sec and the Dr at a hospital, I don't think you could be any stretch lump him in with those people.

    He is unvaxxed, and won't be getting vaxxed. The obvious question is what does he know, in fact, I have met and heard of other Drs, who aren't vaxxed and will not get vaxxed, what do they know?

    Can they all be written off as having mental health problems, one is a known publisher of articles on health matters. Leaving aside the medics and conspiracy theory people, I think there is enough evidence to justify an investigation. Certainly the high number of athletes who suddenly take heart attacks while playing is through the roof, defies the norm. The number of lies we were told by the media and health professionals is a matter of record on covid, and governments have used fear tactics, including in the UK to get people vaxxed. I ask you, if the case for vaccination is so strong, why lie and why use fear tactics. Surely life saving drugs like water in the desert sell themselves?

