Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Joining Up All The Dots; SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon and Health Secretary Humza Yousaf's stupidity leave Scotland exposed to a serious Covid outbreak so that Sturgeon can 'gatecrash' Cop26 as a 'selfie Queen' to try to make out she is an invited world leader, a Covid spike is the price of admission that she is willing to pay, an admission paid in Scottish deaths, how is the job hunting going Nicola, any offers, some people are paying a high price for your jobs fair

Dear All 

Hopefully one day, after the Covid pandemic is over, we have been through the sham of a Scottish Enquiry which no one will be held responsible. For the record, I am saying the verdict will say that 'lessons need to be learned', and no one will carry the can. After all that is swept away, just maybe, a few academics will come out with some credible reports into the real situation which faces people. Until this happens, the continuous car crash of the SNP Government and their assorted shrills will be doing the 'wrong thing', and saying the 'wrong thing' to deflect you away from the truth. I don't know about you, but it doesn't take anything other than common sense to understand that shipping Covid infected elderly patients into sterile care homes is a universally bad idea. A few posts back, I highlighted that there could be an additional problem of infection in complexes such as livingwell. Over the course of the pandemic, I noticed an usually high number of vacancies in livingwell complexes in Ibrox and Carmunnock. This is because I was checking the website, My Housing, and noticed what appeared to be a trend. Twice a week, this site posts housing vacancies from various housing associations in central Scotland. So, to support my contention that there could be an issue which is being ignored, have a look at the current vacancies, and you will notice a huge amount all in a small area, in Ibrox at this moment in time.   

These houses have been advertised before, I assume since they are back up, either applicants didn't qualify, or little interest was expressed in these mostly studio flats. My point is, note the volume in a relatively small space. Some people will have passed on due to age or illness, but I am concerned if Covid and, or Covid vaccines played a part in their demise. As I have also mentioned there seems to be an almost total media blackout on vaccine injury in the UK. There has been some stories, usually the horrific or involving a celebrity which surface but I suspect there a real story which will emerge over time relating to vaccine injury. On Twitter, Facebook and Youtube, big tech working hand in glove with governments sought to suppress videos and posts using the made up criteria of disinformation. Truth is sometimes labelled as disinformation. One fact which studies appear to support is that in certain countries with high vaccination such as Israel, they have saw massive rises in Covid cases. 

The link above basically tells you that Israel observed a record high in Covid-19 cases in September despite mass vaccination. One theory for this is that the vaccine which doesn't stop you getting Covid or transmitting it to others is doing three things: 

1/ Causing variants to be produced.

2/ Suppressing the immune system leading to other illness to emerge.

3/ Causing vaccine injury due to harmful reactions in the body via what is contained in the injection. 

You could possible come up with theory that after the pandemic seemed to be under control in Israel due to various factors, the continual vaccination programme effectively seeded so many people to have compromised immune systems. Once vaccinated these people started mixing in large groups and this created a cycle, people recovering were getting re-infected by other vaccinated people or their bodies defences were so impacted, they couldn't cope, allowing any normal illness to escalate to a serious problem like in the Aids epidemic. A study shows that vaccinated and unvaccinated can carry the same viral load. Vaccine mandates, vaccine passports and the continuous vaccine programme, doesn't appear to work, doesn't certainly fix the problem. You might ask why is that, although the Israelis were quick off the mark with restrictions, they weren't quick enough. Any country which has entry points open is an access point for variants, whether that be ports, airports or land borders. It isn't just vaccine death which is an issue, it is the other elephant in the room, vaccine injury, this is the second pandemic. Israel to give third jab to people aged over 60, in normal circumstances, a vaccine with such limited protection would never be approved for use. Some people wrongly cite repeated vaccination of themselves as proof of safety, single cases in a clinical study are statistically meaningless. 

You can play Russian Roulette and possibly beat the odds for a length time, we all understand this, because of various factors, such as time, selection of the weapon, and the force used to spin the chamber. Eventually, the trigger will be pulled and the pin will hit the bullet. The only way to beat Russian Roulette is not to play it, this is part of people understanding risk, it is based on information, and making an informed choice. Vaccine injury cannot be screened out, and there isn't long term data to rely on to evaluate risk, one lie told by an 'expert' who name escapes me was when she said we do partially know long term data, the interviewer allowed her to get away with it without challenge. In order to have long term data, it has to be collected over a long term, there is no such thing as long term data collected in the short term. 

The Cop26 event is a farce, leaving that aside, and Nicola Sturgeon's job hunting expedition,  the underlying problem is so many additional people roaming the streets of Glasgow who we can almost guarantee will be Covid infected. So, it shouldn't come as a surprised that Humza Yousless, the inept, overpaid and incompetent Health Sec has parroted out that the Scottish Government “will not hesitate” to reimpose tough coronavirus restrictions if cases rise again. Cases are going to rise again, you don't need data, you don't need modelling, and you don't need a degree in any discipline. You don't even need to the prewritten script that Humza Yousaf probably use to tell MSPs that there were “early signs” the virus could increase. 

Humza Yousaf said: 

“The decline in new cases has halted in recent weeks – and, at around 2,500 new cases per day, it is still at a level well above previous lows. There are early signs that case numbers may increase again hereafter and so the situation remains precarious.” 

Wow, "precarious", this means dependent on chance circumstances, unknown conditions, or uncertain developments, it seems that Humza is pulling out the 'big words', I assume to appear to have gravitas. I wonder if he is aware that he doesn't have gravitas, or integrity, or leadership qualities? He may think that using buzzwords, that the Scottish Government is looking at “all options” may impress some, but not me. He may think that using jargon that we are involved in an “evolving pandemic” sounds that he has a grasp of the big picture, but he really is clueless. Humza Yousaf is a puppet who serves a purpose, he talks about things he doesn't understand, he makes speeches and sound bites which are bland, and if he is ever taken off script into detail, he is lost. He is a race card player, his current fight with a nursery in Dundee however has gone remarkably quiet, after threats to admit there were racist and stump up a donation to a charity, the business appeared to not buckle or bend the knee to him or his family. 

A Covid surge is on the cards, after all, it happened after the Euro 2020 matches and the G7 Summit in Cornwall. Cop26 is a circus, so a clown like Humza may entertain an audience, but really once his 'act' is over focus switches elsewhere. Him urging marchers to “think very carefully about their behaviours and their impact on services” is meaningless, because people are going to do what they want to do, drinking, protesting, mixing, eating and shagging. Cop26 opened the floodgates to disease, and the SNP Government said nothing, done nothing and prepared for nothing, all because SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon wanted to use the event for her own purposes. If you check twitter you can see how she has tried to centre herself as somehow being part of the event in the same way as people who actually are world leaders. This is supposed to be a climate summit, but Sturgeon is running around getting selfies with anyone and everyone. She wasn't invited but has piggyback into the event, the photo of her hanging around US President Joe Biden shows what a shallow attention seeker she really is. I could highlight some more of Humza Yousaf's waffle but the fact is, his 'informed' opinion is of such low grade pap, it really isn't worth hearing. Nicola Sturgeon and him have created an open door policy for Covid, but then say they are monitoring things closely. That is a bit like saying, we have let a wild tiger loose in Govan, we are doing everything we can to minimise it not eating and attacking people. You see how stupidity his mentally actually is, he is not protecting anyone, and the surge will take a few weeks to break out, Cop26 by that time will have finished. 

Figures recorded in the last 24 hours confirmed an additional 26 coronavirus-linked deaths and 2,010 new Covid cases in Scotland. Although numbers are important, there seems to be a lack of candour. For example, we need to know how many of the 26 deaths were of people who had been vaccinated, this is important data, because the assumption would be that the 26 were people who didn't get the shots. The SNP has decided to press ahead with boosters, to that end they have requested additional military personnel who will assist in booster rollout and other unspecified duties. Because of financial mismanagement, lack of expertise in running organisations an business, a lot of public funds have been improperly squandered. One change is needed, Health and Higher education need to be under the same Ministerial umbrella, but that is a discussion for another time, there is not enough medics, nurses, dentists and surgeons in Scotland. There needs to be a surplus, more home grown kids getting the opportunity to get those qualifications. 

Finally, so far 4,320,370 people have received their first dose of a Covid-19 vaccination and 3,910,253 have received their second dose. How many people will end up need additional medical care or minor or serious health issues over the couple of years. Illness don't just happen, they start small and grow within the body until the body's coping mechanism cannot cope, like heart disease and cancer. Is there going to be enough funding if what many suspect is going to happen does happen? Is there going to be a capacity in the NHS to deal with this? Who is going to be available to treat patients? Will there be a mandatory vaccine for health workers which will cause many valuable people to drop out? Here is a final thought to leave you with, if you drink too much water, it can kill you, it can cause hyponatremia, which happens when your blood sodium concentration becomes very low. If you drink more water than your kidneys can flush out, it’ll dilute the sodium in your bloodstream, causing cells to swell. Most people don't quite get that until it is explained to them, in Israel the chief Covid 19 officer is advising a fourth dose, this is despite growing evidence of vaccine injury. To me this is like spinning the chamber in Russian Roulette, how many Israelis will experience an adverse reaction or death? The Russians during World War 2, called Stalingrad the mass grave of the German Army, how will Israel fare if some people's worst fears materalise? 

And then there is Scotland!

Yours sincerely 

George Laird                                                                                                                                The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Another great blog , I share your fears.

    As regards the scandal of the SNP`s many covid failures : my local news paper , Dumbarton Lennox Herald , published a very lengthy reply by an SNP supporter which ,surprise , surprise , totally exonerated the SNP`s response to covid and heaped all the blame on Westminster.

    The gist of it was that the UK government failed to procure enough equipment for the SNP to fight covid and they couldn`t test vulnerable elderly hospital patients , as test kits were simply unavailable at the time for that purpose. He then produced a load of "statistics" to "prove" his case.

    The tragedy for Scotland is that it appears to me that many Scottish people have been so dumbed down by SNP control over education and life in general in Scotland that they are easily fooled by such SNP propaganda.

  2. I am beginning to think we are, as a species, looking at an attempt to both limit human lifespan [ie reduce] and depopulation, directly and indirectly, by use of the covid 19 protein spike vector agent.

    But what was/is the agent it is carrying??
