Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Scotland's Twins of Evil; Heartless Scots sisters who robbed their elderly grandparent escape going to prison after lenient judge lets them go, and he doesn't impose an order that they pay back the money, justice under the SNP is a mockery, if you feel angry about this, the best way to protest is to donate to the gofund page setup by the family, read the full story on that page, and if you can help, please do so

Dear All

You may remember I did a blog post on an elderly couple who got robbed by their relatives. It was such a compelling story of utter betrayal, it was something I wanted to comment on. Over the years, there has been a decline in acceptable standards of behaviour, of course there are good people but hiding in the crowd there are bad people. Being bad people, they eventually come a cropper, mostly due to arrogance and their own stupidity. Irvine Sisters, Clair and Louise Smith stole their gran’s £8k life savings, they then went on a spending spree with their new found wealth.

The family got in touch with me on Facebook and asked me to share their gofund page.

So, if you have the time, and are willing to spare a few pounds, then please donate to restore some of the money that was taken, you will also restore something else that was also taken away, their hope in the decency of humanity.

In this case, even a little can mean a lot, if you read this story, please post the link to the gofund page on as many websites as you have access too. The page has background on the case, and is written by a family member, so you will be getting a front row seat into what actually happened, and what the aftermath was. So many people are in need of help, but this case is worthy of your interest and any help you can give.

Finally, the judge in their case didn't jail them, he also didn't impose a condition that they pay back the money they stole, as faith in politicians and the media drops, you can to the list of organisations which can't place your faith in, our Scottish Courts. The victims never received justice, sadly not unremarkable in the Scotland run by Nicola Sturgeon and the Scottish National Party who form the government of Scotland.


1 comment:

  1. Absolutely shocking, but under this SNP government nothing surprises me. Some may say the judge is responsible. Of course he is, but he has to act under legislation and guidelines.

    I would have liked to see repayment plus interest, along with several hundred hours of community service. That way there is some compensation to the public and more importantly the victim.

    Is it me, or does everything this government touches crumble? Education standards plummeting, BiFab, drugs deaths, poverty (Sturgeon's backyard), ferries, Ferrier (!), that arsehole grabbing the mace, payouts to Alex Salmond, payouts to ex-Rangers directors, care home deaths, Nike conference shambles, unbelievable sex education in schools, adult performers taken into schools, highly abusive language used by a sitting MP.

    No government ever has or ever will be perfect, however under the SNP it is a disaster. In the interests of balance, I will praise their tuition fee policy (that is unsustainable in the long run) and free prescriptions. Free bus travel I'm not totally in favour as people over 60 in full-time work can claim. I know someone who did and he saved £5,000 until he retired. No smoking was implemented BEFORE the SNP came to power.

    Please, let us get rid of this government and hopefully the Scottish Parliament will start be respectable again.

    Anyway, have enjoyed your articles over the year George. They provided a welcome diversion in a year that has been like no other. Have a good Christmas.
