Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year; 2020 was a difficult year for the world, let the light shine in 2021 for all of us, many happy returns to you and your family, be safe, be covid aware, don't drink and drive, enjoy the holidays, and find whatever peace you can

Dear All

It is that time of the year again so without further ado; Merry Xmas and a happy New Year to you and your family when it comes!

2020 has been the most hellish year for the entire world, many people have died from coronavirus, and there seems no end in sight. There are various vaccines to combat covid but there is also news the virus has mutated. We can expect problems in the future running into 2021. Brexit transition is nearly done, will it be deal or no deal? One thing for certain any deal must be a good deal, or the Prime Minister Boris Johnson will find himself fighting for his political life, both from within his party and externally. My view is that given the lack of goodwill by Europeans, we should just walk away with no deal and trade under WTO rules.  

2020 has caused many people to live in fear, but we can't live that way, 2021 is the year of Global UK's birth. It is a time when we must look forward, and we must go forward. The winds of change are still blowing not just in Scotland but right across Europe. Britain may be the first to leave the EU, but I doubt we will be the last, and for the record, we should never go back in. The EU will destroy themselves as country after country will turn on them, there will be an awakening that the EU is anti worker and anti country.

Covid-19 was the big story of this year, but Brexit was also right up there as well, to a lesser degree, the Alex Salmond Inquiry commanded attention. Why was his story so important, because it touched on how rotten to the core that the Scottish Government has become under Nicola Sturgeon. The quote of the year regarding Nicola Sturgeon came from 'the Queen of the Flumps' who tweeted her assessment of Sturgeon:

"My Parents brought me up to respect the Government. To never “hate”. To respect other people’s points of view. Today, I’ve never HATED another human being as much as I HATE Sturgeon. The FM is a duplicitous, narcissistic, lying, Anglophobic BITCH".

The majority of that sentiment is shared by Nationalists and Pro Uk supporters.

I would like to thank all the people who took the opportunity to drop by the blog to read and comment on the stories posted, I try to be enlightening, educational and entertaining. There are serious points to my blog, and one is highlighting the failure of the political class. In Scotland, that failure is pretty obvious, the remedy however seems to escape people nationally. So, here is my advice, don't vote for bad parties, and especially don't vote for bad people. What do I mean by 'bad people;, there are the ones who when elected to represent you don't. There are bad people in many parties, and idea that you should remain loyal is a concept which doesn't stand up anymore. One thing however is that you must vote, politicians fear the voters, the more that vote, the better chance we have to get rid of dead weight. If you think your politician failed you, your community and the country, don't vote for them ever again.

All in all, this year, I wanted to embark on a different format but that got pushed back, but in general it was a good year blogging given the un-usual circumstances.

Finally, see you all next year; the battle for truth will be starting early as there will be a lot to comment on especially in an election year.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Merry Xmas George.

    Your blog has been a great distraction from being stuck working at home.

    You are correct about Sturgeon. I voted No in 2014 because I did not trust the arguments about Currency and Defence. I was not taken in by the "Vow", as many indy supporters believe that's what swung the vote against them.

    Sturgeon is only interested in one person - herself. Anyone else is collateral damage.

    Her latest screw up is typical. Caught off guard without all the slick stage managed bullshit we have come to expect.

    Perhaps her only success - in her eyes - is that Salmond has been neutralised.

    Hopefully in 2021 the SNP will lose sufficient support. I will never vote for the SNP (or the Greens) ever again. They have divided Scotland for generations.

    Enjoy the holidays, not that there is much we can do! But bugger it, there are people far worse off than we are.

  2. Though I am a newcomer George, I thank you for your posts and I will continue to read until, well, they end I guess. We need views and commentary across the ether. Debate is healthy and opinion/counter opinion is the cornerstone of a civilised society. We all know where “one sided” ends up.

    A safe Christmas for you and your loved ones.

  3. "many people have died from coronavirus, and there seems no end in sight. There are various vaccines to combat covid but there is also news the virus has mutated. We can expect problems in the future running into 2021."

    Well, you say that, George, but the good news is that the new vaccines don't take long to be adjusted to new strains. Sure, it's gonna take a little while, but I reckon it'll start to settle down by spring.

    Merry Christmas and Happy new year to you too. See you in 2021!

  4. Have a good one George. I had a canvasser for my ex local MP on the phone tonight for putting him 1 on the glasgow list, so he got both Barrels whilst I was waiting on the match restarting.

  5. Along the lines of effing sick of it the infighting, pandering to seperatists with more powers, didn't work with the effing danes , we're going to have to end up bloody voting tory to stop them. Stop chasing the fuckers that left and concentrate on the unionists that won't vote because they don't trust you poor fucker must have been like that oh shit.

  6. I think that the most disturbing and depressing aspect of Holyrood at the moment is the way the civil-service and legal profession have been subsumed into what verges on negligence and criminality.

    Regarding the Salmond Inquiry: are we all supposed to believe that the Scottish Government's legal team only became aware that the Investigating Officer was well known to the complainants, just before commencement of the trial?

    Sturgeon must think our heads button-up the back.

  7. There's a great gnashing of teeth at Holyrood over the £500,000 paid-out to Alex Salmond. What about the legal costs expended by the Scottish Government on their legal team? How has that escaped Jackie Baillie and the other Holyrood worthies who are investigating this at the moment?

    If I recall correctly, Alex Salmond had one QC on his side, the Scottish Government had two on their side, Roddy Dunlop and Christine O'Neill. How much did they cost?......£650,000 may be a fair guess? So, along with the other miscellaneous costs that makes a total not of £500,000, but closer to 1.5Million.

    I am no fan of Alex Salmond but make no mistake, Sturgeon tried her very best not only to send him to jail, but to bankrupt him too.

    Scots need to waken-up fast to Sturgeon and to the farcical Shortbread Senate which is unable to hold her to account. We are all paying for this.

  8. I think Brexit has torpedoed the SNP, once and for all. I remember an interview several years ago with Gordon Wilson where he said that it would realistically take at least 10-years for Scotland to re-join the EU. That was to allow Scotland to establish a currency, a central bank and get the deficit under control.

    In the years since, Scotland's deficit has grown from 5% to 8%. EU membership requires it to be 3% and falling so, 10-years sounds optimistic to me.

    Italy may be the next big EU country to leave and they say that there is already a healthy majority which would vote for that in a referendum.

    I am not one of these people who had strong views on the EU one way or the other but, having said that, I would not want to re-join. If another country (Italy, for example) leaves, then we are looking at a failing institution which will collapse like a house of cards.

  9. Fat Peter Murrell is a self-important character we all find offensive. His last statement to Jackie Baillie was that he doesn't use WhatsApp (present tense). Jackie has asked him back to explain if he has used WhatsApp (past tense). Hence, maybe fat Peter will be the undoing of the grotesque Sturgeon, after-all?

    The last country to be run (into the ground) by a husband and wife team was the Philippines. Remember Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos? She used to totter around on 4-inch heels too. A ridiculous wee woman on a par with Sturgeon. Ferdinand used to be paid in gold-bullion and he used to pay his lawyers in gold-bullion too. I presume that was to avoid tax.

    It's all coming to us....just you wait.

  10. I understand that both Salmond and Sturgeon are due to appear before the Holyrood Inquiry before the end of this month.

    I do not have a clue what Salmond is likely to say or be asked, but I do expect he has enough credibility over and above Sturgeon to possibly bring about a vote of no-confidence in her.

  11. Hi Freddy

    I have been sent text by several candidates but thankfully no phone calls, after the Scottish Labour Party vote against Brexit, I feel I don't want to engage in the MSP candidate selection. I also got sent a do you want to be a candidate for some seats, a general email but given the person who sent it to me is someone I would just ignore anyway, a "offer" to bust your ass in a seat for 5 months building up the Labour Party vote didn't appeal to me. Last I applied for a cllr, they made clear they didn't think much of me anyway. When I look at some of the current and former candidates, I know I would be much better because I am less inclined to get involved supporting crap.

    Happy New Year, and hope 2021 is a great year.

    Finally, those who phone for candidates do so off their own bat and and on their own phone, unpaid, so please bear that in mind when you vent. No candidate asked me to help their MSP selection campaign, apparently other people see my worth but not the Scottish Labour Party.


  12. Dear Anon

    "Your blog has been a great distraction from being stuck working at home."

    Glad you liked my output, I like to be educational, funny and where possible throw in a few lines of personal experience so the readers get a feel of looking at things through my eyes. Politics can be a tad dry, but no real reason not to spice it up.

