Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Terror on the Streets of Vienna; Islamic Terrorist Kujtim Fejzulai armed with an automatic rifle and a pistol murders 4 unarmed people and injuries several others, he didn't live long to celebrate his attack as police shot and killed him, as politicians try to take charge of the national sorrow, we should remember, the political class is to blame for making Europe unsafe, Merkel, Macron et al, they can't protect our borders and they can't protect our people, why are they still in power?

Dear All 

Yet again in mainland Europe, armed Islamic Terrorists have committed brutal murders in Europe, the latest target, the beautiful and cultural city of Vienna. Yet people on social media have chanted the 'Pray for Vienna' as if that makes any difference, predictably politicians who in part caused the attack have expressed sympathy. In the aftermath of the attack, it seems major politicians have been keen to virtual signal as their shield against criticism. Although the main focus will be on the murderers, we shouldn't forget that Europe is unsafe because politicians allowed it to be so. Our political class are engaged in a social engineering experiment which has failed, when you take people into your country who don't adopt your social values, it leads to chaos. The migrant crisis is directly the fault of the EU political class, people such as Angela Merkel and Europe childless leaders have set in motion armed conflict within our borders. 

Vienna is an example, and there will be more. European politicians opened the floodgates and allowed a tsunami of people in unchecked, and terrorists came with the flood. What needs to happen is a ban on people claiming asylum, because most of the people are seeking asylum, they are economic migrants. By stopping the flood into Europe, we fix only a part of the problem, the next part is to replace the political class with people who will act to ensure our safety. In this country, and in Europe, the security services know of Islamic terrorists who walk our streets, and are planning our demise, or willing to assist in our demise by any means. It makes not a jot to them how they destroy our country whether it be by the bullet, the bomb or by entering our political class to build a base of support to influence our politics. 

If you think back to 1930's Germany, a violent minority whose power was waning was elevated by the political class because it suited their purposes and they mistakenly thought they could 'control' them. The Nazis once getting the levers of power turned on those very people who elevated them, because they did something unique, they used murder of people as a political tool. In our political class, we have a problem where political correctness is a weapon used to silence people. In places in Europe, there are safer places, the answer to why is simple, politicians in places such as Poland and Hungary haven't bowed to EU pressure and let in potential security threats. In places like France, Vienna, the UK, Belgium and elsewhere, the story is different, the political class suppressed debate not because they were humanitarians but because they want power, power to control society and power to control the money supply in a country. 

The great staple when Islamic terrorists murder is to say 'their motive wasn't know', this usually follows up with stories of 'poor me' and 'mentally ill'. The real reason for spreading terrorism is simple, they are a tool to spread fear which others then use to further their cause by claim concessions. In western society, we see this in politics when we get a Muslim politician who is presented as speaking for the section of the country. The truth is more stark, it's a political gimmick to garner votes, whoever thought that politicians holding 'Muslim only' meetings was a good idea? And why did party leaders allow this to take place? The reason that went ahead was the 'left' operates on 'divide and conquer' to cement their power. 

The people who carried out the Vienna massacre are 'pawns', although heavily armed with assault rifles, they were real soldiers, in fact, you could reasonably say that they weren't even gifted amateurs. Despite being armed to the teeth, their plan wasn't a success, yes, people were killed, but the numbers were low, this doesn't detract from the tragic events but it is something to be grateful for, even if it doesn't feel like it. Two women and two men were killed after shooting began outside a synagogue in central Vienna and many more people have been wounded, every family who has had a loved one killed or injured deserves everything possible in terms of our sympathy and help. Prior to the murder spree, one of the recreational killers posed with weapons before killing four unarmed and defenseless people. Seven of the 17 victims are being treated in hospital are in a critical, life-threatening condition, we can only hope they pull through. 

So, what do we know about the killers so far, well, we know that Twenty-year-old killer Kujtim Fejzulai was jailed in April 2019 because he wanted to travel to Syria to join ISIS. We know that he was granted early release in December under Austrian juvenile law because he was not deemed a threat. I don't know about you, but I am sure the families of the victims would like to know who decided that he wasn't a threat and on what basis did they arrive at that conclusion? Someone wants to join a terror group that commit brutal murders, rapes, torture and other crimes, and after six months in cushy Austrian jail, they are suddenly deemed 'cured'? How is that possible, did they engage in the prison life, join all the art and flower arranging classes, and trained hard for the ping pong tournaments? 

Kujtim Fejzulai armed with an automatic rifle, pistol and machete was 'neutralised' at 8.09pm, an Austrian police chief said, by neutralised he means killed. If you check social media, you can see clips of him shooting in the city prior to his death. To attempt to make himself famous, he posted a photo on his Instagram account complete with his AK 47, pistol and machete. One thing that he was also said to have worn was a fake suicide vest which probably was worn so that security forces would shoot to kill him when cornered. 

What we don't know is whether Fejzulai was the only shooter, or whether he had support and logistical help from others. The security services and police are engaged in manhunt which was launched immediately after the attack started. Gunfire was said to have been heard in six places in the city centre. Given the proximity of the likelihood is that he was on the murder spree alone. No footage as yet seems to highlight any other person as a shooter but it is too early to say if others were involved. In the Manhunt so far, a total of 15 houses have been searched and several people arrested, but what about the 90 or so  Austrian Islamic radicals known to intelligence, why aren't they locked up? Is there a report that deems them unfit to commit a terrorist attack circulating about? 

Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said: 

'It is now confirmed that yesterday's attack was clearly an Islamist terror attack. It was an attack out of hatred - hatred for our fundamental values, hatred for our way of life, hatred for our democracy in which all people have equal rights and dignity.' 

His government will today order three days of official mourning, with flags on public buildings to be flown at half-mast until Thursday, but won't it be better use of government time to lock up 90 know radicals? The disgraceful German Chancellor Angela Merkel called Islamist terror the 'common enemy,' saying that 'the fight against these assassins and those who instigate them is our common struggle.' Merkel is the part of the 'common enemy' against the people of Europe, her rank stupidity in opening the floodgates lays blame firmly at her door. 

Merkel's pal, French President Emmanuel Macron vowed Europe would not bow to terrorists following the shootings in Vienna. He added:

'We French share the shock and sorrow of the Austrian people following the attack in Vienna. After France, it is a friendly nation that has been attacked. This is our Europe. Our enemies must know who they're dealing with. We will concede nothing.' French President Emmanuel Macron is such a fucking asshole. In the aftermath of the 2016, Nice truck attack by an Islamic Terrorist which killed 86 people and injured 400 more, this fool hasn't made Europe safer. When he turned up in Nice in 2016 trying to show he was 'leading' the country, the French people rightly booed him. 2020 in Nice, three people were murdered in a church, one of them a 60 year old woman had her head virtually cut off. 


The Police arrested a 21-year-old Tunisian national who had arrived in France earlier that  month. As a migrant, he had been given a document issued by the Italian Red Cross. When he gets to sunny France, beautiful Nice, instead of trying to be part of his surroundings, he adopts to murder. He was shot and detained by police, but three people will never see the Sun rise again because of him. The attacker who killed three people in Nice was named as Brahim Aioussaoi. The French said he had travelled by boat from Tunisia to the Italian island of Lampedusa in September. He was then placed in coronavirus quarantine there before being released and told to leave Italy. This highlights my point about the political class in Europe as enemies of the people, Aioussaoi should never have entered Europe in the first place. The boat he was in should have been stopped in the Med and turned back towards Tunisia. Years ago, I said a European Border Force was needed with naval units to patrol the Med, the idea developed by others who came to the say conclusion was adopted as Frontex. 


Finally, there have been a spate of attacks recently by Islamic killers in Europe, and there will be more, because Europe is politically weak. Merkel and Macron are mostly safe behind their wall of armed protection, so they just condemn from afar. When you look at the 'firepower' which turns up post incident in Austria don't be too impressed, recognise these are people closing the gate after the horse has bolted. Apparently Kujtim Fejzulai armed with an automatic rifle and a pistol is said to have fired over 100 shots, despite this, his death toll remains low, but what could he have done if he had training from Isis? European politicians are trying to stop a terrorist flood with a mop and bucket, in some respects they are as incompetent as Fejzulai. Isn't it time they were replaced in the interests of national security?

Yours sincerely

George Laird                                                                                                                                The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University 


  1. Spot on George , the political elite and their enablers in the big IT information companies are taking us all for mugs with their bullshit disinformation campaigns in order to grab more power and control the narrative. Shamelessly, using groups such as militant islam pressure groups , BLM , Antifa as their foot soldiers in the battle to subdue the native populations of Europe, in order to gain total power over us.

    The push back may still yet be only in its infancy but more and more of us are seeing through their lies and twisted agenda. I no longer listen to anything coming out of main stream media and have cancelled my TV licence as I refuse to "pay" towards the systematic destruction of our societies ,ways of life and general well being by these vendors of bullshit.

    The president of Egypt spoke yesterday about the disgraceful behaviour of muslims in Europe , it was a stunning speech that our politicians should be making but they wont. Ask yourself why many Arab countries like the UAE don`t have problems with militant Islam : it is because their security services do their job , policing all sermons , coming down hard on all militant behaviour and attitudes in a way that would be deemed too un PC in our weak societies.

  2. Is it legal to object to Islamic terrorism? I was going to make a comment about all this but have decided not to.

  3. Great article as usual, George. Nice to see that there are a few sites like yours that do not resort to threats and intimidation.

    I notice how Sturgeon wants everyone to come here, and plays up to religious communities. I know a few Muslims and they are among the nicest and polite people you could meet. It's sad that like with other religions or minority groups, there are those who seek to impose their views on others. And I include our own home grown sectarian idiots among the list who should be hammered down flat.

  4. George
    Brilliant blog once again and you hit the nail on the head .There are going to be more attacks with a bigger loss of life until something is going to be done about it .I agree with the previous comments about the MSM and in particular the BBC which in Scotland is now a media arm for the SNP

    The amount of pro -nat reports is increasing daily
    Keep up the good work
