Tuesday, November 17, 2020

A SNP Fool and his Mouth; SNP Westminster leader Ian Blackford angers die hard Nationalists as he spouts indyref 2 in 2021to Lesley Riddoch, Blackford let's slip his real aim is to get people to vote for Nicola Sturgeon's SNP in the next Holyrood election, there has been an awakening, the SNP clique have used people as cheap labour and skimmed them of their cash, how long till SNP members realise that they need to vote against Sturgeon, and then drain the SNP swamp?

Dear All

Yesterday's timely post was all about how certain sections of the SNP are wheeled out to galvanise people to be voters and activists, then to con them, to use them, to treat people who support Scottish independence as 'MUGs'. As far as I understand it, there is no term for those whom Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP have duped into work for them as activists. These activists have expectations, chiefly they want the SNP to get a Section 30 order for another referendum. So, let's give these 'gullible' people a term, a term which they can rally round, 'Yes Mugs'. Yes Mugs need to to learn that they're walking on a one way street, the SNP will continually take from them. as much and as long as possible, of their resources.

Before we continue, where is the indyref 2 cash donated to the SNP by ordinary people?  

There are two speakers in this youtube video, I am not fans of either, but in this exchange, Lesley Riddoch tries to nail 'jelly' to a wall without little success. You wonder after watching SNP MP Ian Blackford in action did Riddoch have a 'material change' as regards the SNP leadership?

I find it interesting how people are 'getting it' now, as I have previously written about how the SNP has been 'playing' people over years. In the interview on youtube, Blackford was unable to answer even the most basic questions, his theme was clear, beg people to work for the SNP at the Holyrood election in 2021. Why should he even have to ask this? What has happened, well, one thing he steered clear of, is that rather a lot of SNP members aren't willing to support the leadership of Nicola Sturgeon. When people leave so goes their free labour to do the campaigning, and so too goes their money. There seems to be a mood that the exodus from the SNP is now a real thing, of course many things drive it, firstly, people know that Nicola Sturgeon and the rest of the leadership aren't campaigning for Scottish independence. It took them awhile to figure that bunny out but they got there eventually. Secondly, Alex Salmond and what people term 'the conspiracy' to destroy him, his reputation and career.

The 'Alphabet women' haven't been forgotten by the Yes movement, or by Salmond's allies of senior SNP, and the rank and file SNP movement. No one is forgetting what happened because there is burning and pressing need for justice, and in those of a lesser IQ who aren't willing to do the deep dive beyond the glitzy headlines, they just want 'revenge'. They want revenge on Nicola Sturgeon, Leslie Evans, the cabal in the SNP Government and every 'alphabet women', they want removed from public office whether they be an elected politician or a civil servant. You see people who back a 'cause' all have a common belief, they believe in in the 'purity' of it. Nicola Sturgeon and the 'Alphabet women' have been effectively accused of polluting the purity of the Yes movement. Sturgeon has certainly in the eyes of diehard Nationalists crossed an unforgiveable line which no apology can ever be accepted. In the eyes of diehard Nationalists, Nicola Sturgeon must fall, she has to resign as First Minister and as SNP leader. But Sturgeon has a problem, in her post FM world, she wouldn't be welcome in Scotland, and she wouldn't be welcome in the rest of the UK, maybe the Welsh would or possibly 'keep a light on' for Nicola due to her 'woke credentials'.

Throughout this interview, Blackford is a man who came across as bland, he had nothing to say of note, he had no vision, and his offer to work with the Yes movement sound all rather hollow to me and interestingly to indy supporters. His real pitch was about keeping an SNP clique in power so as to not alter their luxury lifestyle. Blackford is also smart enough to know that a fall from grace from Holyrood by the SNP happens, it is also a fall from grace eventually for those who occupy a Westminster seat. Blackford's interest to me came across as self preservation, it is clear that Blackford has no plan to make indyref 2 happen, neither does Nicola Sturgeon. And if you want the clues, to follow the breadcrumbs all the way home, you look at the agenda of the SNP Conference. It's a Conference designed to dodge issues, to give the appearance of unity, and to firefight, the flames of indyref 2, which have already been snuffed out by Nicola Sturgeon's 'cold water' approach. Never ask for something in politics that you cannot deliver or get, but Sturgeon is forced to ask for a Section 30 order in 2021, and she will be publicly humiliated when the answer is no!  

Do you think that in the wake of 'No' that the SNP will be open to Boris Johnson's love in? What the SNP plan to do in 2021 is drama, they won't be indyref 2 campaigning on the doorsteps, and Blackford said as much as he touted the 'new campaigning', it's all to be done digital. Digital campaigning does play an effective part but did Blackford let slip that Holyrood 2021 is doing to be a political restricted campaign, I think he did. I think the SNP wants a digital election because Sturgeon intends to keep lockdown in Scotland doing well into next year. I think she will try to ban normal campaigning which could see a legal challenge from smaller parties who would suffer most. Scottish Labour certainly doesn't want to go the route of a digital campaign given the state of their polling which is under 20% depending on where you source information.  

In order to rally decline in support, the only option the SNP will have to resort to is crisis, they will manufacture grievance with Westminster in a rather public way. Of course, mass walks are out as the SNP at present have only been allowed 3 people in the Chamber of the House of Commons. 

2021 is the year of SNP public dramas!

The real drama however will not be seen, Salmond's allies are a pipeline of info out of the party, we could see them pulling out all the stops as the SNP becomes a leaking vessel. It will drip drip drip, because it is probably likely that the SNP will still be the largest party in Holyrood. Whether they gain a majority is a source of speculation because recently pro UK parties particularly the Scottish Conservatives have received blowback due to the comments of their Scottish leader Douglas Ross. People are angry with Douglas Ross, some people call him an appeaser of the SNP, are shades of Neville Chamberlain about to be pin on him? The mood is growing in pro UK ranks for what I would describe as 'endless political war', people have had enough and they want a fight with the Nationalists, not a couple of political punches by politicians and then let them all be friends in the Holyrood canteen. They want new people in the Chamber at Holyrood not willing to back down to Nicola Sturgeon and the rest of her puppet cabinet.

Finally, there will no indyref 2 in 2021, Blackford is rallying the troops because Holyrood MSPs are seen as compromised, if you wait at the 'political bus stop', you will see Angus McNeil and Mhairi Black come along with the same garbage. You can sense the angry of die hard nationalists is real, you can see the rejection of the SNP leadership as a slow process which is like the pebble on the start of its journey down the mountain. Given enough time the pebble hitting off others causes a momentum which will be hard to get out of the way. Nicola Sturgeon is a woman playing for time, and time is against her, if she ends up as a minority leader of the Scottish government, her mode of operation will be to do the 'foreign countries' circuit, failed leaders do this so as to not face the public. But before all the chaos starts, someone needs to find a pebble, find a mountain, find the path they want the pebble to take and then wait. They  are waiting for the SNP leadership to be in the descent path and then drop it, and wait and watch. 

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University   


  1. Nice to see the Younger population looking behind the rhetoric; The SNP record of failure in government is one that now goes back 12 years the fat cats of the SNP and just look at their expenses claims are simply to me a bunch of rip-off merchants who can neither handle normal government or the perpetual wave of crisis they bring on monthly.

    It also appears that those suffering most are likely to be the young, they will be targeted to wipe out the excesses of the SNP.
    Already Education has taken a dive; The economy, jobs and hospitality are following.
    Look to yourselves youngsters we would all love a greater degree of autonomy in Scotland
    but The SNP Will never do it their way.(Back door Marxism is not the answer)

  2. Lockdown will be continuing right through to next summer. Certainly the Welsh Government are planning this. It shouldn't be at the same level, but restrictions will be there.

    teddybard - you sum up my feelings exactly.

  3. Idiot, you lost your referendum now get on with the job your ment to be doing!!

  4. Before you have a referendum on independence why do you not have a referendum in Scotland to establish if the people of Scotland wish to rejoin the EU
