Monday, October 12, 2020

Sturgeon, The Rise of Absolute Evil; SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon does a major car crash interview on Sky TV, the SNP tactic of media manipulation is alive, unwell and still broken, the Nationalists have learnt nothing over the years as Sturgeon says “Alex Salmond is angry with me because I did not collude with him to cover this up”, is defaming an innocent man publicly not a breach of the Ministerial Code, Nicola Sturgeon is clearly showing utter contempt for standards in public office

Dear All 

At the weekend, SNP Leader Nicola Sturgeon was interviewed by Sophy Ridge on Sky News. The consensus seems to be post interview, that it was a massive mistake and disaster. Sturgeon decided to go on the offensive, and launched on a bizarre attack on Alex Salmond which some people have commented that this could be defamation of character. The George Laird view after watching the interview on youtube and posting on twitter: 

“Does anyone know if SNP Leader Nicola Sturgeon was in her right mind when she actually said on Sky: “Alex Salmond is angry with me because I did not collude with him to cover this up”? Surely after this car crash interview on Sky, she must resign or be forced out as FM.” 

George Galloway, the ex MP, writer and broadcaster tweeted: 

“I’m not a supporter of #AlexSalmond obviously. But I do know him well. My informed judgement is that after the grossly defamatory performance of #NicolaSturgeon on @SkyNews Salmond will now proceed to Defcon1 His pistol is cocked.” 

The former Conservative MSP and Brexit Party MEP, Brian Monteith has penned a piece in the Scotsman to the effect that: 

“By her own words the Nicola Sturgeon risks writing her resignation.”

But what is the view from the shop floor? What say those who previously backed this odious little nasty vile woman? Where are they now mentally over the outrageous actions of Nicola Sturgeon? Many people have taken to various forms of social media platforms to comment on her performance in the tv interview and overall in this scandal. Depending where you look, a clear message from the Scottish Nationalist diehard camp appears to suggest she is a ‘liar’. If you dig deeper into the mire, you find people willing to openly say that and much worse. So, let’s take a random selection of how Nationalists feel about Saint Nicola of Dreghorn, let’s set the tone; let’s get acquainted with the mood of the unforgiving mob because their reaction is quite extraordinary. 

These are comments that appear in the comments section of an article on the Wings over Scotland site called, “This is what a liar looks like”, along with the Sturgeon interview on Sky available on youtube. 

Daisy Walker said: 

“At one point the word I would have used to describe her is evil, a real twisted character.” 

Liz said: 

“I used to be a fan of this woman, now I can’t bear to either listen to or watch a single moment of her.” 

Milady said: 

“That last comment about Salmond being mad at her because she wouldn’t cover up his misdemeanours is breathtaking in its audacity.” 

Fionan said: 

“The rate of blinking was quite remarkable – not the sign of a calm, confident person at all, but the biggest giveaway of dishonesty.” 

Hatuey says: 

“The line about women being left to answer and explain the behavior of men is utterly revolting and shocking when you know what happened here. And we do.” 

Sania said: 

“I’m an SNP member. Nicola Sturgeon is a snake in the grass. I now loathe her and her creepy husband.” 

Sharny Dubs said: 

“Mendacious, shifty, nasty, evil and so on does not even begin to cover it.” 

Gerard McGhee said: 

“regarding the continuing attempt to slur Alex Salmond, her tactic is the exact equivalent of trying to destroy the reputation of the accuser in a rape case…it is nasty, underhand and quite transparent.. she is rattled! and the “Me? Am a nice person” act is definitely losing its power.” 

One thing has emerged from all this, Nicola Sturgeon has united the country against her and her husband, Peter Murrell. People want them both to resign, and they want them to play no part in the public life of Scotland. Sturgeon’s attempt to manipulate the press and public opinion in her pre-prepped interview isn’t the first time that manipulation has gone wrong in the SNP. The SNP tried the same tactic with Donald Trump to attempt to get him to support Al Megrahi’s release; they even did a pre-written letter that Trump refused to sign. Recently, they used the same tactic regards Margaret Ferrier, a pre-written letter the party pushed her to publish about her conduct. The SNP clique then stabbed her in the back and removed the whip from her, which tells you a lot about how these people are controlling the SNP machine under Sturgeon’s leadership. 

Years ago, I wrote about the vicious nasty clique that operated around Nicola Sturgeon in Glasgow, some of whom are still in place, and some of whom ended up in the Criminal Courts. Nicola Sturgeon had a PR make over, the pressing need for it was self evident, the SNP had to take a known ‘nasty piece of work’ and portray her as ‘nice’ and as a ‘caring human being’ after she was elevated to leader. Countless PR stunts were done, especially ‘Nicola with Children’, a theme very prominent at elections. But it didn’t matter how many children that Nicola hugged, it didn’t matter that the SNP tried to create a photo illusion that she could be a mother, none of it was true. The problem with putting on an act, is that the ‘act’ is never genuine. Yes, you can fake being nice, the drawback is unless it is embedded in the subconscious, you get blowback or as people say, ‘the mask slips’. And the mask has slipped for Nicola Sturgeon on several occasions, where her nastytemper breaks out and you see the real person. Online in images taken at various locations, you can see in her eyes, a vicious nasty woman who is dying to cause people harm when the opportunity presents itself. Check out my 2017 blog post on her fake popularity.

If there was a point to the weekend interview, I suspect many would hazard a guess and say Sturgeon’s “performance” had multiple objectives, one of which is to remove the spotlight focused on her husband, Peter Murrell and his involvement in the Alex Salmond case. The ‘Murrells’ are very keen to shift attention away from him. The question is why? Why all the effort over Murrell, why hasn’t he been suspended over the whatsapp messages? Nicola Sturgeon is playing Scots for fools, but she has overplayed her hand, we might be seeing the tip of the iceberg, but we know below the surface so much more isn’t in the public domain. We know some of the key players, but other people aren’t known, for example, who are the people ‘vetting’ the evidence and deciding if they think it is “relevant” to send to the Holyrood committee? Are any of them SNP appointed ‘special advisors’? You could from that starting point, walk backwards all the way down the line to look at the background of everyone, even those who move a paper clip around a table. 

The focus in light of recent events shouldn’t cloud your mind; the spotlight should remain on SNP CEO Peter Murrell. 

In the aftermath of the Sky interview, a Salmond source has denied claims by Nicola Sturgeon that the former first minister is “angry” at her for not “brushing under the carpet” misconduct claims against her predecessor. They had plenty to say about Sturgeon’s folly: 

“Alex Salmond is not angry with the First Minister, just astonished at the ever-shifting sands of her story. Her claims of an attempted collusion are not only untrue but unsupported by the written evidence and directly contradicted by her own previous parliamentary statements. She claims to have nothing to hide. That is not the impression she is giving. There is little point in the First Minister pledging full support for and co-operation with a committee, the remit of which is to consider and report on her actions and that of her government, only for her to complain about the inevitable scrutiny that involves.” 

Salmond source added: 

“The focus of the Judicial Review and the criminal case was largely on Mr Salmond. By contrast, the stated remit of the parliamentary committee is about the First Minister and the conduct of her administration in wasting huge sums of public money defending behaviour which was later conceded to have been unlawful, unfair and tainted by apparent bias. The First Minister claims to be entirely focused on a health pandemic where people are still dying but is lashing out on television about matters which should properly be dealt with in front of the parliamentary committee established for that very purpose.” 

Scottish Conservative spokesman on the Salmond inquiry, Murdo Fraser, said: 

“The scandal-ridden SNP are openly feuding while the Scottish public wait for answers about when Nicola Sturgeon first became aware of Alex Salmond’s alleged behaviour. The First Minister danced on the head of a pin, again, to avoid the question of what she knew and when.” 

Murdo added: 

“If Alex Salmond asked the First Minister to ‘collude’ with her to cover up these allegations, as she said this morning, why didn’t she tell anyone that until now? Shouldn’t that have been reported to the government – or the police? It’s an extraordinary revelation that needs answers. Forgetful Nicola Sturgeon also managed to find secret messages between her and Alex Salmond that she withheld from the Holyrood committee. The question remains – what else is she hiding?” 

What else is she hiding, and add to it, who also is involved in hiding it on her behalf? 

In the post Salmond trial world we live in, the SNP and their allies, have lost twice against Alex Salmond, but they appear hell bent on smearing him at every single opportunity. They think they can play the public; Sturgeon’s interview was the ‘third bite at the cherry’. The Holyrood inquiry isn’t about Alex Salmond, it’s about Nicola Sturgeon, her SNP Government and their actions. Alex Salmond’s guilt or innocence is a matter of public record, what hasn’t been established on the record is the activities of Nicola Sturgeon, Peter Murrell and those who remain in the shadows. As time goes on, the spotlight will shine brightly on them. One thing struck me as odd in Sturgeon’s interview; she seems compelled to keep repeating that she isn’t guilty of anything. She is rather uncomfortable answering questions about her involvement as her body language clearly shows. Craig Murray, former diplomat apparently noted, she blinked 133 times in one minute. Rapid eye blinking according to research can be linked to stress, or people who are lying. But there are other lying cues, if you are minded to call out Sturgeon as a liar. Why not look at these two videos, first Sturgeon’s interview, second, video on lying; jot down notes while watching the first, play it as many times as you like until you feel you are familiar with it. Then watch the second on lying, take your time to understand it, then go back and see how many of signs of lying you think you can spot with Nicola Sturgeon interview? 

Finally, to ram home the point, the focus in light of recent events by a desperate and deranged Nicola Sturgeon shouldn’t cloud your mind; the spotlight should remain on her husband, SNP CEO Peter Murrell.

Yours sincerely

George Laird                                                                                                                                The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Complete disbelief. I almost felt "why bother reading this?" not because you're a bad writer. You're not, you're a very good writer and I'm a big fan. Rather that the antics of the SNP are so shit, so predictable, it's becoming mundane and tedious until someone, for Christ's sake SOMEONE gets rid of them. Ah, a man can dream.

  2. “Alex Salmond is angry with me because I did not collude with him to cover this up”?

    Alex was found not guilty. She being a qualified lawyer must be aware. Surely she can’t get away with this! She must go, for sake of democracy. Her and her gang of rogues must go and go now.

  3. Great reading as ever george ..

  4. Is the end game Georgieboy?


  5. Hi Crookie

    I would say the end of the beginning, the shine is off Sturgeon which is why she is going with Boris rules on covid, she wants to hide out in the open. When Salmond does his bit, depending on evidence, that maybe the end game. He hasn't played his cards yet.

