Tuesday, October 6, 2020

SNP Beyond Redemption And Beyond Salvation; SNP Leader Nicola Sturgeon's husband Peter Murrell finally 'admits sending leaked Alex Salmond messages', why did SNP CEO Peter Murrell try to seek the imprisonment an innocent man, in the wake of these new damning revelations, how can Nicola Sturgeon refuse to suspend her husband as Chief Executive of the SNP?

Dear All 

Time for a quote; 

“You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.” 

For those who are Star Wars fans, you will recognise this straight away, Obi Wan Kenobi tells this to Luke Skywalker as they look down on Mos Eisley Spaceport. The same quote, 43 years later could aptly be applied to the modern SNP under Nicola Sturgeon. 

In the wake of the Alex Salmond criminal trial, there has a mood change among Nationalists, bad blood has been created, accusations have been made, and there is a smell attached to the current SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon. The smell also extends to her husband, Peter Murrell. As claims and counter claims fly back and forth from the two Nationalist factions, one thing which is prominent above all others and that is the allegation that people in the SNP linked to Sturgeon were involved in an attempt to imprison an innocent man. In this scandal on two separate occasions, the women dubbed the ‘Alphabet’ women have failed both times to destroy Alex Salmond. 

Having had two bites of the cherry and failed, both at the Scottish Government investigation and the criminal trial, their day in the Sun is over; all that is left is what many term the ‘cover up’. The aftermath of the trial which their various statements appeared on NGO’s funding the SNP, was losers anger. Everyone now see this case through the prism that there has been a cover up. We have seen the lie that Nicola Sturgeon isn’t running an open and transparent government, it has all blown up in her face. One thing that Nicola Sturgeon didn’t want post defeat of Salmond at a Westminster election was him to seek a return to public office, and especially not at Holyrood. Salmond’s return was a threat to Sturgeon personally and professionally, and how does the SNP deal with threats, they make up allegations against people, they deny them fair hearings, they ignore complaints, they distort the truth, and in the case of Nicola Sturgeon’s husband Peter Murrell, they appear to act behind the scenes to destroy people, in this case, Alex Salmond. 


When the allegations against Salmond emerged, I was surprised, because unlike the majority of Scots, I had met him several times, what was described in Court was the exact opposite of what I thought of the man. I could see however, that he could have affairs on the side, that didn’t surprise me when it came out in the criminal trial. When it also came out that the SNP HQ had ‘tucked away’ allegations against Salmond for a rainy day, that didn’t surprise me either. Iain McCann of the SNP HQ is a nasty little bastard who I have had dealings with; his speciality appears to be to stonewall Members complaints. The SNP is run as a party within a party, something which you can see if you look for the signs. As Nationalists rave online about wanting the head of Murrell, the SNP Chief Executive Officer, the lynch mob that will eventually form the new post Sturgeon leadership era should also take out McCann. 

If there was ever a party in dire need of a clear out of staff, it is the SNP HQ. 

As the pressure ramps ups in Nicola Sturgeon and her husband, slowly but surely the cracks are appearing, the truth of what happened to Alex Salmond and who was involved in attempting to organise his imprisonment are becoming clear. SNP Leader Nicola Sturgeon’s husband’s has admitted sending leaked messages appearing to back police and prosecution action against Alex Salmond. The press are saying that Murrell has confirmed the veracity of the WhatsApp messages. Regardless of his now profound regrets over wording, what is clear is the wording, and the objective of the wording. Nicola Sturgeon’s husband sought to play an active role in the imprisonment of an innocent man. And nothing, he can say, no story he and his lawyers can concoct can strip away that truth. 

Scottish Conservative leader Douglas Ross reacting to the news has called it a "shattering, extraordinary revelation" and he like many people from right across the political spectrum have said Sturgeon must now sack her husband. As soon as the leaked messages appeared, the first thing to try and shut down the revelations was to call in Police Scotland. They were tasked to launch an investigation into the possible unlawful disclosure of the messages. The messages about Peter Murrell came into the light when former SNP Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill, a current SNP MP claimed he was sent them anonymously. MacAskill then passed them to prosecutors and the Holyrood inquiry which is running at the moment. 

The whatsapp messages appear to show Murrell backing prosecution action against Alex Salmond in January 2019. This is the same month he won a civil legal battle against Sturgeon’s government and was then separately charged with multiple counts of sexual assault. 

The first Murrell message reads: 

“Totally agree folk should be asking the police questions... report now with the PF on charges which leaves police twiddling their thumbs. So good time to be pressurising them. Would be good to know Met looking at events in London.” 

The second message reads: “TBH the more fronts he is having to firefight on the better for all complainers. So CPS action would be a good thing.” 

What we know now, we know now, but what we don’t know, how much deeper was Murrell involved, and to what extent if any had Salmond’s accusers had contact with him, off the grid. We also are kept in the dark about how close the ‘alphabet’ women and their allies were to Nicola Sturgeon. What I find extraordinary is how Murrell's position on the first message is that ‘he wanted individuals to direct any questions they had to the police’. 

On the second, he is saying he meant that all allegations should be investigated. 

To me, ‘firefight on all fronts’; doesn’t sound like Salmond dealing with just the Crown who were investigating him, and, I don’t think it will sound that way to others either in my opinion. I think that many Scottish people might take his possible lawyered up vetted answers and call it what it seems to be ‘utter bullshit’. If you nip into Wings over Scotland, the Salmondistas have plenty to say about Murrell’s actions. They hate his guts, and judging by his admission that he sent the whatsapp messages, their justified anger will grow. 

A Nationalist on the Wings over Scotland site re @PeterMurrell 

"For the love of God Sturgeon, please go and take that bastard with you. We want our party back."

Plans are afoot to lever out Sturgeon’s MSP supporters at branch level, how successful that will be is anyone’s guess. I would say, it is not a good time to be a Sturgeon supporter, and judging the jacked up pay increases to Sturgeon’s clique, including a £20k rise to Sturgeon’s Chief of Staff Liz Lloyd, it seems to be stocking up for departure. When Sturgeon goes, so does her Chief of Staff, Salmond loyalists will want a clean slate going forward. 


Check out the story and comment sections, Ms Lloyd doesn’t appear to have a long term future in Nationalist circles. 

Scottish Conservative leader Douglas Ross said: 

“The chief executive of the governing party has admitted sending messages calling for the police to be pressured into action against their former boss, Alex Salmond. This is a shattering, extraordinary revelation and leaves Peter Murrell’s position as chief executive of the SNP completely untenable. We must now be told what Nicola Sturgeon and Scottish Government ministers knew about these messages. Had they seen them? Did they know about them? Were they asked to pressure the police? Nicola Sturgeon has to take responsibility. This is her government, her party, and it’s up to her to do the right thing and immediately act. She oversees the actions of the SNP chief executive. There is nobody else to blame.” 

He added what should have happened along time ago: 

“The First Minister must sack Peter Murrell or her judgement is gone.” 

Finally, today's confirmation means that SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon must suspend her husband, Peter Murrell as SNP Chief Executive, but she won’t people like Nicola Sturgeon are beyond redemption. If you view twitter looking at trending, you will the Nationalist campaign to discredit Conservative leader Douglas Ross over his call for Murrell to be sacked. Given the scale of the numbers of Sturgeon Nationalists piling in, you can see how scared the Sturgeon camp is, their quote of "we’ve lost a battle, but we will win the war" is looking rather hollow. In looking at the SNP Government ‘pay rises’ to the Sturgeon clique, I am reminded of the German army in WW2 of their retreat, looting and attempting to destroy everything in their wake, until they too were destroyed. It is hard not to notice the parallel, the Sturgeon Army in retreat and Alex Salmond and his russki supporters rolling forward with their armour heading westwards. The deciding battle is yet to be fought, for Nicola Sturgeon, the bunker awaits!

Yours sincerely

George Laird                                                                                                                                The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University    

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