Monday, October 19, 2020

Never be Scared to Speak out; pro UK blogger George Laird walks into the Nationalist lion's den of Wings over Scotland, here is a record of what I wrote on one of his blog posts, will it pass moderation or will Wings delete and stick it in the electronic trash?

Dear All

Today, I thought I would write in the comments section of Wings over Scotland, well, its hardly likely he is going to give me a guest post! So, for your entertainment, here is my comments on the article:

"Hi, George Laird/Unionist 

Surely the whole point of a rigged system is so that Nicola Sturgeon can further insulate herself against attack from Alex Salmond and his allies? I had a look at the candidate list, after the point was made that, one of them objected to the way the hustings was being conducted. From what I read, the event setup seemed fair to me, everyone gets their opportunity to speak. 

After reading the article and the comments to get a rounded view, if I was a member I would like to know, is the complainer Toni Guigliano? 

For years, I blogged on how four main groups make up the SNP, which is a party within a party. Lgbt, Muslim, Sein Fein lite and the Rich, so while these people operated their little schemes; it took ‘woke’ to finally push people over the edge. 

Alex Salmond took his eye off the ball which is why the party ended up the way it is. How many SNP MPs and MSPs had their ‘trophy’ lgbt or Muslim employee? Some others just opted for family or relatives, everyone was happy to keep their mouth shut, and let’s not forget, you get what you pay for. People are calling out ‘woke’ now, but really it is a skewered variation of lgbt. 

I enjoyed the ‘guy in a dress’ post, Mr. Mridul Wadhwa posing as a woman and working in a rape crisis centre; classic, and also eligible to be a SNP candidate under Nicola. I then think about how people like Craig Murray previously were seen to be not good enough. 

I am supporting his acquittal just like I did with Alex Salmond. 

I met Salmond on many occasions while campaigning for the SNP, most notably David Kerr’s campaign in ‘Glasgow North East’, still got the T shirt, 11 years later. I also did other SNP campaigns that no one remembers, like David Cassidy Glasgow Baillieston November 2008, and Denis Johnston Bishopbriggs South June 2009. Johnston was an okay guy but his wife was a better candidate in terms of presentation.  

David Cassiday on the other hand, the night before his election wanted to watch the Celtic v Man U game on his brand new 42” TV. So he turns up late in track suit, which angered the activists. Cassidy then worked for the wise group, didn’t campaign during the day, and was only in the SNP three months before he put himself forward. After a talk with me, he didn’t go campaigning, because he really wanted to watch the game on Sky, footie and beers, his preference, as opposed to creeping around Baillieston in the dark. 

I left the SNP after two things, one being smeared, the Nats love calling people ‘sex pervert’. The second incident was when they attempted to set me up to call me homophobic. I wouldn’t play their game so Patrick Grady as Nat Sec kicked me out after a hearing which I didn’t attend, and which they put their meaning to words which I wrote on my blog. My accuser was William Henderson, the then Nat Sec, so I outed him to Daily Record stating that he was running a rigged hearing, he disappeared as Nat Sec after that bit of free publicity. He was my accuser, also in charge of setting up the hearing, and talking to the judges outside the process. Imagine if a Salmond accuser was talking to the judge outside his hearing, what would the reaction of the public and press be? 

When it comes to setting people up, the SNP has form using sex allegations or ‘phobia’ as a basis to attack and discredit people. This is why I say Salmond is partly to blame for the current state of the SNP. Of course, he never expected that Nicola Sturgeon’s allies would crawl out of the woodwork to take him to Court. 

But wasn’t the writing on the wall? 

I see the current selection process as an attempt to deliver as many ‘woke’ candidates by any means possible for Nicola’s political safety. No one from the Court of King Alex from Westminster stands a snowball’s chance in hell getting in. Angus Robertson is a backstop just in case Nicola Sturgeon needs support, just in case her allies like John Nicholson and Alyn Smith can’t hold the ‘cheerleading fort’. 

And let’s not forget Humza’s relatives and former employees, the smell of a freshly raised MSP salary, ah bisto. Even Cllr AK47, part of Sturgeon’s southside clique wants to stand in Ayr, a guy who put a loaded assault rifle in a child’s hands. 

Finally, if Toni Guigliano does get in, all that means is a larger lgbt group. Does anyone have a list of all the lgbt people at SNP HQ, Westminister, Holyrood, constituency offices and working in the Scottish Government for the SNP? 

Maybe someone should find out? 

Maybe someone should be asking the questions. If people feeL now they can ask questions about the ‘wokes’ then I am sure, it must be about time that the make up of the SNP was laid bare. I don’t know about you, but as an adult, I don’t think men should be allowed in women’s private spaces, or kids taught about anal sex at school. Another thing which I noticed is the emergence of what I term the ‘enlightened heterosexual’, in the case of the SNP, the task falls to John Swinney, who looks uncomfortable when being questioned by parents. My concern is not because I am old fashioned but because there should be common decency in society, politics and certainly in schools."

Well there you have it folks, tossing a bit of George Laird wisdom to the Nationalists, since I took the time to pop in on occasion for the light hearted comedy and madness, I felt compelled to return the favour with wisdom. Will my comment be posted, will it get Wings approval, who knows, but never shy away from walking into the lions den!

Yours sincerely

George Laird                                                                                                                                The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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