Thursday, September 17, 2020

The Further Decline of Standards in SNP controlled Scotland; SNP Health Sec Jeane Freeman is accused of lying to MPs over health meetings by UK Government Minister Alister Jack, how can the Scottish public have confidence in a health minister during a pandemic if they can’t tell the truth, why have so many low grade people rose to become SNP Ministers, the modern SNP isn’t a party based on merit, integrity or common decency, it is a failed social engineering experiment promoting total unsuitable people to public office


Dear All  

If you want to do the most damage in politics, if you want to put the boot in, if you want to get the public on your side, don’t lie, don’t take the easy road for short term PR, just do one simple thing, tell the truth. The long campaign for Holyrood has cranked up a few gears as SNP Health Secretary Jeane Freeman has been accused of lying to MPs about a meeting with the UK Government at the start of the pandemic. 

In days of old, when it came to Ministers of the Crown, certain expectations were placed highly on them such as being honourable, decent and moral. Nowadays, we tend not to see that in Scottish SNP politics were lying is an everyday currency traded not on the stock exchange but in parliaments and on social media. The SNP have emerged from the swamp to poison the very essence of Scottish politics, culture and civic society. 

Before continuing with Freeman, a few days ago, there was a murder in Pollok, Glasgow just up from Silverburn Shopping Centre. A violent thug called Omar Sadiq who had a long and significant criminal history, and was linked to the racists who murdered a young white boy called Kriss Donald was stabbed to death. You can read more about what and who he is in the link.  

I highlight this story because it gets us to SNP Justice Minister Humza Yousaf, who tweeted after the murder: 

“Dreadfully sad news. My thoughts are with the young man’s family, friends and the local community”. 

This led some twitter users to question the judgement of Humza Yousaf lamenting the death of a violent drug dealer who lived in upmarket Newton Mearns. 

The local community of Pollok won’t mourn the death of someone like Sadiq. After an uproar on social media, Humza Yousaf quickly deleted the tweet, why was that you may ask? Wasn’t the murder still ‘dreadfully sad news’? I think once the violent history of the murdered man came out, and who he was linked too, Yousaf decided to quickly do some quickly backtracking. 

My point is that Humza Yousaf much like Jeane Freeman isn’t fit to be a Minister of the Crown. The decline in standards in public life is linked to people like Nicola Sturgeon and others of her mindset, who promote totally unsuitable people. In her social engineering experiment carried on from the Salmond era to promote minorities, we aren’t seeing the best from these minorities. Years ago, I highlighted the four main social groups that control the SNP, Lgbt, Muslim, the rich and Sein Fein lite. Yousaf is Muslim and Freeman is a lesbian, the race to the bottom in the modern SNP didn’t start with Sturgeon, it happened under Alex Salmond. 

Let’s get back to Freeman and the search for the truth. Alister Jack, Secretary of State for Scotland, told a Westminster committee that the SNP health secretary had misled them when she said she could not recall any communication with him about the virus crisis. Anyone can forget something told to them in passing, but in this case, can you seriously forget having a formal meeting? The Secretary of State for Scotland was questioned by the new Scottish Conservative leader Douglas Ross about the comments made by Ms Freeman in June. 

Ross said: 

“You said you had a long meeting with Ms Freeman in her office I believe you said, in Edinburgh. At least an hour with just yourself and the health secretary and then you were joined by the UK health secretary. Either you have misled this committee or Miss Freeman has misled this committee. I have a quote in which she told the Scottish Affairs Committee on the 11th June, saying she is not aware and could recall no communication with Mr Jack. Who has misled this committee?” 

The Scottish Secretary replied simply: 

“She has.” 

He continued: 

“My officials attended (the meeting) as well and it was on I think the 12th of March, late in the evening and it went on very late into the evening. I was there for probably an hour before the secretary of state Matt Hancock arrived, and the meeting went on for some considerable time after that.” 

So, what possible explanation could Freeman use to explain away this allegation that she has misled a Westminster Committee? 

1/ Mental illness?

2/ Onset of dementia?

3/ Playing politics?

4/ On medication?

5/ Shit at her job? 

One thing which we all saw early on was how Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP were keen to do everything ‘Scottish’ during the pandemic; most noticeably the public saw how the Nightingale hospital in Glasgow was named the Louisa Jordan. Apparently Florence Nightingale wasn’t good enough for Sturgeon and her ilk. The failure to work together with the UK is a hallmark of the SNP; the common good is set aside, no matter what damage it costs. Alistar Jack also pointed out that communication between Holyrood and Westminster over the coronavirus pandemic had been a "one way street". He accused Nicola Sturgeon of being tight-lipped with the UK Government on the different approaches her government was taking in Scotland; this could be explained by the way ‘sofa government’ works under Sturgeon and her advisors. Jack cited an example how Sturgeon had not told Westminster that she was excluding children from the "rule of six" on social gatherings. 

For Jack to say that the Scottish Government were doing things differently “for the sake of it” is right but he should by now realise that there is no point in urging the SNP administration to “be grown up”. You see the SNP is a party within a party, and the vision is inward looking, they aren’t interested in opinions unless it verifies and upholds their own prejudices and bias. What the Secretary of State for Scotland should looking at is changing the Scotland Act, so when situations occur that need a UK wide approach, everything regarding regulations should all come from one body. Talking about the need to stop confusing the public will fall on deaf ears in the SNP. 

He said: 

“We need to stop the confusion. We should actually just be grown up, and not be different for the sake of it. It hasn’t brought anyone to a different outcome. The prevalence of the virus is as is high in any part of the UK as another. On average all four nations are experiencing similar problems.” 

Finally, we keep hearing that devolution is evolving, but what mechanism is in place when it evolves in an unworkable way? Well, nothing is the short answer, hoping for co-operation where none or limited exists is a fool’s errand, what about putting in place new regulations which have the weight of law behind them? It is known in medicine that to leave a cancer alone sees it spread, cutting it out isn’t done on an emotional level, logic dictates that action for the patient, it is time apply logic to the SNP problem rather than pleas to emotion. People like Jeane Freeman, Humza Yousaf and Nicola Sturgeon all rose to the top not because of talent, and its time that Westminster decided to rein in SNP stupidity. As to calling out Freeman by Alistar Jack, its an interesting piece of theatre and electioneering bullet to fire across no man’s land, but to win Holyrood 2021 requires an all out assault. 

Yours sincerely 

 George Laird                                                                                                                                 The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University                                                                                                       


  1. When a scottish mp gets sworn in do they not have to take an oath, if so then anyone breaching that oath shuold have consequences,
    I have never heard what the oath actually says, maybe someone can enlighten me.. i personally think anyone who goes into politics should be held responsible if they , lie , cheat, or mis use of power, again maybe someone will know what should happen.

  2. At last, some very interesting and enlightening comments about the SNP, and how they are constantly electioneering, to the detriment of the Scottish people.
    If is about time the media start to scrutinise SNP actions, or lack of... It would appear that the media have been gagged by them, I hope to be reading more 'home truths', such as Mr Laird's, in the coming weeks.

  3. wit'a load of shite lol

  4. Good article George. I'm getting sick of the stage managed daily propaganda briefing - excuse me - COVID update. I'd like one of the journalists to ask Freeman what her views are on the now deleted Tweet by the two bit indy rag The National. The Tweet basically said it's great that everyone over 55 is dying off as most of them were unionists. Some people on Twitter trying to defend this saying a Tory said it last year. That may be the case, but it does not justify the article being published. The fact it was taken down speaks volumes.

    I think the Scottish Government has made as many mistakes as the UK government. Just because Sturgeon is a better public orator than Boris - and to be honest that's not difficult - everyone thinks we are doing wonderful up here. Freeman on the other hand comes across as not bothered. She's probably wishing she could retire now, rather than having to deal with COVID over the next few months. Yes, it is a difficult job for anyone to undertake. But she didn't need to accept the role of Health Minister.

    Keep up the good work. Your Twitter feeds make good reading as well.
