Wednesday, September 30, 2020

The Erosion of law and Order in Europe; over 30 NGO Workers Implicated in Facilitating Illegal Migration by Greek Police, the time has now come for severe penalties for corroborators who work in NGO’s who either actively or inactive assist human traffickers into Europe, long tariff imprisonment and total asset confiscation

Dear All 

People trafficking is big business, the traffickers can make millions of pounds transporting people to Europe, it is a criminal enterprise is which assisted by corruption and those who have an agenda who work in NGO’s. NGO’s are Non-Governmental Organisations which take money from various sources including governments. What isn’t well known is the scale that the NGO employees have actively assisted the traffickers in their smuggling operations. Awhile back, I talked about the need for the creation of an EU border force because what is needed to stop human trafficking is a multi-nation approach. The purpose of the EU border force is not to pick up illegal migrants in boats to take them to Europe, but to take them back to Africa or their embarkation point. 

While the governments under the EU remain weak, the stem of migrants has no chance of being halted, and there is no political EU will to do what is needed. Immigration was a factor in the UK voting to leave the EU, along with other issues. What hasn’t stopped since we voted to leave is illegal immigration to the UK, either the UK coastguard has to be beefed up, or the job falls to the Royal Navy to provide maritime security. Anyone picked up in the English Channel should be returned to France, the UK government should not allow asylum claims by changing the law from people who have travelled form an EU country. In order to claim Asylum, you have to claim it at the first country you arrive at, that is the way the system works. Migrants are passing through many EU countries to get to ones they believe will financially benefit them such as the EU. 

In order to stamp out human trafficking and corruption; penalties for people who human traffic must be severe, long tariff imprisonment and total asset confiscation. To those in NGO’s who assist, they are equally as guilty as the criminals who run these organisations. Their punishment must be the same; only by using the law to the maximum will we see a curtailment of the corruption. In a breaking story, a total of 35 people, 33 of them workers from four separate Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), have been implicated by Greek police in helping to smuggle illegal migrants to the Aegean island of Lesbos

Lesbos is a migrant gateway which has been over run by violent thugs, the situation has overwhelmed the civil authorities which is why a military solution is needed. One thing which is noticeable; is that the media is to blame for making politicians refusing to do what is needed. 

You can find other clips of how the situation has got out of hand such as this clip. 

In the police investigation, so far, we have found out that 33 of the NGO workers are said to come from a variety of countries including Austria, Germany, Norway, France, Switzerland and Spain. Two of the others arrested said to be migrants from Iran and Pakistan working for the NGO’s. Greek investigators say the crime group started their activities in June of 2019 and that between them they had facilitated at least 32 border illegal border crossings that saw an estimated 3,000 asylum seekers enter the country. In the world of trafficking, high tech is used to coordinate crime, the group used private internet groups and messaging applications to coordinate information on where migrant boats would leave and arrive on Lesbos. In this case, the NGO members worked with people traffickers in order to get information on migrant boats leaving the Turkish coast, including coordinates and how many migrants were on board the ships. Rather than pass the information to authorities, they kept quiet. How many criminals and terrorists did this group process? 

As well as the police investigation, other agencies of the Greek government were involved such as the Mytilene Security Sub-Directorate, the Greek National Intelligence Service and the Counter-Terrorism Service. Given the previous history of bad blood between Turks and Greeks, it is no surprise that traffickers are using this route into Europe. Greek Naval involvement in Turkish territorial waters would not be tolerated. Turkey has long been a problem being a gateway country which the Turks have paid lip service to stop the trek through their country to Europe. The only people they take an interest in stopping is Kurds, because these people claim various sections of land from southeastern Turkey, northwestern Iran, northern Iraq, and northern Syria in a bid to one day have a country called Kurdistan. 

Greek Minister of Migration and Asylum Notis Mitarakis commented on the cases saying that illegal activity form NGOs would not be tolerated. He also added that reducing migrant flows and the role of NGOs is a “top priority” for the current government. This can only be accomplished by a naval solution, which means military. 

In a UK perspective, what is required is our own military solution, new directives on refusal, and law changes were required. Migrant boats arrive on the English coast; this should never be allowed to happen, not in a high tech world we live in. As people know the English Channel is one of the busiest shipping channels in the world. While the law remains as is; abuse of the system which has been known about for years goes on. The asylum system has been circumvented, in order to fix it; we need harsh measures for bogus claims. Anyone caught placed in temporary camps until transferred to a third country, only from here can their asylum claim be processed. At present politicians fearful of being labelled racists by opposition parties farm out their responsibilities to others. But the time to act is coming because this is one can which is rapidly running out of road to be kicked down.

Yours sincerely

George Laird                                                                                                                                The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University 

1 comment:

  1. I'm against illegal immigration for these reasons (and no, not "they took our jobs" or racism).

    1) It encourages human trafficking and slavery.
    2) Illegal immigrants have no rights if they're here illegally, and so they can't go to the authorities for help, making it easy for people to exploit them.
    3) When it comes to the "jobs" situation, it's not just undercutting by unscrupulous business owners/leaders they're also denied the rights of British workers, having to work longer hours for less pay, which is technically discrimination.

    We can blather on about 'oh but "we created it through climate change/war/imperialism/whatever' but that really allows us to turn a blind eye to these facts that our white man's burden disguised as concern is simply prolonging their suffering. For asylum seekers, there needs to be a better system to process and distribute them properly to safe places (UK or otherwise) without compromising the safety of the population of the UK (I'm referring chiefly to ISIS moles).
