Thursday, September 24, 2020

The Age of SNP Un-enlightenment; SNP Leader Nicola Sturgeon has caused a choke point in the knowledge of how to defeat coronavirus in Scotland, while she remains at the helm micromanaging her PR image, we can’t defeat the virus, in a land sorely in need of logic, she needs to step down, Scots are led by a ‘wee woman’ in every sense of the word who comes across as just angry, bitter and twisted, Sturgeon as to be led to wisdom because she can’t make that journey herself, and oh how this country knows it, the narrow vision is a price Scots can’t afford to pay anymore

Dear All 

Today is a trip halfway around the world via a youtube video, one thing which helps to increase your knowledge is to educate yourself by looking at what is doing on around elsewhere. As someone interested in travel, despite limited experience, going online to see other places is the next best thing and is as cheap as chips. Yesterday, I wrote about student plague villages and how in my opinion, universities are always going to be high risk locations were coronavirus is concerned. Already, the news is that 124 cases of coronavirus have been recorded at Glasgow University and about 600 people are in lockdown at student hostels. What we don’t know yet is how many of the students with positive coronavirus are sitting in flats. And don’t you think that someone should find out quick? 

I would say; the university campus represents an excellent opportunity for mass testing by the authorities. And to make the testing more accurate that would have to include members of the General council (ex students) and ex staff who use the facilities. As I predicted the virus outbreak probably started in freshers week, already others have voiced the same opinion as me. If you have never been to a freshers week, the best way to describe it is, its like building are packed out like the London Underground at peak time, especially the student unions…. because that is where the beers, opposition sex and entertainment is located. 

Mass testing at any university should be a problem, in fact because you can more or less guarantee the core numbers using it, it is a good way to collect data for a study, and to introduce ways to minimise spreading the virus. One thing is certain, special measures are needed to combat the disease in the university bubble. 

What I don’t get, is why freshers week wasn’t better thought-out, clearly the incoming student body was never going to be a mystery in terms of where they were coming from. The potential for further outbreaks or flare ups exists there from the high risk groups like medics etc. 

Anyway, I want to show you this video I have found, many people who visit Thailand do video blogs to showcase where they have been and to let people know about the area they may choose to visit. Some of the well known Vloggers are Geoff Carter, 20 seconds in Thailand, Kev in Thailand (deceased now, cancer); they do their content from the tourist expat view. Interesting to watch if you ever decided to holiday in the Land of Smiles, the person, I also found to watch is someone who goes by the name of JWINTHAI. I know nothing about them, but their videos are good quality, which is why I wanted to show you one of theirs at random.

The location is Bangkok, the capital of Thailand. As you watch this video, I want you to observe the people, although we in the Scotland are wearing masks for entering indoor spaces such as shops, doctors, post offices etc, I was struck by the number of people who are wearing masks outdoors while walking on the streets. My question is this, what do the Thais know that we don’t in terms of prevention? So, I thought, I would check the stats online and see how they compare with Scotland. As far as I can tell, the numbers stack up as cases 3516, people recovered 3353, and deaths 59. Population of Thailand is 69,799,978 people, on a par with numbers in the UK. In contrast, Scotland has had 25981 cases, 4,282 recovered and 2510 deaths. The numbers can be viewed at the links which will be updated as and when. 

Nicola Sturgeon and her SNP Government when you compare against a country like Thailand haven’t done that well, in fact their achievements are more failures than successes. We should remember the problem here is a lack of a world view on her part. Her rationale is to view everything against what has happened in England, as if it were a contest between the two countries and not a contest against the virus here in Scotland. Sturgeon isn’t a leader which can be seen by the way that she waits for others to act before doing so herself. 

59 deaths in Thailand against 2510 deaths in Scotland

The video is worth watching right through to the end because I want you to focus on the volume of people and the fact they are all wearing masks outside. Although Nicola Sturgeon has ‘experts’ in Scotland to trot out like Jason Leitch, Dr Gregor Ian Smith, Professor Fiona McQueen and also her advisor group; I and others are simply unimpressed. They and Nicola Sturgeon haven’t done a good job, lets be honest, too many chiefs and not enough Indians, and to add to the cock ups, Sturgeon “vetting” the advice. 

Finally, lots of people in Scotland are now dead because Nicola Sturgeon really is a dullard, while at Glasgow University; I met people who were so smart that they made smart people look dumb. Nicola Sturgeon isn’t one of them, so today’s piece of wisdom is that to further cut down the virus spreading and limit airborne transmission of the virus in Scotland.

Everyone should wear masks outside. 

Basically, everyone should have their mouth covered; of course, it will take someone like Nicola Sturgeon a long time to get to this position of logic. As a ‘wee woman’ who comes across as angry, bitter and twisted, she has to be led to wisdom because she can’t make that journey herself. Her political journey in public office has been one of failure after failure, there are more people in government monitoring the media than in her advisor group on covid, what does that tell you?

Yours sincerely

George Laird                                                                                                                                The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University  

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