Tuesday, March 3, 2020

SNP in Toxic Meltdown, discipline out the window, morals out the window, decency out the window, fresh calls for Derek Mackay to quit as he earns almost £5,000 since scandal and bad tempered Westminster group meeting about Mhairi Black’s activities and conduct, Mackay and Black have both crossed a line showing they are unfit for public office, neither have the decency to resign, how small Scotland has become represented by these people

Dear All

There comes a time in frontline politics when it is time to go, and if there was ever a case of ‘go now’, then that acid test has been met by former SNP Minister Derek Mackay. At present, Mackay is in hiding from an angry public, although the Mhairi Black scandal seems to fill a lot of time, no one is forgetting Derek. Derek Mackay is a disgrace and should be removed from public office but the second rate parliament that is Holyrood doesn’t have a mechanism to lever him out.

To reap on the issue, he disgraced former finance secretary who is a homosexual has not been seen in public since it emerged he had bombarded a 16-year-old schoolboy with texts, including one calling him "cute". He has stepped down as a SNP Minister but that isn’t good enough as he remains entitled to his £63,579. In his case, his career in public office is over, so it appears as he is effectively now unemployable, he is storing up his cash and riding out his term in public office. Since, the scandal, one thing which still functions is the fact he has earned almost £5,000 in salary for doing nothing.

£5,000 for doing nothing is easy money indeed. Another slap in the face of decency is that Derek Mackay automatically qualifies for a £12,000 severance payment for no longer being a minister. It seems that stepping down in disgrace isn’t a barrier to severance payments. In the wake of the Derek Mackay scandal, everyone it seems wants him to quit, mostly some are doing this for political posturing, but the real reason he should go is that standards in public life matter, and he doesn’t care a fig, much like Mhairi Black, the SNP MP for Paisley and Renfrewshire South and her recent political car crash. The Scottish Conservatives say that it is right that Derek Mackay must quit now, however with the Alex Salmond trial less than week away, it is doubtful that Mackay will use this opportunity to sneek away.

You see, if he goes, he loses a lot of money and expenses.

Scottish Conservative chairwoman Rachael Hamilton said:

“It’s now almost a month since these shocking revelations came to light. That’s a long time for an elected MSP to be in hiding, and a decision has to be made. He cannot go on conning his constituents and shunning their needs – he has to quit now. We also need to know from the Scottish Government and the SNP if they have been in touch with Mr Mackay, and if he has indicated to them whether or not he intends to take his sizeable ministerial pay-off. Both Derek Mackay and the SNP clearly hope this matter will simply be forgotten about if they ignore it for long enough. But that won’t wash with the Scottish people.”

When you know that you are now unemployable, the options to earn a living become rather tight. In the past, I have written about how some people who have made it just throw it all away by an act of stupidity, in Mackay’s case, that ran to several hundred incidents of stupidity. Mackay hounded that boy; he pursued him calling him “cute”, asked him to dinner and asked that their conversations be kept secret. Derek Mackay is 42 and homosexual, the young boy is 16 and heterosexual; so where was Derek Mackay critical thinking as to whether this was right and proper?

Didn’t exist!

Derek Mackay was part of the Nicola Sturgeon inner circle, said to be her protégé, the heir apparent in waiting, the padawan, but in truth more like a Sith Apprentice, Mackay’s downfall was rapid from heir to zero in the blink of an eye. Now, instead of being an MSP, Derek Mackay is a ‘milkman’ who will milk his salary and expenses till the end of the current Holyrood Parliament.

In the aftermath of Derek Mackay, you would think that anyone in the SNP would be mindful of being round children, but apparently not, Mhairi Black, a lesbian SNP MP dived straight into the mire. Her mire was going with a drag queen to a primary school, this drag queen wasn’t panto dame like you see at xmas, no, this guy was a full blown adult entertainer. Flowjob’s online presence is littered with adult content, he had a choice, clean up his act online or not, he chose wrongly. In the building trade, there is a mentality, ‘I have done my job, fuck the lot of you’; he is of that vintage of people! He didn’t think; he didn’t understand the significance of what his online presence meant in terms of decency.

At Westminster, party MPs usually meet to discuss issues of how they are working as a group and how the messages are being received that they are putting out. The Mhairi Black scandal is like the Derek Mackay scandal, a stunning lack of self awareness. Now SNP MPs have clashed behind closed doors on Mhairi Black’s controversial trip to a primary school with an X-rated drag act. Apparently, the meeting was bad tempered, at a “shouty and sweary” Westminster group meeting, it seems the concerns relate to how her scandal will affect their vote. If you go online, you can see how the Mhairi Black scandal is playing out, really badly; some people are calling the SNP, the Scottish Nonce Party.

Although no one has been charged with a crime, the SNP has lost moral authority in their attempts to ram an lgbt agenda down the throats of primary and secondary children. It is known that the SNP target children, but the Black and Mackay episodes have played really badly right across the political divide. What does it say that Black has been called out by her fellow SNP MPs? Where is the famous stasi iron grip discipline of SNP sheep just munching at the trough, occasionally opening an eye as the world turns?  

Through leaks, we are being told that SNP MPs raised the issue of a video posted by Black last July, where she read out and mocked tweets attacking gender self-ID - and urged people not to be a “Jeremy Hunt”.

One said:

“Mhairi was calling critics cunts, which is not exactly feminist.”

Another source said:

“Many at the meeting felt that was inappropriate.”

And third SNP insider said of the school visit:

“It’s madness. Who would have thought this stunt would end in tears? This is the kind of thing that cuts through with voters - that the public will be furious about.”

You can understand by SNP MPs on a sinking ship are really worried about their future and the party’s future, especially as the Alex Salmond trial looms! After an onslaught on social media, Mshairi Black told critics:

“You just know that the people pretending to be livid that a drag queen read a book in a school in my mentions are also the people who run out to buy their kids the latest Grand Theft Auto on release day. Your homophobia is transparent.”

The Council has admitted the visit was wrong, and John Swinney, the education sec admitted the visit was wrong, and the major parties have said the visit was wrong along with civic Scotland. So, to call people homophobic based on their concerns about child safety really just poured petrol on an already raging fire. This type of stupidity is called doubling down; when you increase the heat in the hope it will die down. Typically some SNP MPs including Glasgow South MP Stewart McDonald have backed Ms Black. And in case you don’t get why, Stewart McDonald is a homosexual SNP MP.

It seems that grassroots Scotland are turning against the SNP and Nicola Sturgeon and their plans for changes to gender recognition which is being pushed by the Nationalist Lgbt community. At present, the SNP want to change the law so that men can walk into women’s safe spaces like a female changing room. It is an erosion of women’s rights as a man can walk into a changing room, strip naked in front of women and let it all hang out. In case you are a bit woolly on letting it all hang out, that would be a big todger and a set of balls in a hairy nutsack being run dry after a shower. And yes, small girls would get the same view as their mothers, obviously an adjustment for height. 

All you have to do is say you identify as a woman.

If you haven’t heard of the female penis and balls, you will be seeing them quite soon at a born female women’s changing room just hanging around.   

SNP women's group say opponents of Nicola Sturgeon's plan to self-declare gender are ignored and threatened with violence. What is laughable; is that the SNP lgbt community which controls the party direction thinks everything is fine. Guess what, it isn’t, when you remove decency in society, you open up everything to the law of the jungle. If you speak out you get threatened to stop exercising free speech.

Finally, when people speak out against the decline of decency and morality of the SNP Lgbt group, the first thing they reach for is the ‘labeling tactic’. They call you ‘homophobic’ because this is a bandwagon that others can jump in on easily. SNP MP Mhairi Black used this tactic when her scandal broke in an attempt to shut down debate. In her warped mind, parents had no right to judge what was decent or fit and proper for their children to see. Well, lesbian Mhairi Black is wrong, she has no right to push an lgbt agenda to children, and using a position of power and trust to do it is just as despicable as what Derek Mackay was all about. Derek Mackay used his position as an SNP Minister to hound a 16 year old boy and now has the extreme bad taste to hang about collecting taxpayer money. The SNP is made up as I have mentioned of various factions, the Nationalist lgbt faction which surrounds Nicola Sturgeon is the most poisonous group in Scotland.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Rats deserting the sinking ship, 6 announcing that the cause is less important than their own comfort in the past few weeks. Also I wonder if Mackay (and MacDonald before him) are still turning up in secret to lend their votes when stuff like the budget needs to be rammed through with a wafer thin majority?

  2. Wafer thin majority,? We thought SNP had a massivr majority. Never bothered to check ,just assumed seeing all the bluster from Blackford and Cherry ,!

  3. You have been predicting Sturgeon / SNP fall from grace for a few years, it looks like you will be able to crack a bottle soon. Well done.

  4. Lol, and now they are ready to 'readmit' an anti-semite!

  5. Even Wings are ripping the shit out of the current SNP leadership. As for Black, if there is one thing a politician should never, ever do is to slag off your constituents. And implying that they are cunts is unforgivable. Someone needs to hammer into her that she is a public servant, not some soul warrior on a mission. Oh, and if anyone sees her, call her 'hen' as she hates this given what she said on Twitter.

  6. The snp party are just wrong i would let them run a bath never mind a country but my countrymen voted them in and now we suffer

  7. You are all bananas. Pure and utter crazies. Wafer thin majority , you've got a wafer thin grasp on reality.

  8. George, are you the same George Laird that amassed the 163 votes for the Pollok ward recently? �� aw my sides!

  9. Jason old chap, pray explain how needing the Green puppets to prop up the sdministration is not a 'wafer thin majority'?

  10. Second thought Jason old bean, don't bother. A wee bit research and we find another NatBot.

  11. Jason, he's made an effort. It doesn't matter what anyone's political leanings are (apart from extremists). If they are prepared to stand they should be respected for it. I take it your are happy with Black's recent behaviour?

  12. D Stewart , old chum. Pray tell me the only Scottish Goverment that has had a majority since Holyrood was set up? Now to help you answer this trick conundrum I will narrow it down for you. SNP or Labour ? As these two parties have only ever been in power in Scotland and only ONE has had a majority. Now let's face facts, Annie Wells getting a seat with just over 2500 is , should I say squire -" laughable" multi failed Murdo - just makes it lamentable. I really cant wait for PR voting to be removed from Holyrood or the birth of the Wings Party and then we will see the Yoon seats dropping like flies. Toodle Pip.

  13. The Wings party will be decimated by the media. Given that many candidates will be regulars on there, the media will dredge up every single comment. Added to the fact that the good Rev has publicly stated that he is in contact with the former First Minister, it will smack of an attempt to fix the elections. But ask yourself this: we have arguably the worst opposition in Scotland for decades, but still desire for independence is at 50%. Don't forget the wonderful Black. God help the SNP or Wings candidate standing in that constituency.

  14. I see some regulars on Wings seem hell bent on attracting a contempt of court charge, given what they are posting about a certain trial that begins tomorrow. Some are even suggesting turning up at the court to form a 'silent majority'. Sounds more like witness / jury intimidation to me, something the courts come down on heavily. A couple are suggesting the Scottish judiciary are corrupt. Funnily enough, they didn't criticise the trial of the Aberdeen tory Councillor recently found guilty. And these people want to form an alternative party to the SNP?
