Thursday, February 6, 2020

Derek likes a Schoolboy: Creepy SNP Minister Derek Mackay resigns as an SNP Minister, is suspended from the SNP, accused of allegedly predatory behavior towards a 16 year old boy still at school, and all the political leaders at Holyrood join Nicola Sturgeon is calling for his resignation as an MSP, the SNP is a cesspool of a party who have been targeting young children, the call for a by-election in this case is warranted

Dear All

There is as I have always said something pretty rotten at the core of the Scottish National Party. It is a party without honour, a party with dignity and a party without integrity. It is a party which you could liken to a cesspool without skipping a beat before turning to their policies; these people are a danger to Scotland, a danger to society and a danger to communities. I have been saying the SNP is rotten for sometime been sneered at been targeted but hey, the proof of how rotten it is at the top is bubbling over now.

Today’s blog post is about in the main, a rat, a man who betrayed his wife and children, betrayed his party and betrayed his public office. Someone within the Sturgeon inner circle and tipped as a future leader of the SNP, ladies and gentlemen, Derek Mackay. When you ask yourself how far down a man can sink, if they are SNP, they can sink lower, Mackay is now swimming in the cesspool of his own making.

SNP MSP Derek Mackay should be about to deliver the Scottish budget, but the creepy MSP who was Sturgeon’s right hand man has now resigned as a minister and been suspended from the SNP. In fact, what Mackay has been accused of is so serious, so low and despicable that even Nicola Sturgeon has said the former Finance Secretary’s behaviour fell “seriously below” the standards required of a minister and get this; she said there are "clearly" issues for Mr Mackey to reflect on in terms of whether he continues as an MSP.

Derek apparently likes a little schoolboy aged 16; he is 42, and a homosexual! Even after the boy revealed he was just 16 and told Mr Mackay not to “try anything”, Mackay didn’t back off and bombarded him with messages until this month. Mackay went on to tell the boy:

“I think you are really cute.”

When you hear the words really cute, you generally think of people telling mothers how cute their babies are, as a way of saying well done, your baby looks pretty, healthy and happy, in those terms, we all accept as a normal exchange. However, when a 42 year old man tells a 16 year old schoolboy, he is ‘really cute’; something doesn’t gel; you don’t get the same impression of using the words ‘really cute’ in this instance.

It appears sordid, it appears dirty, it appears plain wrong!

Scottish Tory leader Jackson Carlaw leading off condemnation said Mackay's behaviour could "constitute the grooming of a young individual". Scottish Labour leader Richard Leonard said it was "nothing short of predatory", and said he "should go as a member of this parliament". What does it says that Nicola Sturgeon, Jackson Carlaw and Richard Leonard are all united along with the Scottish Greens Patrick Harvie and Willie Rennie that Mackay should resign as an MSP? There is clearly “issues” as Sturgeon alluded too.

What caught Mackay out was the boy’s outraged mum who only learned of the creepy exchanges last week. Horrified, she reacted as any mum would after seeing that Mackay appeared to be allegedly flirting with her child. What is also concerning is that Mackay who is a dad of two should have known better, as a politician and as a Minister of Crown, he should be beyond reproach and living and being held to a high standard. Does anyone think that Derek Mackay deserves to be a Minister of the Crown or even still hold public office?

I think, the backlash which is fast moving is No!

Derek Mackay now sits as an independent MSP, just like Mark McDonald who also suspended by the SNP.

If you think there is a way back into the fold for Derek Mackay; then the words of Nicola Sturgeon can give you some sense of that position, she said:

"I am not aware of any further allegations or any conduct of a similar nature. But I should stress I was not aware of this until last evening."

Nicola Sturgeon has form for saying that she wasn’t aware of anything but for her to say this so quickly, tends to lend weight to Derek Mackay never being admitted back into the SNP. His fall from grace is huge, Minister, MSP, part of the Sturgeon inner circle. You have to wonder given this and other people who have also fallen from grace whether Nicola should be asking about and giving people warnings about consequences if their private life is clouded by sleaze.

It seems others have branded Derek Mackay a "predatory" and urged resignation as an MSP after apparently grooming a 16-year-old schoolboy on social media. When you see Green co-leader Patrick Harvie adding:

"Derek Mackay’s behaviour was utterly unacceptable, and his resignation was clearly necessary."

Clearly, this has distant echoes back to the time of Mark McDonald, who was cast out and shunned by the parliament.

Personally, I don’t want to see anyone leave public office in disgrace. I would have preferred that Derek Mackay was thrown out of Holyrood, the traditional way, via the ballot box but that opportunity now appears to be gone. I think there is no way back to the SNP, and I don’t think he will go. He will probably instead run down the clock till the election of Holyrood 2021 and then quietly slip away. Future employment might however be a problem for him after this episode.

Finally, here is a video to watch, the SNP have been targeting young children in their independence cause for sometime via people like Mhairi Black. The SNP has also been pushing their own agenda at schools regarding the sexualization of children.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Totally disgusting and utterly shameful! Nippy Nicky Sturgeon is the champion of inappropriate understatement.

    Of course, the zoomers are still claiming conspiracy theory.

  2. Someone on another site (guess who) said it was a honey trap, until it was pointed out to them that McKay started it. Was he in breach of the ministerial code as well? Sturgeon should definitely had sacked him.

  3. The police have now been informed

  4. I watched that pompous git Brown on Politics Scotland this morning. Trying to act tough against Brewer and failed miserably. Although the psycho brigade thought he was wonderful. If he was any good he'd have a Westminster seat.

  5. Well there's a thing!
