Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Toying with the SNP Idiots; Conservative Scottish Secretary Alister Jack confirms he has received Nicola Sturgeon’s request for a second independence referendum but the answer is No, No to indyref 2, 2020 is the ‘year of fester’, the year of pro UK attacks on health, education and council services run by SNP, holding the SNP to account and naming the victims

Dear All

What do you do when your shithoose is on fire?

You can stand around and watch it burn, try to put out the fire or you can setup a diversion to distract people. Nicola Sturgeon may have won 48 seats in the recent election against a weak opposition dogged by woeful candidates and badly thought-out policies but she isn’t fireproof.

It is 2020, a time of hope, of dreams, of court cases!

And of course when criminal trials of former SNP MPs are running, nothing like an independence referendum to push unpleasant news down the agenda. In fact, you could say that Nicola Sturgeon as SNP leader needs a blinding snow storm of indy to hide in. To that end, SNP leader and her cohorts have adopted, ‘Operation Dead Duck’, the unattainable fight for indyref 2.

Conservative Scottish Sec Alister Jack confirms he has received Nicola Sturgeon’s request for a second independence referendum. And guess what, it is going to be rejected in the cold light of day, this is a time to highlight, SNP Govt failure, to make a festering stew for Nicola to swallow. The sticks are all there to beat the SNP with on health, education, finance and of course law and order. It is just a matter of picking them up and start beating.

‘Kill the head and the body will fall’ is well known in combat, the same applies in political combat; Nicola Sturgeon and her inner circle are primed for a fall from grace. The goal of the Holyrood 2021 election is to aim for an SNP minority government unable to be propped up by the Scottish Greens. No chance of an outright win for either Scottish Labour or Scottish Conservatives, each has their own problems. At present, damaging the beast is the only appealing option that carries any credibility about it.

And let’s be upfront, even that task is now easy climb.

The first bit of the puzzle has been played, the note for a referendum, to which the Scottish Sec Alister Jack was quick to shoot down an SNP MP’s calls for a new vote. There will be no referendums votes in 2020; Prime Minister Boris Johnson is sitting pretty on a bumper majority. Nicola Sturgeon’s plan for a hung Westminster Parliament where she controlled Jeremy Corbyn’s strings didn’t happen. In fact this was her plan B, her real goal was an early election to take advantage of how unprepared Scottish Labour was as a force. The SNP plan A was to win seats, they knew Corbyn was going to be slaughtered.

When Airdrie and Shotts SNP MP Neil Gray questioned the Government’s decision to refuse the poll, he said:

“His party enjoys 43% of the vote to deliver Brexit and yet denies the SNP its right to give the people of Scotland its say with the 45% of the vote in Scotland that we have secured.”

Alister Jack replied:
“The First Minister has asked for the right to set referendums in the future, to decide the context of those. We are very clear about this. Constitutional matters are reserved and it would be completely wrong for us to hands those powers over to the Scottish Parliament because we would end up in a series of never-endums.”

No Westminster Government is ever going to transfer power for never-endums!

In a meaningless moan SNP’s deputy Westminster leader Kirsty Blackman accused the Government of ignoring Scottish voters.

She said:

“The UK Government has ignored Scottish people’s voices and votes in every election and referendum since 2016, careering on with both Brexit and austerity. Can the Secretary of State inform us what precise electoral event would convince him that Scotland people should have the right to choose their own future?”

 Jack replied:

“Regarding whether the time will be right, both Nicola Sturgeon and Alex Salmond at the time said it was a ‘once-in-a-generation, once-in-a-lifetime decision’. I don’t feel a generation or a lifetime has passed.”

In other words, comeback in 30 years, if you’re still here!

The Labour Party was wrong to agree to have an early Westminster election in 2019, clearly they weren’t in a position to win, or even campaign properly, whereas they should have allowed the status quo to drag on and then reap the benefits of a government festering, they chose the wrong option. In the Holyrood 2021 election, no early election will be coming; no referendums will be coming down the pipeline either. So, we could see the SNP as a party festering from scandal after scandal coupled with internal dissent from Nicola Sturgeon’s failure to delivery that precious referendum pledge.

Already we have seen the jockeys starting to get themselves into position in the event she falls.

Scottish Sec Alister Jack is right when he says:

 “It’s quite clear that the Scottish Government constantly harp on about independence and separation because they want to deflect from the main issue and the main issue is that they are failing in our school standards and they are failing our NHS.”

Finally, will the running stink of 2020 be that Nicola Sturgeon and her SNP government will be like rotten eggs? The opposition needs stir that particular pot continuously so the public feel that enough is enough. 2020 is a prep year for political parties, if they don’t reform, they will miss their window. 

Life under the SNP is the ‘Epoch of Bollocks’, but what does it say about the political culture in Scotland if parties can’t defeat that?

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Absolutely. It's time that the Scottish conservatives and the like went on the assault, big time. Time to break this ridiculous deadlock in Scotland.

  2. I don't know why people bother voting,

  3. Fully agree with your comments. I'm getting a wee bit worried about comments posted in public Internet forums, including calls for civil disobedience. Likewise, there is an attempt to start a 'Wings' party aimed purely at list seats. Given a lot of the supporters of this are SNP members it is a blatant attempt to fix the 2021 elections. But given no Indyref2 this year Sturgeon might get toppled. But who the hell can replace her? I'd have said Cherry, but there were moves to deselect her.

  4. Dear Anon

    If Nicola goes, Cherry might get her big chance, one tricky issue, who kisses her at party conferences?


  5. Why does the SNP continue to claim that the people of Scotland want a 2nd referendum,when 55% of the voter,s did not vote for the SNP at the last general election when their whole campaign was based on independence.
