Tuesday, January 21, 2020

'Scotland the Brave', it is the pro UK Scots who fight against the SNP injustices, the people of Scotland thought they were getting better education, they didn’t get it, better health services, they didn’t get it, and more opportunities for kids, they didn’t get it, SNP are sacrificing the life chances of future generations of Scottish kids over indyref2

Dear All

Hardly is one election out of the way and SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon is using Holyrood to drum up support for the next election in 2021, under the guise of setting out her "next steps" on a second independence referendum. 

So, who is this smokescreen for the benefit of since there will be no second independence referendum coming down the tracks?

The SNP Cult who are addicted to money and power.

In a bid to try and recreate the Tsunami that gave the SNP a majority in 2011, the SNP is banking on generating a strategy to have ‘hate votes’. The only problem, the conditions for the ‘next’ Tsunami don’t look as good as the first, you can't keep anger. running all the time without emotional burn out. It seems finally however, the opposition is moving towards hanging the SNP leader on her woeful record in government. Although my fellow deluded Scots will probably keep her in power, she is a politician going nowhere. She might set out her ‘next steps’ but the refusal of Boris Johnson to grant Holyrood the power to hold a new vote will see the rot set in post 2021 election internally within the wider party.

The opposition has come late to the party in so many ways it beggars belief, it has been for some time ‘civic’ pro UK Scotland that has held the SNP to account, with the odd ray of light by a politician here and there.  Nicola Sturgeon will give MSPs her response to Boris Johnson's refusal to grant Holyrood the power to hold a new vote; that is irrelevant. The opposition needs to stop being lured in the SNP indy trap, and refuse to engage in any indy debate, instead focusing entirely on the Scottish domestic agenda and the SNP record of managing that agenda.

The ‘statement’ by Nicola Sturgeon is expected just hours before Scotland is taken out of the EU on January 31. Scottish people not Scotland took part in the UK wide vote in 2016 to leave the EU and a million Scots voted to leave. Scotland didn’t vote as a country, this lie is continually fed to Scots by the press and the SNP. Now, that trouble is coming, the SNP idea is to focus on Sturgeon and her alone as a saviour; it may seem to some that Sturgeon displays the classic signs of a narcissist. Her continual ‘look at me’ is a sign of someone who knows they are of no worth.

The SNP have even got parts of the press to buy into this ‘cult of the personality’ rubbish, but we should remember her record as an MSP, Minister and as First Minister; it is a dreadful tale of failure and neglect. Her efforts to ‘rouse the rabble’ and direct them against Westminster is in part to stop them turning on her. Once it finally sinks in that Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP Cult has played the Nationalist movement and won’t deliver, the fireworks should be quite interesting to watch. People like Alex Neil calling for a 'consultative' vote is a sign that people are growing weary of Sturgeon, and guess what, no 'consultative' vote will go ahead or be seen as legitimate.

Sturgeon has said she wants Indyref2 in the second half of this year, and hinted she has a plan to overcome the UK Government's resistance. She might have a plan but she doesn’t have control of Westminster. And the UK Government with a thumping majority isn’t going to cave to her. She might go the courts, she might try being disruptive, but the power lies in elsewhere. No Section 30 order is being granted in 2020 nor will be in any of the future years of this term for Westminster. Westminster can wait out Nicola Sturgeon because time is now against her.

Literally Nicola Sturgeon has nothing Boris Johnson wants.

If you look at the Scottish Conservatives, they seem to still be planning to take a shot of knocking Sturgeon off as king of the hill, whether they will have the human resources to achieve this is questionable. It will be a hard slog to turf out the SNP and that requires constant local campaigning on the ground. Are the Scottish Conservatives up for that challenge because just turning out at elections won’t cut it if they want government! This is the time of deep campaigning in the long campaign.

I can understand Boris Johnson’s tactic in waiting Sturgeon out, by refusing to play along with her, he wants her crowd to turn on her; the cracks are already there with Salmond and Sturgeon. And as we have seen her crown is now being looked at by others wanting it, members of the Court of King Alex allegedly have been eyeing it up. If you want to see how low some people will sink for monmey then I suggest looking at SNP Brexit Secretary Michael Russell. He has suggested a legal challenge against the UK's refusal may be possible, but legal experts last week warned this would be highly unlikely to succeed. You doubt have to be a legal expert to know that the tail doesn’t wag the dog which is what the SNP seems to think.

The 2014 indy vote was a once-in-a-generation vote that means 30 years.

When the 30 years are up, the current crop of senior SNP politicians will be resting six feet under or maybe in a care home, drugged up and saliva dribbling down their mouth.  Although Scotland’s place in the UK is protected, what the UK can’t protect is Scots from high tax and high damage to public services by the SNP. Scottish people are doing to have to do that job themselves, and steel themselves to that task because it is our fight. Alex Salmond will probably get a State Funeral in Moscow, Nicola Sturgeon shoved in a bag and buried in Portugal, next to her cats.

Oh to be a fly on the wall in 30 years time!

Injecting a ‘spec of reality’, SNP MP Kenny MacAskill has said the chance of Indyref 2 this year is "likely nil". Former SNP Westminster leader Angus Robertson last week admitted it would not happen, but buffoon Ian Blackford is shouting like it’s happening soon. Why the difference in views? Blackford is a political fool, his reputation is hanging round his waist, and apparently getting bigger; I doubt he has 30 years in him to hang around for another defeat.

Sturgeon's official spokesman said:

“Next steps will be outlined next week. FM will seek to update before the end of the month, as she indicated. we’re committed to what was put forward in our manifesto at the election a matter of weeks ago. That’s what people have voted for, that’s what people have endorsed. It’s incumbent on us to try to deliver what people have voted for.”

The people of Scotland thought they were getting better education, they didn’t get it, better health services, we didn’t get it, and more opportunities for kids, we didn’t get that either, what we did get was stagnation. The SNP’s general election manifesto said:

“It must be for the Scottish Parliament not Westminster to decide when an independence referendum should be held - and the SNP intends that it will be in 2020.”

Finally, that isn’t a promise; it is a part of a wish list which Nicola Sturgeon can’t deliver. When will Scottish people wake up and learn the brutal hard truth? The SNP don’t care for working class Scots, they never did. The working classes are being systematically shut out of higher education in favour of rich foreign students which plays perfectly into the SNP immigration agenda, which is why they do nothing about it.

Scotland, the brave are the pro UK Scots who fight against the SNP injustices.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Well said, George Laird. Perfect analysis of the situation in Scotland and the pathetic Nicola Sturgeon.The majority of us Scots hate what she has done to our country. I thank Boris Johnson for what he is doing re Sturgeon. I have already said elsewhere I am very pleased he is our Prime Minister. My thanks as a Scot for what is already being done in Westminster to help us against the aggressive SNP. Best Wishes to Boris Johnson and all who are helping us Scots who are ourselves attacked by Sturgeon and her followers

  2. I know all about the bloody education fiasco. My 2 children are 8 years apart. The eldest missed CfE and has done well, with good results and quals to Hnd level. Youngest is no less intelligent but has suffered horrendously particularly with maths. The stupid bastards took away times tables by rote. SNP have fucked a generation of kids. But look at who the Finance Secretary is. Speaks volumes.
