Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Not Good Enough, lame duck SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon halted from appearing in the leader’s debate, correct decision by broadcaster, Boris Johnson says "I will never do a TV debate with Nicola Sturgeon", it is bad enough standing beside her, Sturgeon’s mad old auntie routine has had its day

Dear All

The agony of being the leader of a regional party is telling on Nicola Sturgeon, after being frozen of the ITV debate, Boris Johnson has ruled out ever debating with Nicola Sturgeon. This is a classic case of you’re not good enough and you’re never going to be Prime Minister. The humiliation for Nicola Sturgeon and the effect on any future post FM career is palpable, after political office of FM, the elevator travels only one way….. down!

In the battle between the Prime Minister and Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, Nicola Sturgeon thought she could barge her way in and subject us all to a grievance mongering session about Scottish independence. How that plan has failed, now like the rest of the public, she can watch the leaders debate from the cheap seats.

Boris Johnson says he is well up for the contest tonight and declared he was “pumped” and “coiled like a spring”, but this isn’t the X Factor or Britain’s Got Talent, this is for something much bigger, a country. With this be the showman vs the schoolteacher, or will both be tearing lumps out of each other. Live TV can either make you or break you, especially if you run off at the mouth and get carried away with yourself.

Conservatives have a big poll lead, but as the Ratner’s moment showed on TV, when you have everything to lose, sometimes you can. Will this be a cautious Boris Johnson tonight with toned down rhetoric, first impressions count. Will Jeremy Corbyn go on the offensive after a mountain of bad press stories, or will both feel each other out.

Now, that Nicola Sturgeon has been sidelined, the SNP are laughingly claiming the two main party leaders were scared of Ms Sturgeon. Westminster politicians aren’t scared of the SNP at either the House of Commons or in Holyrood. The power as always lies in the corridors of Westminster, not a Cult room in Bute House, the SNP vote share is dropping.

In blowing off a request that Nicola Sturgeon appear in tonight’s debate, Boris Johnson drove the knife in by saying:

“Once Nicola Sturgeon takes leadership of a party in Parliament and is a serious contender to be prime minister of the UK; that would be the appropriate moment.”

Regional politician Nicola Sturgeon would not be a big fish in the pond of Westminster politics, and shouting loud and over people, her fav tactic wouldn’t be entertained. She would be a lowly worker ant, in a very small ant nest. Westminster is populated with the Court of King Alex, so don’t expect the red carpet, think more someone attempting to pull the rug out from under her feet….. and that’s just her own lot.

The Court case to get Nicola Sturgeon on TV failed, the muppets funded it, even although it was a total loser and pay the price, lost their money, and lost their integrity. You have to ask yourself, why fight a case when you haven’t a leg to stand on. The Joan of Arc mantra doesn’t work for Nicola Sturgeon, just like the child hugging photo ops, they are so cringe worthy as to appear needy and desperate.  

Although blown out at the big fight, ITV is due to host a seven-party debate on 1 December, although Mr Johnson and Mr Corbyn have not committed to taking part. I think Boris Johnson will be a no show, this tactic worked for him before on his rise to fame.

Finally after some thought, I have returned to the front line yet again to campaign against the SNP in order to help someone retain their seat. Returning after a health scare is always a bit sketchy but I was surprised how well I kept up. It will take me a few days to get back to full campaigning mode but I think I will be up to it. Sometimes you have to come off the bench and get back on the playing field, this campaign has a personal aspect for me as well. In politics, they call this ‘unfinished business’, and I have unfinished business with this SNP candidate.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Hi George. I thoroughly enjoy reading your blog. I'm glad you're back and hopefully you are in good health . Keep up the good work

  2. Welcome back, George! I would not like to be this SNP candidate you aim to de-throne, were I them, I'd be quaking in my boots.

    Knock 'em dead!

  3. Of course, your Nov 13th entry was a highlight of one reason why I doubt Corbyn is going anywhere. I missed the debate, granted, but I suspect that you're right, he does have to change tact massively regarding Brexit, if he has any chance of winning the country over.

    Right, carry on with the informative good work, George!

  4. Back on form with your great blogs and insights George.
