Thursday, November 28, 2019

Nationalist False Flag Season; Second SNP constituency office targeted by graffiti vandals in overnight attack, is there an election on because something smells rather fishy, given that support is moving away from the SNP in key marginal seats, has someone been a bit too clever in an attempt to generate ‘Nationalist Victimhood’?

Dear All

Do you remember a youtube video of an idiot sitting in a van saying that he had been contacted, told to go to a location by someone he didn’t know and then found indy votes not counted?

The video made a minor sensation, through-out the video the man kept saying he wasn’t going to go to the Police.

Why not go to the Police?

Why not take it to an elected SNP MSP?

That little episode was a crock of ‘you know what’, it might have had a touch of comedic value, in that the ‘presenter’ was clearly targeting the really gullible, to stoke up anger and outrage. Guy phones him up and tells him to go to a bin, what a pity he didn’t climb in and make himself useful as rubbish.

False flags are used by governments, politicians and others to practice deceit on the public, one of the most famous is the Gleiwitz incident used by the Nazis.

The Nazis were masters of propaganda

False flags are designed to make someone or groups appear as the victims, which is why I have linked to this youtube video.

This documentary was carefully shot to show woman and kids in danger, being persecuted for nothing, to provoke anger. Think back to the press continually saying ‘Nationalist anger explodes’ in Scotland in the SNP’s drive to create victimhood. Just after the 2014 result, the claims of vote rigging surfaced about the counts being rigged.

They were not rigged, not a single claim was correct; no one involved in the count ever was prosecuted.

I want to put a question to you, have you noticed that this election is a quiet election in the main? The campaign rolls on but I see a subtle shift away from the SNP, the ground is slipping from under their feet.

And they are worried.

30 out of 35 SNP are marginal which means a slight push could see a cascade of SNP losses; one such marginal is Motherwell and Wishaw, that seat last time was won by 318 votes. Of course that was then and this is now, however the point I want to make is the SNP share is going down. All Labour in theory has to do is hold their vote and add a little more and if the SNP vote continues to dip, Marion Fellowes, the SNP candidate loses the seat.

A few days ago, we learned of an attack on SNP MSP Aileen Campbell, she is what I call one of the 'disappeared ones’, someone who is a minister but so low key, no one notices her. So, when her office in Carluke was ’attacked’, I saw the story but didn’t pay much attention to it. Now the office of Marion Fellowes who is the incumbent MP at Motherwell and Wishaw has been attacked with apparently the same modius operandi.

Call me old fashioned but I don't believe for a minute that pro UK Scots did this at all.

The SNP goon squad have a culture of presenting themselves as 'victims', so we have both "attacks" apparently sprayed with 'SNPOUT' which is a hastag used on twitter and a pro UK Facebook group, and with red spray paint.

Could it be that some SNP supporting idiot or group has been too clever?

With the polls now shifting for Scottish Labour, have SNP canvassing returns not been as expected for the Nicola Sturgeon Cult. Is Westminster, now a distant dream for some of them? There is a shift, we have gone from the prediction to only one Labour MP expected to hold his seat to two in a recent poll. I think if the trend continues over the next fortnight, we might get a few more upsets to the SNP bandwagon.

Police Scotland said:

"We are also aware of vandalism to a constituency office in Carluke which happened around the same time. These are not currently being treated as linked but we are keeping an open mind".

I think they should open their mind further; this has all the ingredients of a false flag operation.

1/ Target SNP women
2/ Use name of pro UK Facebook group
3/ The surprisingly strange toned down "abuse"
4/ Same apparent MO at both locations
5/ Same tactics used by Nazis which the SNP use in their creation of the ‘cult of the leader’ who rails against supposed victimhood of Scots.

Which is why I come back to this video because I don’t believe these attacks were by pro UK people, to me, something is off; it feels odd!

Finally, the narrative of the attacks on SNP women, the fact that these ‘attacks’ aren’t simply directed at Westminster candidates but appear to be targeted at the entire SNP as a group, should make people perk up and take notice. Another hallmark of the Nationalist cause is their firm belief in everyone else being an idiot who can’t work out what is going on. Well in this election, I reckon I can see what is going on. I see the SNP support slipping, and I don’t see this dramatic ten to midnight attempt at victimhood washing with the Scottish public either because it looks odd, feels odd, and has all the ingredients of a false flag operation.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Hi George. Why on earth would you phone a man with a van to collect a bag of votes outside a bin in Duke Street? Alister

  2. I take this graffiti happened after Sturgeon's interview on the Andrew Neil show, when she lost a lot of credibility? Alister

  3. Something definitely smells. On a brighter if rather distasteful note, an SNP candidate has been suspended following allegations of anti semitism.

  4. More false flag from some of the regulars on WoS. Some are insinuating that the terror attack in London was 'convenient' for the PM. And quite a few are donating to the crowd funding for Neale Harvey. Given that some of these posters are long standing SNP members makes me wonder wtf is going on.
