Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible, in the meantime, enjoy a Star Wars clip I made- A George Laird Production, circumstances have forced me to curtail blogging for the foreseeable future, events dear boy, events!

Dear All

Without a doubt we are entering an exciting time as MPs from all sides of the House of Commons attempt to sabotage Brexit.

This single act of betrayal raises serious questions about who MPs actually represent.

As the chances of a snap election grow, the political tide has shifted, one thing for certain is that certain current MPs will not be coming back to Parliament. Some will be de-selected if you believe Boris Johnson’s threat and others are going to lose their seats.

And let us be in no doubt, some people deserve to lose while some people standing deserve never to be elected.

I have been blogging a long time, but due to an issue I am going to have to stop for a while, this enforced break is not of my choosing, it has been forced on me by health circumstances.

I don’t even know if I can go fight the general election if it happens this year.

The good news is that it is fixable and I will return but I am uncertain when but I will hopefully know more tomorrow which I will add to this post. In the meantime while I am gone, here is a recent clip I made of a star wars theme for you to enjoy.

Since I will be away, if you need to get in touch then drop me a line at georgelaird@hotmail.com if urgent rather than the comments section.

There is a lull before the storm coming.

Finally, I am sorry to have to go, especially at this time which is a period in history which could be a turning point in the relationship between political parties and the people.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

UPDATE: yesterday went to the hospital for assessment, told I need surgery, so I am on a waiting list, it will be a while before I am back folks sorry.

UPDATE 2: I will be back blogging on Monday 4th November, sorry about this for putting it back again.


  1. I hope everything goes ok Georgie Boy. I will miss your blogs.

  2. Not at all, concentrate on a full recovery and get back to us as soon as you're ready.



  4. Hi Folks

    I will miss posting, and giving the George Laird view, if there is an election, it will be a hard and brutal one, and I would love to be in the trench fighting it.

    If there is a sliver lining, I needed to de-clutter the flat anyway.


  5. Get well soon

  6. Wishing you a full and speedy recovery.

  7. Please take care. God Bless you.


    Stafford 1069

  8. Take care George hope for a speedy recovery. Reading your blog kept me going through some bad times a couple of years ago.

  9. Get well quick...We need you George, your blog is about the only free speech available in Scotland.

  10. Hope all goes well for you. Good luck.

  11. get well soon mate.

  12. Thanks to my father who stated to me about this website, this blog is genuinely

  13. Enjoy reading your blogs as you are always "on the button" with your comments.
    Hope that you have recovered & look forward to your speedy return.
    Take good care of yourself.

  14. All the very best to you George, just don't forget to swab the decks in your pre crimbo clean out!!
