Friday, August 23, 2019

Declaration of Cineworld 2, B Movie Actor Alan Cumming blunders back in Scottish politics to support SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon’s sham indyref2 bid, ham actor delivers a less than convincing speech as he says Scots were ‘duped’ in 2014, he also thinks a bad Brexit has a ‘positive’ if there are food and medical shortages, I think a dwarf throwing act would have more appeal than his shaky political commentary

Dear All

One thing of the things which dominated the Scottish independence referendum of 2014 was serial lying by the Scottish National Party and their cohorts. Hardly a day went by when the lies weren’t attempted to be fostered on the Scottish population. The other aspect of the 2014 referendum was the emergence of hatred which the SNP had stoked up at their party conferences. Anti Englishness was disguised as ‘Westminster’ is the problem. This has now publicly emerged to now take the form of cheap banners for the rent a mob Nats. Banners proclaiming ‘England get out of Scotland’ which is a replica of the Sinn Fein banner ‘word for word’ banner except instead of Scotland, they used Ireland.

Lying and hatred was all the SNP had to argue for independence since they chosen the grim reality of what independence meant. For the people, it was to be austerity beyond belief, it was to see living standards fall, it was a sham.

Those who chose to campaign for Scottish independence where also peddling another lie, that they were campaigning for independence when in fact they were doing no such thing.  The SNP wanted to end the union to give up power and sovereignty to a foreign political organization called the EU. In this new arrangement, a Scottish voice would be smaller, and critically have no power, Scotland like many smaller countries would be asset stripped of our resources like Greece. Budgets for Scotland would need to be approved by the EU as Scottish politicians would be mere puppets.

In 2012, at the launch of the Scottish independence campaign at Cineworld in Edinburgh, a motley crew assembled which I dubbed, the Declaration of Cineworld. This was a post which the SNP didn’t like as I compared the motley group to the fictional army concert party in the BBC, it ‘It Ain't Half Hot Mum’

The SNP hated this post so much that the leadership decided to remove me as a member under the pretext that it was homophobic. One thing about me which is well known is that I tell the truth. If I was homophobic, I wouldn’t have a problem putting it in writing and no problem telling it straight to someone’s face. It was a great post mocking ‘the gathering’, which I ended up finishing my post by writing:

“Let’s hope that the ‘It Ain't Half Hot Mum’ concert party don’t get taken on the road otherwise some people won’t even get a nickel for their mother!”

Seven year later, this post remain on my blog, it is a post I am proud to have written. Of the three people in the picture, Alex Salmond has gone on to be charged with multiple sexual offences; Patrick Harvie is still talking shite, and actor Alan Cumming. Alan Cumming is a B actor.

Moving on from 2012, Alan Cumming is back to Scotland to tell Scots about independence, remarkable in that he cleared out of this country a long time ago. He said he hopes that Brexit will expedite Scottish independence, it won’t, and neither will his intervention. In his delivery of doom and gloom, he cites a leaked Whitehall dossier laying out the potential impact of a no-deal Brexit could lead to a hastened break-up of the union. This document hailed by the Nats as some sort of evidence is opinion, not fact, which is easily explained to anyone who can read English.

But will Alan Cumming, Patrick Harvie and Alex Salmond be putting the band back together? Hardly anytime soon, Salmond is an outcast from the SNP, and 2020, he plays centre stage in his court case. No doubt covered by RT, the Russian Channel.

Cumming said:

"In my crystal ball, which is tinged with my political leanings, I would hope that Brexit and if the effects of Brexit and that leaked memo the other day with the medical supply issue, food shortages high prices and even civil unrest all being the potential outcome will hopefully further and quicken Scottish independence because that for me would be the only positive thing to come out of this debacle."

It won’t, and you don’t need a crystal ball to know that I see a plane ride in Alan Cumming future back to his home in New York. There wouldn’t be high prices; there won’t be food shortages; no medical shortages because we aren’t living in the dark ages. We live in a modern integrated world where money talks, and when it does politicians do well to listen. As a B actor, no doubt Alan Cumming will be welcomed back into the new C list production of Scottish Independence 2, ‘the tampax affair’ starring Nicola Sturgeon. So, what role other than a plank could Alan Cumming play in this upcoming production?  The options could be:

Comic relief

Joke teller

Replacement for Sean Connery

Or he could do a handstand!

So, what advice could I possibly give a B actor like Alan Cumming who wants to dabble in serious politics?

This is the perfect clip with advice.

Finally, although seven years have passed since the Alan Cumming trod the boards at the Declaration of Cineworld, my advice still stands, if the SNP chose to do Declaration of Cineworld 2, ‘if people didn’t enjoy the concert party, then at least they were well positioned to go see the Avengers Movie, grab a drink and a hotdog’. Given the SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon talks so much hot air, perhaps Alan Cumming can have a role, as her personal Punkah wallah.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. My brother recommended I might like this web site.

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  2. That clip left me in stitches, George - wasn't expecting it!

  3. Dear Anon

    "That clip left me in stitches, George - wasn't expecting it!"

    The wonder of photoshop which I am trying to learn, you can do much with a keyboard and a sense of humour.


  4. Great Georgie boy. Cumming used to greet has dad beat him....not enough says I

  5. I wonder if Cummings had a hotdog in his mouth when he got kicked out of the Casino?

  6. If I remember rightly, Alan Cummings bought a flat in Edinburgh so he could vote in the referendum, only to be told he was ineligible.

  7. I just laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed

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