Monday, July 15, 2019

The SNP Scottish Armada; SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon and her incompetent Scottish Government 'cannot guarantee medicine supplies' under no-deal Brexit, plans to sail to the EU to pick up aspirin, rubbers and KY Jelly remain on high alert, the SNP will stoop to anything to try and make Nicola ‘dinghy’ Sturgeon look like a leader, even using the sick as a stepping stone for Scottish independence

Dear All

We all like a good horror story, but to sell the fear factor, it has to have an element of truth, sadly truth and the SNP appear to be complete strangers. In the senior ranks of the SNP, unpopular Nicola Sturgeon has appointed her men with a proper job. Keith Brown, depute SNP leader is a prime example, ‘the man who walks indy marches’. There is another lump of flesh appointed by Sturgeon, Mike Russell, Scottish Govt Brexit Secretary. He is in full scaremongering mode that supply of vital medicines cannot be guaranteed in the event of a no-deal exit.

Anyone seriously think that the EU or the UK would stop medicine supplies in either direction?

I don’t, if there is one think which would never be forgotten or forgiven is people dying due to one or other side holding back medical supplies. The people of the UK would take that issue to heart and the anger generated would see no goodwill available to the Europeans. In order to try and pad out his scare story as having any credibility, Mike Russell said arrangements were previously in place, but the situation had “changed” following the Brexit deadline being pushed back to October 31.

Change meaning the date had changed, is this a climatic event?

Hardly, but such is the poor arguments that remainers have, they have to plum the depths to find anything, even fluff and dross to try and make themselves meaningful to the public, in this case, the SNP in their eyes are the ‘heroes’.

Look, look, Nicola Sturgeon is securing medical supplies!

And of course in future releases, we will be treated to how ‘tirelessly’ the SNP have worked because of a date changed, including the ‘Scottish armada (hired) sailing to the EU to pick up aspirin, rubbers and KY Jelly. Mike Russell insisted ministers now cannot “absolutely guarantee” all medicines will continue to be available if the UK crashes out of the European Union.

Such a statement is nonsense, Sturgeon’s ministers probably cannot guarantee anything, but at a UK level, government is more stable, more reliable, and more expert.

So, why do the SNP fear no deal?

Because when links are severed, there will see less opportunities for the SNP in terms of jobs and advancement, you cannot have failed to notice that every SNP leader in the past has post leadership, not gone onto better and lucrative pastures. Swinney ended up demoted back to MSP, and Salmond, well his future has been a rollercoaster to the bottom, via RT, the Russian channel. You don’t see the SNP going anywhere of note once they step down, no fortune 500 companies in their future. It is also doubtful that things will get any better for Sturgeon post FM.

If anything, her future might be a spot in the education sector like Wendy Alexander!

No chance in my opinion of a United Nations top post, no EU top post, no job in Nato, no ambassador job with the UK Government, not even a sniff at ‘our man in Mongolia’. 

Back to Russell’s horror story, he said:

“There are bigger difficulties in preparing for a no-deal in October than there were in March. For example, the availability of warehousing towards the end of the year, towards the Christmas season, becomes much more difficult”.

Christmas season puts lives in danger?

I mean, c’mon, is that really the best he can come up with, one thing that the UK has is space, and plenty of storage space to boot, this is him reaching.  One jokey part I liked is when Mike Russell said:

“Those preparations are not finalised south of the Border. We’re working with the UK Government to make sure they are finalized”.

Do you get the impression that Mike Russell thinks he is overseeing the UK Government, and that they are jointly working together? The UK government is doing the work, and the SNP is standing about waiting for that to be complete.

A UK Department of Health and Social Care spokesman said:

"Our priority is for all patients to continue to have access to medicines and medical products when we leave the EU.
We are working with industry and other stakeholders to continue robust no-deal contingency planning for supply after 31 October. We are confident that if everyone does what they need to do, the supply of medicines and medical products should be uninterrupted."

The key part of this statement is that” the supply of medicines and medical products should be uninterrupted."

Finally, how sad is that the SNP are reduced to being so low as to attempt to put the ‘frightens’ on patients. Of course, this is all about the SNP trying to dominate the media on a daily basis. The side benefit for them is hoisting up Nicola Sturgeon has a heroine who at the 11th hour rides to the rescue, perhaps they will have a patient all lined to be exploited for political purposes. Everything the SNP do is about independence, except government, their record is appalling.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Right at Glasgow University


  1. As usual a well written piece of journalism, true and honest

  2. Surely if Nicola banned Aspirin then any untreated headaches would obviate the need for the other two items?

    Meanwhile, it looks like Nicola's minimum alcohol pricing regime is finally starting to work...

    Finally, at least she's got Scotland to the top of the leader board in one category!

  3. Scotland now has the highest rate of drug deaths in the EU. But still SNP tries to blame Westminster. But this hollow claim has been decimated by drug charities. What will it take for Russell, Sturgeon and other non entities for once to accept responsibility?
