Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Rethinking a bad decision, UK Home Office want to deport Lizanne Malpas who lives in Arran, given she is married to a British born citizen, of good character, and running a business, she ticks all the boxes for staying in Scotland, deportation shouldn’t apply in her case, this is a rubber stamp job

Dear All

There is a quote that the law is sometimes an ass, and although rules are rules, sometime how these rules are applied is wrong. John and Lizanne Malpas are in a pickle, Lizanne was born in Zimbabwe but because her immigration status isn’t British Office mandarins ruled she can no longer live in the UK.

The problem is that officials don’t seem to be able to make the right decision because they get no ground to demonstrate good judgment. Unless there is a dramatic U-turn in the next few days she will have to say farewell to her husband. Then it’s down to the airport flew off back to Zimbabwe, a country which has been ran into the ground, Zimbabwe was once considered the breadbasket of Africa such was the output in food production. After Mugabe went racist against white farmers that place ended up collapsing, investment ended and the country went to the dogs relying on aid.

Having kicked white farmers off their land, the new regime noticed that not only could the new farmers, not farm the land, they couldn’t manage the land either, which also had an impact on local employment.

It is a tale of how racism by a majority causes self harm.

After a rethink post Mugabe, the fact that food production is essential in the national and economic interest was realized.

When you watch the returning farmer being greeted, you know that the phrase, ‘we are all in this together’ is true. Outside interference by politicians like Mugabe took Zimbabwe to the brink of ruin with the farmers and their staff, some of whom worked for years together.

Zimbabwe has a long road back to being a proper country, but it is funny how change was forced on the government because of previous stupidity.

As to Lizanne Malpas, she is married to a British citizen; it is a genuine marriage not a passport scam. She should be in no danger of having to quit her home on the Scots island of Arran. If anything, this is a rubber stamp job of the two minute variety, so why has the mistake being made, because the government wants to be seen to be acting on people who operate outside the rules regardless of colour.

Mrs Malpas said:

“I keep waking up and hoping that it will all just disappear and that it has been a complete mistake. But sadly, not so far. What I can say, however, is that the whole community of Arran have been absolutely astonishing and amazing in their support for us.”
Vowing to return as quickly as possible, she added:

“There have been lots of hugs and tears over the last few days from everyone I meet. It is truly incredible the depth of feeling and support we have received. In fairness, I seriously doubt whether I would have managed to get through it all this far without this enormous love towards us and our plight.”

In this country we struggle to deport rapists and murderers back to their home country, but someone who is running a wee shop on Arran is fair game so it seems. Honestly after putting all their savings into buying the Sandwich Station in Lochranza, which has now become one of the main tourist attractions, I think we can say she is a credit to the community. Deportation shouldn’t happen in this case, and the UK Government needs to look at this case again.

She is married to a British born citizen, to me that crosses the threshold of ‘she is now one of us’, and we should help her. Years ago, I blogged on an Indian family who moved to Scotland, sadly the husband died and my comments on the family’s problems were that we accepted this family on a visa, due to no fault of theirs tragic events happened to them, we should therefore keep faith with them.

The SNP as I have blogged having been trying to get control of immigration for their own devious purposes. We are seeing people like the wretched Patricia Gibson, the SNP MP for North Ayrshire and Arran use this case to say that this was the “latest in a long line” of people wanting to settle in Scotland but being denied the chance.

She said:

“It honestly defies logic and something must be done urgently to correct this hostile environment being created by the government towards helping people settle in rural communities.”

I know Gibson for her time as a Pollok SNP Cllr, a lazy and stupid woman who was noticeably absent from activism in the Pollok area. People like Gibson aren’t a help in cases like this, as quiet diplomacy is better, than a shouty individual with little ability.

I hope the Home Office do the right thing by Lizanne Malpas and do it soon.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

1 comment:

  1. The way the West is now (it’s not just Britain), if there’s a choice between a sensible action and a foolish one, the authorities will choose the foolish—Every. Single. Time. If there’s a choice between good and evil, the authorities will choose evil—Every. Single. Time.
    Clown world.

    So, British immigration:
    Here’s a quiz. …[U]sing your understanding of How Britain Is, estimate which of the following four aspirant British citizens has been told to get out and stay out. And which three can stay?

    1) Mouloud Sihali, Algerian. Lived at Finsbury Park mosque, breeding ground of Islamic terrorism. Described in court as “unprincipled and dishonest”. Illegal immigrant.
    2) Yonis Dirie, Somalian. Drug addict, armed robber and burglar. Convicted of raping a young woman in London. Illegal immigrant.
    3) Tul Bahadur Pun VC, Nepalese. Won the Victoria Cross for taking out a Japanese machinegun post in 1944 in Burma single-handedly. Now 84, of unblemished conduct, suffering from heart problems and diabetes and would like treatment here. Legal applicant.
    4) “AS”, Libyan. Islamic extremist involved with Milan terrorist group. Court accepts that he is likely to try to kill us all again quite soon. Illegal immigrant.

    You got it, didn’t you? Old Pun’s application was rejected because—and here’s another punchline, in case the first wasn’t funny enough—he “failed to demonstrate” that he had “strong ties with Britain”. How much stronger do you want? There can be hardly a soul who wouldn’t be happy to have Pun here. And not one who could make a case for allowing Dirie, the robber-rapist, say, to get preferential treatment. Some of us would have happily dispatched him back to Mogadishu strapped to a missile.

    (‘A rape conviction is better than a VC if you want to stay in Britain.’ Liddle, Rod. Times, 27 May 2007.)
    P.s. Pun eventually gained admission—sufficient fuss shamed HMG into doing right for once. Obit; RIP, brave soul.

    A Zimbabwean we didn’t deport:
    A high court judge has ordered the release of a convicted Zimbabwean criminal who has spent more than two years in immigration detention pending his deportation.
    Mr Justice Garnham ordered the release of Andre Babbage, who has a series of convictions for robbery, assault and cocaine dealing, despite accepting Home Office claims that he has no right to remain in Britain and is likely to abscond and commit further crimes.

    (Judge orders release of Zimbabwean criminal who cannot be deported.’ Travis, Alan. Guardian, 1 Feb 2016.)
    P.s. Him in 2018 (right age)? ‘Man charged after alleged knife attack in Stonehouse.’ McDonald, Gayle. Plymouth Herald, 29 Aug 2018. ‘All these people have appeared in court this week.’ Abel, Stuart. Plymouth Herald, 1 Sep 2018. (‘ANDRE BABBAGE, aged 32 … assaulting a woman by beating—18-month community order with alcohol treatment and mental health treatment and the Rehabilitation Activity Requirement, ordered to pay £85 costs.’)

    Western immigration policies are explained by Hans-Herman Hoppe in his 2001 Democracy—The God That Failed: excerpt here with the most relevant points highlighted.

    Petition: ‘Reconsider Lizanne Zietsman’s Visa Refusal’.
