Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Cat out of the SNP Bag; SNP MP Joanna Cherry QC says Citizens Assembly is 'perfect way' to advance independence, tainted body now seen as an SNP talking shop for indyref 2, unionists urged to boycott this sham by Conservative MSP Adam Tomkins there is an issue of trust regarding the Nationalists, same tactic used 2014 referednum, get a Scottish Labour Politician to front their project to give it air of legitimacy

Dear All


Yes, as is the way of things, a loud mouth blaggard full of their own importance as let the cat out of the bag. The SNP have floated the idea of a Citizens Assembly as something new and dynamic, but there appears to be an underlining and hidden agenda. Joanna Cherry, an SNP MP has described the Scottish Government’s new Citizens Assembly as the “perfect way” to move Scotland towards independence.

Now that the cat is out of the bag and running about daft, it is now impossible that this future tainted body will ever be seen as anything but an SNP talking shop. Sadly, former Labour MEP David Martin has been used to front this nonsense, when he should be using his experience to reform Scottish Labour and get back in the fight looking to stand for Westminster or Holyrood.

David Martin’s plea to give the Citizens Assembly a chance is now kaput seeing as Joanna Cherry QC posted a video on social media appearing to confirm their worst suspicions. A picture paints a thousand words, a video of this type is damning.

Cherry said:

“Hi, I’m Joanne Cherry Mmember of Parliament for Edinburgh South West and I’m very proud to have championed the idea of a Citizens Assembly for Scotland as SNP policy. I believe this is the perfect way to move Scotland on from the current state of Brexit paralysis created by Westminster and to move us towards independence.”

As opposition parties waded in, this ill-timed remark appears to validate totally the concerns expressed by the Scottish Conservatives and Scottish Lib Dems that the Assembly was designed to advance independence. The SNP has form on how they try to trick the people of Scotland; the blueprint is the exact same as before that they used in 2014. Setup an organization and front it with a high profile Labour Party politician to give it some kind of legitimacy.

Remember Dennis Canavan as chair of Yes Scotland?

Five years down the line nothing has changed, it’s the same old tactics just rehashed, a new coat of paint on a failed idea.

Conservative MSP Adam Tomkins has taken to calling Sturgeon’s new vehicle as a “Nationalist stunt” and urged Unionists to “give it a wide berth”.

The boycott appears to be on, in order to work, the Citizens Assembly needs cross party support a nd it looks like none will be forthcoming, but I am sure that the discredited Scottish Greens and whatever the SSP are calling themselves these days will pitch in.  I think that chair David Martin, the former Labour MEP should resign from this, although on paper the idea must have seemed fine, what the application of this body will be used for isn’t. Asking lots of questions and directing them towards two things, seeking more powers by stealth and independence campaigning.

Will the Citizens Assembly be tasked with challenging the SNP and their record?

Or will the chair direct any question away from holding Nicola Sturgeon to account?

Will questions and topics be setup in such a manner to say that more powers are needed for Scotland?

Will the Citizens Assembly be directed towards a conclusion that Scotland needs control of immigration to grow?

But at the same time all the real hard questions avoided such as why is higher education all but shutting out working class Scots from the most vulnerable backgrounds from getting places?

Why is health provision waiting times so long in Scotland?

Why are council budgets being cut so hard and services so bad and understaffed?

Finally, it is said that SNP MP Joanna Cherry sees herself as a future SNP leader after Nicola Sturgeon is thrown under the bus or jumps ship, but the ham fisted way she acted towards the issue of a Citizens Assembly speaks volumes. Her declaration that the intent is   to prepare voters in Scotland for a second independence referendum shows what I said way back on ‘white paper day’ when I faced off against Natalie McGarry, the ex SNP MP, there is an issue of trust regarding the Nationalists.

But Nicola Sturgeon and her crew should realise, we see them for what they are a bunch of charlatans peddling fake hope and dreams. 

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


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  3. Hi George. I remember one of past blogs and you spoke about this assembly. I take it all the members are SNP or from the groin (green party and how much is this costing the tax payers?

  4. The Truth unadorned is a sufficiency.

    - Rememberer of Stafford 1069 AD.

  5. Excellent article, George. I'd put money on Cherry being the instigator of a plot to remove Sturgeon. In fact, there's probably something ongoing right now.

  6. Dear Anon

    “Hi George. I remember one of past blogs and you spoke about this assembly. I take it all the members are SNP or from the groin (green party and how much is this costing the tax payers?”

    I think we can safely say thousands of pounds for what is dubbed an SNP talking shop

