Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Boris and the SNP Bitter Woman; SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon ‘post BoJo’ accuses Boris Johnson of lacking guts as he dodges SNP street mob, Sturgeon gets turned down for a live TV debate on Scottish independence as she desperately tries to find credibility and enhance her fading political profile, no TV debate and no indyref 2 caps off disastrous visit for SNP

Dear All

Yesterday, Boris Johnson made his visit to Scotland, as if by magic, an uneducated and untalented showed up to boo him outside Bute House, the official home of the First Minister.

To the jeers of a mob, one member kept shouting ‘wanker’!

In the aftermath of the meeting for whatever reason, Boris Johnson then left by the backdoor, to many it would seem odd, but probably someone would cite security reasons. Although there was a hostile mob outside, Johnson missed a golden opportunity, to meet the people. 

And if it was me, I would have been straight across the road BEFORE I met Sturgeon.

I would have let her wait on the doorstep for a while, and wait and wait and wait, then if she came over, I would walk away into Bute House.

Now, in attempting to work up some kind of story from Boris slipping away, Nicola Sturgeon has accused Boris Johnson of lacking the “guts” to meet voters in Scotland. To be clear this was an organized mob, complete with readymade banners. It wasn’t casual people strolling by Bute House.

It was the classic, great unwashed, mostly uneducated and nasty, the stormtroopers of the Nats.

After doing the route of trying to embarrass Johnson with a mob to show he isn’t welcome, Sturgeon has revealed she challenged the new Prime Minister to a live TV debate on Scottish independence. This is needy looking for validation in the case of Sturgeon, there will be no referendum this side of 2020, but the odds on an early general election seem to be higher.

In a post meeting whine, Sturgeon told reporters after the talks which lasted almost an hour finished that the Prime Minister had “set the UK on an almost inevitable path to a no-deal Brexit”.

She said:

“Behind all of the bluff and bluster, this is a government that is dangerous. I think the path that it is pursuing is a dangerous one for Scotland and for all of the UK. He says publicly – and he said it to me again today – that he wants a deal with the EU, but there is no clarity whatsoever about how he thinks he can get from the position now where he's taking a very hard line…to a deal. If I listen to all of that and listen to what's not being said as well as what is being said, I think that this is a Government that is pursuing a no-deal strategy, however much they may deny that in public."

Nicola Sturgeon favours the EU, an anti worker, anti country organization which seeks to turn itself into an un-elected super state run by an un-elected commission with a toothless parliament at it centre. Sturgeon is still peddling the line, that Scotland can be independent in Europe. It is a false prospectus, an outright lie.

She added:

“If he was in this room he would deny this vehemently, but I think he wants a no-deal Brexit.”

If Johnson is for no deal, this is the sensible route, it means that we will have full sovereignty back, and not be ruled by remote control from Brussels. The 31st October 2019 is the date to watch, if there isn’t an exit by then, Johnson has made ‘a rod for his own back’. If there is a bad deal, again Joihnson has made a rod for his own back, he will have raised the possibility of an early general election which the Brexit Party would contest.

Incidentally, in the upcoming Shetland by-election for despite a field of ten candidates, there is no Brexit Party Candidate standing.

One interesting note which might show that no deal is more than just viable, is that the Prime Minister would refuse to sit down with EU leaders until they agreed to scrap the Irish backstop. Given there is no backstop for Switzerland with EU countries surrounding it, the precedent is all ready there. The backstop was an EU attempt to sabotage Brexit, to force internal division within the UK, and to spread fear and alarm.

Sturgeon said her party and government would do everything they could to “thwart” a no-deal outcome, tells you everything you need to know about her loyalties and to whom.

She added that the Scottish Government's preparations will ramp up as the October 31 Brexit deadline approaches, but warned it is impossible to completely mitigate against no deal. The SNP have been peddling the medicine shortage scare story for sometime as you probably will have read.

Didn’t work then, and won’t work no!.

Boris Johnson flying visit saw him visit three locations, a military base, the Scottish Parliament and Bute House, Sturgeon probably wanted Bute House so the SNP could try and pump Sturgeon up as the leader of Scotland in the minds of the people.

She isn’t.

Around 200 people gathered outside Bute House, this was probably all the Nats could muster but what it shows is that the ‘dream has truly died’, held up like a corpse nailed to a door with big six inch nails.

A Number 10 spokesman said later:

“The Prime Minister said he was a passionate believer in the power of the Union and he would work tirelessly to strengthen the United Kingdom and improve the lives of people right across Scotland. On Brexit, the Prime Minister said that while the government’s preference is to negotiate a new deal which abolishes the anti-democratic backstop, the UK will be leaving the EU on October 31 come what may."

Finally, Boris Johnson missed a golden opportunity yesterday to meet the people, keep Sturgeon standing on the doorstep looking like an idiot and upset many, he dropped the ball on that one. Just think of all the bad press he could have generated against Sturgeon’s mob; and the questions of how these people knew his visit location coming towards Sturgeon. Maybe he might even have had a chat with the guy shouting ‘wanker’, and thanked him for turning up.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Sounds like a fair account of what happened yesterday.

  2. Hi George. Great Blog. You said there won't be a referendum this side of 2020. Do you think they will get another referendum?

  3. Dear Anon

    This side of 2020, no referendum, not even a sniff at one.

    If the SNP win a majority as they did 2011, then I think that qualifies them for one. It would seem that Scottish Labour and others have a lot of work to do to rebuild trust with the voters and their own members.


  4. Boris probably didn't meet and greet the crowd as his security detail wouldn't allow it. And someone really needs to coach Sturgeon better in public speaking. She has an annoying habit of jerking her head, a mannerism that should have been eliminated long ago. Think early general election is on the cards, with the aim of destroying Corbyn. Scotland will eat sideshow.

  5. Another good account of the disgusting behaviour of the First Minister and her staff. However, perhaps I am ilinformed, but are the civil service in Scotland part of the UK civil service? if so then why did they not have the Union Flag out for the occasion ?
    I have raised a point in other forums and perhaps worth considering, If every constituency had a non affiliated person standing as an Independent MSP candidate at the next Holyrood elections, and they had a majority in the house, could they form a coalition to for a peoples party whilst remaining independent, i.e. a rule of consensus. Would make an interesting parliament, though a true peoples democratic parliament for the people.
    With a weak Labour and LibDems, it is disappointing to see Ruth Davidson performing so poorly recently, I would have expected her to show stronger leadership and opposition, sadly this is not happening.

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    content is not solid, but suppose you added a post title to maybe get folk's attention?
    I mean "Boris and the SNP Bitter Woman; SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon `post BoJo� accuses Boris Johnson of lacking guts as he dodges SNP street mob, Sturgeon gets turned down for a live TV debate on Scottish independence as she desperately tries to find credibility and enhance her fading political profile, no TV debate and no indyref 2 caps off disastrous visit for SNP" is a little vanilla.
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  7. nice one and happy to give 50 quid mate keep up the good work

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  9. Dear Anon

    If you want to do a guest article then send it to

    georgelaird@hotmail.com along with a title and a picture and I will read it.


  10. Cheers Crookie for the donation
