Tuesday, July 23, 2019

A Bitter Twisted SNP Woman Scorned, bad serial loser Nicola Sturgeon reacts extremely badly as Boris Johnson wins the Conservative Party leadership and becomes the new PM, in an act of pettiness, Sturgeon voices "profound concerns" over Johnson, anything to take the shine of his day in the spotlight, anything to try and dominate the media agenda, Sturgeon’s EU plans going up in smoke

Dear All

No matter who won the Conservative leadership contest, you would have found that SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon poking her nose in to say that she has “profound concerns”. In this case, her “profound concerns” focus on Boris Johnson who has now claimed the top spot to be PM. The truth is her concern is all about spoiling his day and attempting to grab the media spotlight. Although her story made the press in Scotland, the reality is that that the rest of the UK doesn’t give a hoot about her opinion. If you want to know who agrees with it, look at fringe regional parties and cranks.

What is hypocritical is Sturgeon congratulating Johnson when it is clear these are hollow words, she doesn’t mean it, in the world of politics; there are certain soundbites that have to be rolled out at certain times.

This is one of those moments.

So, having badmouthed Boris, Nicola Sturgeon then sets out to give him some unwanted and unwelcome advice which is to urge him to rule out a “deeply irresponsible” no-deal Brexit. So, why pro EU, well think of it as pro bail out, yes, if you watched the news the SNP is so incompetent that it had to be bailed out by the UK government. Sturgeon wants her own financial backstop of the ECB. And of course the extended opportunities of jobs and influence being part of the European elite brings.

But she is too late, the boat sailed on Scottish independence in 2014.

As to Sturegon warning SNP MPs would be at the forefront of efforts to keep the UK in the EU, the feeble 35 have as much chance of stopping Brexit as they would a runaway train. You see what the SNP can’t influence is the 17.4 million people who voted for Brexit in 2016, their resolve is hardening. The rise of the Brexit Party is proof that people aren’t willing to be robbed of democracy like Ireland.

What I find funny is Sturgeon saying:

“Mr Johnson should be in no doubt about the gravity of the situation he is about to inherit. I will do everything possible to ensure that he respects Scotland’s views and interests. However, I have profound concerns about the prospect of his premiership and it would be hypocritical not to be frank about these. These are concerns that I am certain will be shared by the vast majority of people in Scotland who, had they been given any say, would not have chosen to hand the keys of Number 10 to someone with his views and track record.

She added:

“Mr Johnson should be in no doubt about the gravity of the situation he is about to inherit as Prime Minister nor, in particular, about the strength with which I and others will oppose his threat of a No-deal Brexit. His public pledge to leave the EU by October 31st – ‘come what may’ and ‘do or die’ – flies in the face of logic, common sense or any basic regard for the well-being of the people and nations of the UK. It is a deeply irresponsible threat, and not one that should be contemplated by any serious political leader. It should now be taken off the table without delay or equivocation. A no-deal Brexit would do huge damage to jobs, investment and living standards as well as posing serious and totally unnecessary questions on critical issues such as medical supplies."

Firstly note the claim that; “I and others will oppose”, well that isn’t anything new is it? And of course as per usual, the SNP leader who is morally bankrupt chucked in the issue of medical supplies in danger. Guess what medical supplies aren’t in danger, they never were which begs the question, why the scaremongering? The answer of course is Sturgeon’s plan which is to attempt to gain a second EU referendum.

That isn’t happening, no Conservative Prime Minister of the UK will go that route, suicide both internal in their party and externally with the public.

Joining Sturgeon’s attack on Boris Johnson was the new Lib Dem leader Jo Swinson, she said
Boris Johnson wasn’t fit to hold the highest office in the land.

She added:

“Boris Johnson has finally got his hands on the keys to Number 10, but he has shown time and time again that he isn’t fit to be the Prime Minister of our country. Whether it is throwing people under the bus or writing a lie on the side of one: Britain deserves better than Boris Johnson. If we want to defeat nationalism and populism, we need to give people an alternative vision for our country. It’s the Liberal Democrats who can lead the renewal our country needs."

“It’s the Liberal Democrats who can lead the renewal our country needs."

Maybe she should have taken the statesman route and just shut up, just a suggestion, just throwing that out there.

Scottish Labour leader Richard Leonard took the tact of saying that Mr Johnson’s “dangerous form of English nationalism” threatened the Union.

He added:

“The one certainty of his election as leader of the Tory party is more uncertainty for the future of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Johnson some time ago abandoned the unionist tradition of the Conservative and Unionist party. The Tory Party he now leads is a real and present danger to Scotland’s place in the UK. A no-deal Brexit led by Boris Johnson spells disaster for our country, and it is unforgivable for the Scottish Tories to back him.”

Elected at dinner time; and everyone in other political parties against him in under two hours, that also includes Patrick Harvie, who Boris Johnson doesn’t even know exists. This isn’t a record, but still worth noting, myself, I expect nothing as I have mentioned so doubt I will be disappointed, because we need to wait, watch and see.

That would be wait, watch and see what happens on the 31st October 2019, the Brexit deadline.

Pamela Nash, chief executive of the anti-independence Scotland in Union campaign, said:

 “Boris Johnson must prioritise keeping the UK united, which means making the country work for all of its citizens and ensuring the people of Scotland want to remain part of the UK. Predictably, Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP are already using his victory to launch yet another attempt to divide us, and the new Prime Minister must not rise to the Nationalists’ desperate grievance tactics or stoop to their level. Whatever your views on Boris Johnson, the very last thing Scotland needs is another divisive independence referendum and more constitutional chaos. Let’s hope that Mr Johnson becomes the Prime Minister the country needs at this vital time.”

Finally, I think the ‘honeymoon period’ for Boris Johnson will be remarkably short, possibly the shortest in political history. But he has a job to do, Theresa May failed, he cannot afford too. Time is short because post 31st October, I would expect the Brexit Party to be at the fore calling for a general election if there is no deal.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. I'd have profound concerns about an SNP leader who puts her own thirst for power above that of her country who already voted no to independence!

  2. Why do peo

    Who would Nicola like to see with the keys of number 10?

  3. Devastatingly accurate on Sturgeon’s classless, bitter ranting which will get her nowhere. Excellent blog ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

  4. The EU referendum posed one questionand the choice of two answers, leave or remain.
    The country chose to leave, the MP's at Westminster voted to activate article 50. The majority should be respected, there was no option of choosing a deal or no deal, therefore those MP's who are retainers should give up their seats and stand in a by election, which in reality would be a way of getting the public referendum they so much want.
    I have been a fan of Boris since he stood for London Mayor, so obviously I am biased as stated on various fb posts/pages.
    I would like Nicola Sturgeon to answer one question, How can Scotland be truly independent if it were allowed into the EU, when it would be the EU making the rules and decisions.

  5. This Could Be The Defining Moment in Britain s History I ll Give The New PM Boris Time to Gel The Country Unlike Scotland Which is my Country Divided and Hatred I wish The Jumped Up Ex Councillor Would Shut Her Trap Sick to the Back Teeth Hearing About Independence We had a Vote They Lost Simple as That Which is The Point of Staying in the EU as We Then Would nt need a Scottish Parliament as, They would be Telling and Ruling Scotland

  6. Her marriage of convenience, with to the media and the elite, is now over. Brexit is now on the table. Sturgeon, the media hyped anti Brexit super star, will shortly become the irritating nationalist again. She'll soon be totally ignore.

  7. You meant "Serial bad loser" surely.
    The SNP has outpolled all other parties in every election since Nicola became SNP leader in 2014.
    In the last one, the EU parliamentary elections, just a few weeks ago the SNP received more votes than the Tories, Labour and the over-hyped Brexit Party COMBINED!
    Boris Johnson's No Deal Brexit will just strengthen her hand.

  8. Stewart, the problem she has is domestic. People don't give a shit how things perform in England ; there are major issues up here. Glasgow NHS now has a centralised appointments system which is not fit for purpose. I know that first hand. Boris is a convenient distraction for her.
