Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Does ex SNP MP Natalie McGarry fit the classic profile of the Sociopath?, McGarry is set to appeal against her 18 month jail sentence, no remorse, no contrition and desperately trying to build a narrative that she is a victim, what’s the problem Natalie, no swimming pool, no decent restaurants, no trendy bars, can’t get a shish kebab, no Chinese takeaway allowed, write to SNP Justice Sec Humza Yousaf ask for special treatment, if he won’t help, start working on the escape tunnel

Dear All

I suppose we all should have expected it.

It will probably all come to nothing, other than a day out of the nick for Natalie McGarry, but she is going to appeal against her sentence.

Apparently after stealing tens of thousands of pounds, she feels that an 18 month jail sentence is far too excessive for her to serve. The former SNP MP Natalie McGarry appears to be unhappy with prison, too restrictive, no opportunities for advancement, no high life.

But she could learn horticulture, hairdressing, Catering, industrial cleaning, laundry services or even re-cyc- a bike, maybe she could fix mine, I busted the crank! If that doesn’t appeal then surely a letter to Justice Sec Humza Yousaf asking for “special treatment” could solve the problem?

‘Dear Humza, I want a pardon’, it could work, untested but worth a shot.

Anyway the stigma of being an ‘old lag’ must wear heavily on Natalie McGarry’s mind at present, so she wants freedom!

Having expressed no remorse for her crimes which the official ‘tally’ is £25,600, one can only wonder on what basis can she have to launch an appeal? 

After all she was found to have spent the cash which was largely raised by public donations, on rent, a holiday to Spain with her cllr husband, transfers of money to him, and other lifestyle spending.

She did the crimes, and now she must do the time. This reminds me of William Begg, the limbs in the loch murderer, who like the occasional ‘day out’ of prison to protest about his rights being abused.

What does this say about Natalie McGarry’s actions? 

I suspect that many will say that she is completely lacking of integrity and dignity after this latest turns of events. I wish I had seen the police slap the cuffs on Natalie McGarry after sentencing; it should have been recorded for posterity.

Sheriff Paul Crozier who sentenced McGarry said she had expressed no remorse for her crimes. He added:

“Your fraud and deceit is of the most serious type. You were in a position of trust and you abused those positions. You have fallen very far short of the standards the general public should expect from their elected representative."

A legal source told the press:

“They have a fortnight to appeal and I’m pretty positive work has already started on it. The fact she wasn’t able to change her plea is a point for a legal appeal straight away. Some thought she’d get 12 to 14 months, as that’s in step with similar cases. But her sentence was exacerbated by the fact she’s shown no contrition and continues to protest her innocence.”

So, does she have a point about the fact she wasn’t able to change her plea, well, she can raise it, but in truth, she is onto a loser. Sheriff Paul Crozier who had to put up with her antics in Court, said that when she plead guilty, she knew exactly what she was pleading guilty too. The other aspect which will count against her is the money trail, which all leads back to McGarry. 

She had access to the money!

Natalie McGarry appears to be trying to create a post jail narrative that she was the victim in this case, which will not work. I suppose many people will start to wonder if Natalie McGarry is a sociopath or whether she is just a ‘street bam’ grasping at straws.

Does Natalie McGarry fit the profile of the Sociopath?

Here are some traits associated with the condition;

Glibness and Superficial Charm 

Manipulative and Conning 
They appear to be charming, yet are covertly hostile and domineering
Grandiose Sense of Self 
Feels entitled to certain things as "their right." 
Pathological Lying 
Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt 
Shallow Emotions 
Verbal outbursts 
Callousness/Lack of Empathy 
Changes life story readily 

Does Natalie McGarry tick any of those boxes?

Well according to Sheriff Paul Crozier, she apparently lacks any remorse for what she did, when she won the Glasgow East seat in 2015, she allegedly said ‘I deserved this’. On twitter, she had a habit of lying and abusing people she disliked.  If an appeal does comes; after all she probably thinks nothing ventured nothing gained, it should fall flat on its face.

Remember what the key part of what Sheriff Paul Crozier said:

“Your fraud and deceit is of the most serious type”.

Finally, the whole Natalie McGarry thing is kind of surreal for me; this was a git that abused many people including myself and for the most part got away with it. Now the world has turned for her. The new reality for Natalie McGarry I don’t think has really sunk in yet. Of course she will have probably gone through the teary eyes stage in prison, but the future post jail doesn’t look very rosy in the garden. I see her appeal only in the terms of a ‘day out’, there will no re-trial; there will be no reduction in sentence. There will be no joy, just a sense of defeat, and less we forget, the Crown Office is coming after the money she plead guilty to having stolen.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. She'll not be used to communal showers with big butch heavily tattooed sisters. oh dear.

  2. I'm keen to see the impact that criminal cases have on the electorate. Labour very nearly lost a by-election.

  3. It is said that some of this £25,000 was put into her husbands account,does this not place him in"complicit to fraud" or something similar.Did he not question this sudden increase in his bank account,or was he complicit in the act,or did his own wife con him with some sort of explanation.I would love to know !

  4. Dear Biggles

    There is no absolutely evidence that McGarry's husband has done something wrong, and I say this as someone who isn't a fan.


  5. Are you suggesting that her husband was unaware of this increase in his bank account,and he didn't enquire from whence it came,and if he did what was the explanation from McGarry ?

  6. Dear Biggles

    "Are you suggesting that her husband was unaware of this increase in his bank account,and he didn't enquire from whence it came,and if he did what was the explanation from McGarry ?"

    Well the police investigated, and there is no evidence to support that her husband did any wrongdoing.

