Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Well That Joke Died A Death, Ukip candidate Carl Benjamin investigated over Jess Phillips ‘rape’ video after complaint lodged to West Midland Police, is Carl Benjamin prepared for a ‘knock knock’ joke from the Police?

Dear All

The general rule of thumb in standing for election to public office is to observe the Nolan Principles, run a decent proper and clean campaign, kiss babies, smile, talk to little old ladies, possibly eat fish and chips, and talk sense.

Carl Benjamin, you is a youtube vlogger is taking a different tact, his approach has led him to being investigated by police after releasing a video suggesting he might rape Labour MP Jess Phillips. One thing that the vlogger who goes under the name Sargon of Akkad on youtube is that he is against Political correctness. Being against political correctness is fine, but this isn’t a free speech election, it is a political election.

To say further continuing to talk about his Phillips spat, he posted a video online suggesting that “with enough pressure I might cave” and rape Labour MP Jess Phillips. This is extremely bad taste; it is also incredibly stupid, even to put that out as a ‘sick joke’.

In comedy timing is everything; this however is the wrong time, the wrong subject and the wrong tact to get elected. Although people in the past have voted for a guy in a costume to political office, once elected he did the job.

Can the same be thought of Carl Benjamin?

We have all seen political careers fail but to do so by your own gob before the election is novel, let your opponents attack you but don’t hand them the ammo.

West Midlands Police said they had received a report of a malicious communication and were investigating whether an offence had been committed. So, it is possibly that Carl Benjamin will get a visit from the police.

Is that what he wants in an election campaign which is in full swing, the short campaign is running, a time to get all your ducks lined up in a row, know what you are talking about and look the part. Being seen being put in a police car or visiting the police station to be question sends the wrong message.

Ukip made a mistake here, too late now to do anything about this problem.

Politics is this country has never been more toxic, just as we had Wings of Scotland saga, where Campbell played out the role of a victim, Carl Benjamin has provided the same opportunity to Jess Phillips, she said broke down in tears after being told of Mr Benjamin’s comments.

A West Midlands Police spokesman said:

“Police have received a report of malicious communications relating to MP Jess Phillips. Officers have spoken to Ms Phillips and the comments are being investigated to establish if an offence has taken place.”

In this case, the police will have to decide whether a crime has been committed, however as Carl Benjamin didn’t send the communication directly to Jess Phillips, I think a prosecution is unlikely.

Carl Benjamin has let his mouth run away with itself, he announced a list of spoof Ukip policies, including invading Spain and restoring the British Empire, before he said:

“There’s been an awful lot of talk about whether I would or wouldn’t rape Jess Phillips.
I’ve been in a lot of trouble for my hardline stance of not even raping her. I suppose with enough pressure I might cave. But let’s be honest, nobody’s got that much beer.”

Given he is standing to be an MEP, you would think Ukip would provide him with advice and access to a press officer so that he could conduct a decent campaign rather than being a runaway train.

In Scotland, his counterpart Count Dankula is a comedian but I think he has a lot to learn despite his brush with the courts.

Despite having no chance to be elected, Mark Meechan is on the radar of the BBC investigative crowd.

But his defence is that he is a comedian.

The European election is looking likely to go ahead, how long this batch of MEPs sit in the EU Parliament is debatable but one think that is certain is the fight to leave the EI isn’t over and is no laughing matter.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. I've heard of this guy and watched his videos. Some of them I quite liked, some not so much. Whether he made that statement recently is something I don't know, or whether he made that years ago. He probably intended it as a snidey comment rather than a threat, but even then it sounds pretty bad. And with him as an MEP candidate obviously that makes it even worse.

    In other words, I think this was less intent, but genuine stupidity. If he was a two-bit schmuck we'd chalk it up to him being an arsehole, but being an MEP puts one in the spotlight.

    Either way, it shows that UKIP are a walking dumpster fire. Much better to back the Brexit party, who're taking on candidates to stand for election in Westminster. I really think you should do so yourself, George.

  2. How do you think the SNP candidates will do in the European elections?

  3. Dear Anon

    I would think the SNP should get two using their core vote, but in general the question is who can take the spot formerly held by David Coburn.

    Polling suggests the Brexit Party can well perform in the election. In theory, if they get 330,000 mark they would also get two seats. But given they are new, the election is being played down by the press and parties, they should be happy with one under the conditions at present.


    1. Thanks for your reply George.

  4. Dear Anon

    "Either way, it shows that UKIP are a walking dumpster fire. Much better to back the Brexit party, who're taking on candidates to stand for election in Westminster. I really think you should do so yourself, George".

    I would say this, if the Cons have a good election, which I doubt, they will not go for a Westminster election early, if they have a bad one, they certainly won't, they will get rid of the leader.

    No one is going to the polls till 2022 for Westminster, the local elections in England pretty much slammed the door shut on an early contest.

    Actually I wouldn't might being a Westminster candidate, if you want to learn then Westminster is the place.

