Thursday, May 9, 2019

Tired Old Rhetoric And Nothing To Say; SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon launches her miserable SNP EU Election campaign with an attack on the Conservatives, and the broken record collection, the moment of truth in Scotland will be electing a Brexit Party Candidate called Louie Stedman-Bryce

Dear All

You can’t have failed to notice something rather odd, the mainstream parties and the media have been downplaying the European Elections.

There is two weeks to go of the short campaign which only now the parties are having their party launches. If you wanting or expecting a positive agenda you can forget it, there is an elephant in the room. In this case ‘Nelly the elephant’ is betrayal, the people voted to leave the EU in a referendum, and their votes have been ignored.

One thing parties will not be able to hide behind is that they did what they did, which is expected to lead to a backlash, and the place for the ‘peaceful revolution’ is The Brexit Party. The Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage has been travelling around the UK hovering up support and votes like no one’s business.

People are disgusted and rightly so.

Prime Minister Theresa May has made a rod for her own back and her party are not happy, 1300 cllrs lost in the local elections in England, the worst defeat since 1995, and the main event isn’t till the 23rd May. The political elite made a massive mistake in not delivering Brexit.

Theresa May could have left on 29th March and been a hero, secured a legacy and then bowed out with grace, that part of the history books is still to be written, the Conservatives are pretty ruthless with the removal of their leaders who have failed them.

In Scotland, the sham party of SNP Leader Nicola Sturgeon is back to the same old story, using the same target as ammo to spearhead her campaign, she is accusing the Conservatives of treating the Scottish Parliament with contempt. This is the centre piece of fluff as the SNP launch their European election campaign. The launch in Edinburgh is expected to be a quiet affair because the SNP other than taking the money and perks don’t make any real difference at the EU.

They just enjoy themselves!

In a dire speech to whip up support of anyone careless enough to hear it; Sturgeon is expected to say:

“Westminster is paralysed by Brexit with its two main parties broken by infighting and indecision.  These European elections are Scotland’s chance to make our voice heard”.

In a parliament of 751 MEPs, the SNP can only realistically expect to get 2 seats.

Sturgeon added:

“The Tory Government has ignored the people of Scotland, and treated our Parliament and our Government with contempt. But they can’t ignore us forever, we must continue to fight to stop Brexit and the damage it will inflict on everyone, in every walk of life. Scotland’s future belongs in Europe – let’s make it loud and clear on May 23.”

Two seats, two seats in a parliament that considers Scotland a region, that is right, the real name for Scotland in the UK is UKM, not Scotland. Sturgeon is right about contempt; she has contempt for the people and must think we are all daft. She can expect two seats because the SNP will be rely on their core vote who just vote SNP regardless.

Voters in Scotland will elect six of the 736 members of the European Parliament who are responsible, along with the Council of Ministers from member states, for making laws and approving budgets.

The EU makes 70% of our laws, and the laws come from unelected people who control the EU Commission.

If you are looking for anything positive in this election, then vote forThe Brexit Party, there is a positive message there, it is that our democracy matters, the people’s votes matter and honeymoon is well and truly over.

Scotland has a chance to send a Brexit Party candidate called Louie Stedman-Bryce to the EU Parliament; if they get 330,000 votes we can send 2 pro Brexit MEPs from Scotland. One thing is certain; they will be far more effective that than anything that the SNP will send or has ever sent.

The say all elections are important, but this one really is, so get involved because this is a democracy fight, something alien to the SNP.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. I'm already itching to vote for the Brexit Party, George. I can't wait!

  2. Great blog again George. Do you think your mate Alyn Smith will keep his seat?

  3. Dear Anon

    Alyn Smith will get back as he is number one on the SNP list.

    Hopefully his term will come to a rather swift halt just when he thinks he has reached the promised land again.


  4. This Euro election shouldn’t really be happening. I believe in democracy and I was going to ignore this election or spoil my vote but I will vote, and since I voted leave in 2016 I will be voting for the Brexit party and I will say again, I’m not happy at all with this phoney election going ahead.

  5. Hi George,
    As usual a great insight and incise article that I look forward to on a weekly basis, I truly think this region is going to the dogs with these cretins, Just look every week at the performance at the buffoon every week in the HOC especially at scottish questions. Postal vote arrived today and duly signed for the Brexit party and posted, hopefully our fellow citizens can see through this dire lot and hopefully Scotland can prosper eventually although I despair.

    Many thanks
    David D

  6. Hi George,
    Many thanks for your incise insights I look forward every week to your writings.
    I despair every week when I watch Scottish Questions and also the Bufoons performance at Prime Ministers Questions ( It's Painful and also embarrassing) is this whats it's depended too? the same question week in week out!.
    Postal ballot paper arrived today along with the buff from the sip with the wrong name but right address ( posted back without a stamp)and duly signed in ink for the Brexit party, keeping our fingers crossed that our fellow Scots will eventually see through this lot of shysters.
    Keep up the good work, we rely on individuals like yourself so much.

