Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The Perfect Storm of SNP Manufactured Grievance; SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon confirms indyref2 legislation will be brought before Holyrood this week, there will not be a Section 30 order granted for another Scottish Referendum, Sturgeon is gearing up for a year and a half of grievance politics in Scotland for the Holyrood election 2021, cat out of the bag Nicola?

Dear All

The European elections have produced a rollercoaster ride on both sides of the Scottish border, in Scotland; the Blairite plotters want to seize the moment to call for the resignation of Richard Leonard as Scottish Labour leader.

They are asking him to consider his position!

The plotters have a spokesman in Labour MP Ian Muarry, he cannot be described as a Corbyn fan, in any way shape or form. Johanna Baxter wants an emergency meeting of the Scottish Labour Executive Committee to discuss and address the causes of their worst electoral result in living memory. Anas Sarwar popped up to say the exact same thing as Baxter citing that fewer than 1 in 20 could go out and vote for us.

Will Richard Leonard consider his position?

Although the Corbyn faction holds the reins of leadership, there isn’t an obvious successor waiting around in their ranks, so I doubt it that Richard Leonard will resign.

The Labour Party in Scotland is still fighting the election contest between Anas Sarwar and Richard Leonard.

Now, on to comedy, after the Euro result, Nicola Sturgeon has confirmed indyref2 legislation will be tabled this week in Holyrood. This is a joke, no matter what is passed, the UK government is not going to grant a Section 30 order, so the legislation is meaningless in terms of what it is trying to achieve.

So, what is the objective of the legislation?

The SNP are trying to create the perfect storm in order to try and win an outright majority in Holyrood as they did in 2011 under Alex Salmond. They want to go into that election attempting to generate a greater sense of grievance with the Scottish public. Their tactic is rather transparent, whip up the mob, deflect from their appalling record in government and spend the next few years solely talking about independence.

You might even see the SNP squander public money on a Supreme Court challenge using taxpayer money. Apparently Sturgeon’s plan is to be held in the current parliamentary term, adding that the "latter half" of next year would be the "right time".

So, basically Nicola Sturgeon will spend an entire year and a half talking about denial of democracy; note her timing, latter half of next year for them to kick off their election campaign. Whoever is the new Prime Minister going forward post Theresa May will not be allowing any referendums and there will be no general election until 2022.

All this charade is about is to get Nicola Sturgeon past 2021 and secure another term as First Minister, at that point she will probably have enough Scottish Roubles in the bank that she can step down as SNP leader.
Scottish Roubles are so important for the women who don’t have job opportunities in Fortune 500 companies coming their way.

One thing that Nicola Sturgeon said in Dublin that the SNP win was a "historic and spectacular victory" in the European elections, it wasn’t, it came on the back of the mainstream parties’ utter refusal to honour their promise on Brexit, not by any crafted debate the SNP came up with.

The fact is that the SNP vote share is still falling in elections!

The newly formed Brexit Party came second in Scotland, with 14.8% of the vote, giving the party one Scottish MEP, Louis Stedman-Bryce. Tonight I am attending a talk given by MEP Lucy Harris and Suzann Evans in Glasgow at the Leavers of Britain meet up. The talk will no doubt be a thank you to those who took part in the Brexit Party campaign and delivered a Scottish MEP for the Brexit Party. If anything is said of interest, I might do a blog on the event but to me this is probably a meet and greet event.

Conservative Chief Whip Maurice Golden said of the SNP victory:

“The SNP went into this election pretending to voters that it was nothing to do with independence. Yet within hours of it being announced, Nicola Sturgeon is specifically using it to argue for separation. That’s fraudulent behaviour from an SNP government that’s meant to be running the country, not trying to break it up. Voters punished Nicola Sturgeon last time she abused the Brexit process for her own selfish aims. They will do so again if this hypocritical deceit continues.”

Finally, it rather seems that the SNP benefit solely due to the failures of others, and as events unfold, the SNP will also experience failure, the clock is ticking on Nicola Sturgeon, her main problem is the ‘enemy from within’. Yes, the good old Salmond faction will be keen to get their pound of flesh. Like a seed the anti Sturgeon faction in the SNP is starting to grow, you can expect bitter infighting, leaking and dissent to come out. Then like a gusher if Salmond gets back in the party, it will be full flood.

So, what do you think of Nicola Sturgeon’s escape plan?

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. William Bryan your comments are simply unfounded. After reading such a well researched, decisive blog I have to say the contents are not simply push but utter and complete push. And this guy is at the same Uni as I went to . The education system is obviously gone to rats.

  2. We've still got a certain court case to come this year. The result of that could topple her, with any luck.
    Not been here for a while George. Great to see you're still posting away.
