Monday, May 20, 2019

European Elections Special; Mainstream Politicians Fear Democracy as polling puts the Brexit Party into second place in Scotland, Scotland is really rallying to the call to support our democracy as Brexit Party volunteers travel the length and breadth of the country, join the fight to save democracy, cast your vote and be ‘Spartacus’, and others will follow

Dear All

In politics, there is a phrase used, ‘there is more to do’, it generally is used as a throwaway line, but in these European Elections marred by violence, intimidation and threat, there is more to do.

And that is to defend democracy, I am campaigning hard as I do in the last few remain days before the UK goes to the polls on Thursday to vote in a new raft of MEPs. I am aware, and have seen how people think it is okay to use violence to silence people from the Brexit Party. How wrong minded these thugs are, no one should feel intimidated, and no one should be silenced, either you believe in democracy or you don’t.

Today, Nigel Farage was attacked on two fronts, the physical one with someone throwing a milkshake over him, and politically with Gordon Brown questioning the funding of the Brexit Party. When you are getting attacked it means that your political opponents are scared.

What are they scared of?

They are scared of the people; they fear the people deserting their party causing them to lose power, money and influence. The people gave them all these things and it is by the grace of the people that someone is elected to political office.

The latest polling shows that the Brexit Party is in second place in Scotland, this is a political earthquake in Scotland as it is in the rest of the UK where the Brexit Party is in the lead polling at 34%. This result is even more impressive when you factor in; it has been achieved in such a short time. Clearly the people of the UK want to send a message about democracy to Prime Minister Theresa May and Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.

Honour the vote of 2016 and leave the EU.

I have been campaigning all around Glasgow and West of Scotland as a lead campaigner, Tuesday sees me travelling to Dumfries to rally support for the election this Thursday. The race to the finish line is spurned on by the drive to get the job done that I started in 2016 when I help setup the Glasgow campaigning to fight the EU referendum.

The news for the Brexit Party is positive, very positive, the same cannot however be said for the Conservatives and Labour Party, they are fighting to even rally their core vote to turn out for them. They are languishing in joint-fourth place in Scotland, their problem is simple; they can’t stand on a doorstep and sell a positive message about betrayal of the people. The upshot of doing so badly is that the Scottish Conservatives are set if things continue as before to lose their one MEP in the European Parliament.

As the old saying goes, ‘that’s gotta hurt’.

Given past record, you think that Scottish Labour would be returning two MEPs, but their news is that only David Martin, the long serving MEP would be returned. One seat for Scottish Labour is beyond disappointing, it is also a blow for Labour leader Richard Leonard, but it does bear out what I have been saying that the Labour Party in Scotland needs a new campaigning model. You know things are bad for the Scottish Labour Party when the Scottish Greens are kicking your arse in the polls.

So, what of Ukip in Scotland?

They are going to get slaughtered, the entire Ukip campaign; North and South of the border has been utterly destroyed by the Carl Benjamin free speech travelling circus. The purpose of standing for election is to get elected, UKIP nationally is on 3%, and here in Scotland that goes down to 2%. When you think about their success in the last EU election, how things have changed for them.

As to numbers

SNP: 38%
Brexit Party: 20%
Green: 11%
Labour: 10%
Conservatives 10%
Lib Dem: 7%
UKIP: 2%
Change UK: 2%
Other: 1%

Finally, as we enter the last few days, you will see a lot of very bad tempered people walking about, try and avoid them. This election is a watershed moment more than previous ones. I stand campaigning with a simple message, ‘European elections, support democracy, vote for the Brexit Party’. This is the type of message that people really click into because we all know what is going on, and what has gone before. If you are minded to vote, and I hope you do, then please vote in this election for the Brexit Party.

Send politicians a message that democratic votes must be honoured!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Oh believe me, George. I am obligated to vote for the Brexit party, a vote for any of the other clowns would be a vote for the chaos to continue. I hope that the Brexit party overtakes both Labour and the SNP in the next general election, but I guess we shall see.

    You've done well, George, well done. Get some rest after Thursday, you've earned it.

  2. I think if we could get Kate Hoey to join us we would have an even better chance in Scotland. Kate would show the Scots that its OK for Labour supporters to support Brexit too. We're in this together - England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales, and people like Kate and George Galloway can show that we should all be singing from the same page instead of breaking up into small countries at each others throat.

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  4. I will be voting for the Brexit Party. Why are people in Scotland against Brexit? I remember on one of your blogs that the European Union don't even recognise Scotland as a country

  5. I will be voting the Brexit party and my 91 year old mother. I’m really at a loss why the SNP are so pro European Union. I vaguely remember a Scotland before we joined Europe. We had a steel industry, ship yards and loads of factories and we had fishing boats in our harbours. No food banks, no junky deaths no zero hour contracts. I do remember around the mid 90s, the EEC offering surplus free canned meat and butter to the unemployed. That’s about it! So if you're unemployed and starving because your benefit has been sanctioned vote SNP and we can remain in Europe and you’ll get 1 lb of butter and 2 cans of stew n steak, all free.

  6. Why on earth are people voting for a party (SNP) founded by sympathisers of the German national socialists party? This is still so baffling.

    Great entry George you say what everyone else is thinking really. I may have voted remain originally in the referendum but I voted for The Brexit Party in this election because I also respect democracy in that the majority voted to leave so we must leave the EU and they should be transitioning this process through, not trying to delay it and go against the wishes of what the British public voted for.
