Thursday, March 21, 2019

White women can’t jump; Nicola Sturgeon delusion runs to setting her sights on bigger role in ‘global issues’, talentless and inept SNP leader revels in her own delusions after creating her own US job centre, someone get Nicola a basketball and send her to Harlem, maybe they will take her on as a globetrotter?

Dear All

Deary, deary, deary me, followed by oh my God what is she all about!

Yes, it seems that the SNP globetrottering leader Nicola Sturgeon is looking for a life post SNP, the joke is that the ‘little woman from Dreghorn’ thinks her view is needed on ‘global issues’. The news will prompt much laughter in the Scottish political scene as Sturgeon’s record is firmly rooted in failure, both as a politician and a human being.

Whatever the big argument is, Nicola Sturgeon’s track record is always on the wrong side, her declaration that she is planning to take “a more direct role in global issues”. No one, but no one gives a toss what Sturgeon’s thinks outside her wee SNP cult, and when she ‘moves’ on or is pushed out the door, she won’t even have that!

If you look at the track record of former SNP leaders, they all went on to nowhere, no one wanted them, no big fortune 500 beat a path to their door. If you look at Alex Salmond’s ‘career’ post FM, it isn’t exactly one of major success, no courting by world leaders, no big public appointments, not even a decent public broadcaster to take him on. Salmond’s career had one way to go post leadership, downwards, how can a less able person like Sturgeon do better?

In the words of Alex Salmond, the quote:

“Behave yourself woman” is very apt.

The news that Sturgeon is looking for a way out of Scottish politics is nothing knew, the signs were there long ago. If you think back to her Trump farce, and now look at her government registering with the US authorities as a foreign power, you get a sense she is losing the plot. Anyone mental enough to think after her carry on that her or the SNP will be able to influence affairs on the other side of the Atlantic?

Although this new venture is called the “Government of Scotland in North America”, and has engaged a public relation agency in Washington DC to help it become “more vocal and present internationally”, who can think anything else but this is all about Nicola Sturgeon’s own private job centre!

The Conservatives are right to say that that Sturgeon is taking the Scottish Government into inappropriate territory. If you pop your head into US/UK relations, you see that Scottish business quangos in the US have been registered in the same way for years. The SNP however are all about being self-serving and are overtly political. A side issue for Sturgeon is her attempt to undermine the UK Government, causing trouble for the sake of causing trouble.

The Americans will be wise to her!

In paperwork filed with the US Department of Justice, it contrasts its own “progressive voice” with the Trump presidency, Brexit and “a conflicted Congress”. In trying to be clever, Nicola Sturgeon finds herself on the wrong side of Trump, the wrong side of Brexit and the wrong side of Congress.

Nicola Sturgeon will never be a’ member of the global elite’ not even a global minion, in order to serve you must have value, you must bring something to the table, you must have ‘star potential’, there isn’t any there. Last month saw Sturgeon taking the failed politician route of foreign trips, this one to the US and Canada.

No meeting with President Donald Trump!

In fact no meeting with anyone who is a power player, although she got recognised by the United Nations for her work in advancing gender equality during the trip, that is a pile of steaming crap. The only thing of real meaning to Scots is that Sturgeon blew £44,000 of taxpayer’s money down the drain, and achieved nothing.

Apparently it said that Sturgeon’s activities have caused speculation in the SNP, as some have woken up to Sturgeon putting out feelers for any future globe-trotting role. The Cult must now realise that she is on the way out and will drop them in the crapper like a shot. If you think of Nicola Sturgeon’s dream to be a globe trotter, the only chance she has to take up basketball and immigrate to Harlem, New York.

White women can’t jump!

But also Nicola Sturgeon is too old, too short, and not too bright, and oh how the world’s elite must know it via the internet.   

Finally, one thing that women continually ask in life is where are they going, in jobs, in family relationships and with friends, Nicola Sturgeon is going nowhere but downwards. In her lust for advancement, she is going to find out that having a ‘big gob’ used loudly can carry you only so far. No one wants to hang around with a ‘cold and unattractive’ character as David Laws famously said, especially on the wrong side of 40!

Yours sincerely

George Laird

The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University  


  1. Seems like the chief mammy is cutely aware that the salmond affair is only going to grow and grow and she is getting out now her pension is fat and secure

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