Friday, February 15, 2019

The Wrath of Salmond; Alex Salmond suggests government officials hiding behind HR overhaul, Sturgeon’s Government spunk out £187,000 on a new HR plan, are Team Salmond using sniper tactics to generate panic and fear, presumably if and when the big Salmond V Sturgeon fight happens, the 50 cal politics will be rolled out to pick off Nicola Sturgeon.

Dear All

It seems that ‘attack, attack’ seems to be the modius operandi of former SNP leader Alex Salmond. Rather than keeping his head down and not attracting attention, salmond has suggested the people to blame for the botched misconduct probe into him, are hiding behind the Scottish Government  overhaul of its human resources operations. Having won in the Court of Session, you might have thought that Salmond would be looking to get a big payday on the go. 

Money talks, money talks, dirty cash I need you!  

But no, it seems that Alex Salmond wants blood, scalps, and not just plebs, to that end, a  spokesman for Salmond said top official Leslie Evans and others seemed to be “trying to sub-contract their own responsibility onto their personnel department”. Alex Salmond has a criminal trial to face, 14 charges relating to alleged sexual misconduct, two counts of attempted rape.

Alex Salmond strongly denies any criminality.

The Salmond spokesperson said:

“They should not be allowed to get away with it. The buck should stop with those in charge.”

If the buck stops here with those in charge in the Salmond case, this unsurprisingly echos the words of "The buck stops here", a phrase that was popularised by former U.S. President Harry S. Truman! How many people will think that this use of words doesn’t apply to the top civil servant but to Nicola Sturgeon?

Nicola Sturgeon is in charge of the Scottish Government not Leslie Evans.   

The SNP Government is in a mess, news that they are spending £187,000 hiring consultants to help it develop an “HR Transformation Strategy” for its troubled People Directorate is a sham. In a government filled with lawyers and HR people, why bring in outsiders? Is it to give legitimacy to their reputation? They didn’t seem troubled in the past running an unfair and bias system until they were taken to Court.

And let’s be clear but for Court action, the same unfair and bias system would be used on others.  

So, what does £187,000 buy the Sturgeon government, well Edinburgh-based PA Consulting Group is due to start work on Monday on options, targets, a “transformation roadmap”, plus an outline business case and a detailed business case.

A new plan for £187,000!

The company’s task will covers “HR best practice”, suggesting shortcomings in the current set-up which have been played in the courts and perhaps some other stuff which might be legally dodgy.

A spokesperson for Salmond added:

“In the Court of Session case it was the decisions of the Permanent Secretary Leslie Evans as First Respondent which were found to be “unlawful”, “unfair” and “tainted by apparent bias”, at a potential cost to the Scottish taxpayers of over half a million pounds. The other respondents were Scottish Ministers. This latest development looks like they are trying to sub-contract their own responsibility onto their personnel department. They should not be allowed to get away with it. The buck should stop with those in charge.”

This to me, smacks of the plot from the Star Trek Movie, The Wrath of Khan, you might remember this movie as one of the most popular of the Star Trek franchise. Having been bested by Kirk, Khan decides to blow up the Defiant with the Genesis device taking down his enemies.

Salmond is a Star Trek fan.

Replace the crew of the Enterprise in your mind and think of Nicola Sturgeon and her gang, as you watch the above clip on youtube.

Let the tumblers of the mind spin!


“To the last I grapple with thee. From hell's heart I stab at thee. For hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee”.

The Scottish Government has rejected any link between its HR overhaul action and the failures exposed in Salmond’s judicial review.

A spokesperson said:

“These issues are entirely unconnected. This contract is part of a three year programme to improve the digital systems for our HR service, which started in October 2017. The business case for this phase was approved four months ago in October 2018.  We operate a shared HR service for a number of different government agencies. We are transforming the service to meet the needs of the increasing customer base and to ensure the efficiency of our processes and technology.”

It seems that according to the Scottish Government, they appear to be saying that Team Salmond is talking nonsense. Salmond last month made his debut appeared in court charged with two counts of attempted rape, nine of sexual assault, two of indecent assault and one of breach of the peace. You would think such a charge sheet would leave little time to be preoccupied with anything else. And of course he still has a TV show to do on RT, but you can understand his need for revenge on the Sturgeon government.

I wonder how many people see top civil servant as a proxy for Nicola Sturgeon. You can’t have help but notice that rumours are swirling about the end of Sturgeon as SNP leader and First Minister, the rumours also of, is she hunting for job offers.

Finally, in the Wrath of Khan movie; Khan says: 

“Ah, Kirk, my old friend. Do you know the Klingon proverb that tells us revenge is a dish that is best served cold? It is very cold in space”.

Salmond may not get his revenge on what some have dubbed the ‘Sisterhood’ of the Sturgeon government, but in the end, death is the great leveler. If things pan out for Salmond, he will return to the SNP, challenge Nicola Sturgeon for leadership, and then if he gets control of the party and Scottish Government, major unhappiness for some will follow. In the meantime, it seems that Team Salmond has plenty to say, and strangely very quiet about Nicola Sturgeon.  When Salmond done the book, ‘they dream will never die’, how many would have thought there would be other dreams about revenge?

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. I guess that this means that fur and feathers will be flying as the SNP rips itself up, George?

  2. Alex who? The SNP website contains no mention of anyone called 'Alex Salmond'.
