Monday, January 28, 2019

The Last Dance on The SNP ‘Ratship’, Nicola Sturgeon says the Alex Salmond criminal charges will not damage case for Scottish independence, the ‘case for independence is bigger than any one man’, Sturgeon attends SNP Burns supper as fevered Nats take to twitter to tell people everything is already, oh no it isn’t, the clock is ticking on so many fronts for Sturgeon

Dear All

Last week was a very bad week for Nicola Sturgeon and the Nationalist cause in Scotland, you couldn’t make it up how bad it was, and how it has played out for Sturgeon. Two of the people that SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon has been very close to have been in the news about facing serious criminal charges. Ex SNP MP Natalie McGarry described by Nicola Sturgeon as a ‘good pal’ is in Court in Feb 2019 facing multiple charges. McGarry is appearing in Glasgow Sheriff Court. Former SNP leader, former First Minister Alex Salmond appeared in Court this week to face charges in his case of alleged two attempted rapes and several alleged sexual assaults.

Natalie McGarry and Alex Salmond are going to trial; they are seen in the eyes of the Court to be innocent of any criminality despite each facing multiple charges in their cases.

Both Natalie McGarry and Alex Salmond weren’t just mere SNP members; they held senior positions in the SNP. The Scottish National Party is faced with seeing the end of Scottish nationalism under their watch. The party and the current leader Nicola Sturgeon are so discredited, that we will see a tsunami and exodus of support not witnessed since the Westminster expenses scandal. As the bad week continued for Nicola Sturgeon trying to save the SS ‘Ratship’ from sinking, her crew have taken to social media to say that the movement was “bigger than any one man”.

The notion by Nicola Sturgeon that the Alex Salmond criminal charges will not damage case for independence is just bizarre. The idea that everything is just ‘business as usual’ is laughable. If you look SNP’s members tweets feed post Salmond and McGarry, you would see Sturgeon at a Burn’s night supper. What the Nationalists are facing is the ‘last supper’ because the only show in town sees them as bit players as events unfold around them.

In order to deflect attention away from the current troubles, Sturgeon has suggested she will set out a timetable for a future referendum by March 29, when the UK is due to leave the European Union. Of course this is nonsense of the highest order because she can’t get the legal authority to hold a second Scottish referendum in this term of the Scottish Parliament.

And Nicola Sturgeon knows that only too well.

Sturgeon said:

“I don’t think it has an impact on the future political and constitutional direction of Scotland. The case for independence is bigger than any one man – it’s bigger than any one woman”.

This latter comment, “it’s bigger than any one woman” might make people think that this is an admission that her future is bleak, Nicola Sturgeon will not lead Scotland to independence, she will not lead Scotland to be a better country. She will not lead Scotland to be a fairer country as the Alex Salmond Court of Session case aptly showed all too well.

Sturgeon added:

“It’s not about individual personalities, it’s about what is best for the country now and in the longer term. It’s about how we put ourselves in the best position to protect our interests and build prosperity and fairness in Scotland.”

Alex Salmond is the Scottish National Party, Nicola Sturgeon as ‘cuckoo in the nest’ temp leader changes nothing in the eyes of many people.

What is risible beyond belief is Nicola Sturgeon saying Brexit had “strengthened” the case for independence “immeasurably”, it hasn’t, and will never will. Previously a Law Professor at Glasgow University apologised for his part in teaching Sturgeon law, he said he failed. I wonder who is to blame for the failure in teaching Nicola Sturgeon politics, because she is failing in that as well.

Finally, to see the Sturgeon attack dogs on twitter using the ‘case for independence is bigger than any one man’ is a joy to watch, the sense of fevered brows and little fingers on the keyboards trying to flog a dead horse is amazing. Sturgeon’s dug; SNP Cllr Mhairi Hunter’s tweeting shows that the SS ‘Ratship’ is letting in too much water and the pumps can’t handle it. SNP People better keep an eye open for a motor launch drawing up alongside; just in case Nicola Sturgeon decides to abandon ship and let everyone else drown. Times like this I remember the Bond movie where the baddies machine gunned survivors in the water before sailing away.

Does anyone have a political MG 42 for Nicola?

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. the cyber nats are out in force

  2. It's a bloody massacre, George. Remind me though, what's Natalie McGarry in front of the beak for?

  3. Hi anon

    Natalie is up for alleged fraud.

    Her husband must be so shocked.


  4. How true what you have written George, It should be written in law after the snp get defeated in the 2021 election that we will always be part of A UNITED KINGDOM, and put an end to this crazy independence notion and finish these people

  5. How true that is George, after the 2021 election there should be a law written that Scotland will always be part of a UNITED KINGDOM, and finish the snp and their crazy independence movement

  6. "cuckoo in the nest" how very apt to describe our FM.

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  8. Excellent article George - keep up the good work.
