Monday, January 21, 2019

SNP Cult Fiction; Alex Salmond says he has ‘called off the dogs’ in the war between him and Nicola Sturgeon, in his ‘Lady Di’ interview in the press, he calls on Sturgeon to focus on indyref 2, but a new poll shows SNP’s credibility has been damaged by the Alex Salmond allegations, bad news for Nicola Sturgeon

Dear All

In a war, there are always casualties, and the first casualty of war is usually the truth, in the war between Team Salmond and Team Sturgeon, there will be no winners, but a lot of popcorn will be consumed by avid watchers.

Although the ‘War on Sturgeon is going well for Team Salmond, he has decided to use what some people term as the ‘Lady Di’ tactic, the tactic of being reasonable, the tactic of playing the victim, the tactic of winning over more supporters. Yes, in his best ‘Lady Di’ voice, he has let it be known that he and his mob; are to be more statesmanlike and called for an end to hostilities. Previously, they were in the gutter with their political combat knives trying to ambush Sturgeon allies and end their careers.

Some good news in the war, more a byproduct of the feud is that a new poll shows that the SNP’s credibility has been damaged by Alex Salmond allegations. These are the allegations that Alex Salmond sexually harassed two women. After the attempt to stitch up Salmond in an unfair process crashed onto the rocks at the Court of Session, an outbreak of civil war between two factions in the SNP has been played out in the party and media.  

A survey of 1,000 Scots was carried out in the wake of a Court of Session ruling asked the question and found a bleak picture for Nicola Sturgeon. Team Salmond was leaking a Cambridge spy ring, the goal, damage Sturgeon and it worked, very well, aside from the poll results, you would see it in Nicola Sturgeon’s face, and in her hair as she let her grey roots show through. Incidentally, when at Westminster, you could see it also in the faces of her MPs, who stood behind her, miserable as sin, and looking like they were getting looking forward to eating a plate of sick.

Scotland asked respondents:

“Has SNP credibility been damaged by handling of the Salmond harassment allegations?”

The answer is of course, you don’t need to be Einstein to work that out, but with the spiral of decline already in the Sturgeon Government, this is another straw on the camel’s back.

42 per cent said Yes; 32 per cent said No and 26 per cent were Unsure, the tide is turning, and the long lasting effects could usher in a shock result at Holyrood 2021 for the SNP.

Conservative MSP Annie Wells said:

“What the public see is a battle of two egos at the top of the SNP. Instead of sorting domestic issues and getting on with governing, the SNP is completely distracted by internal warfare”.

Prior to that event, they were distracted by indy, indy indy and of course indyref 2.

An oily spokesperson for the SNP said:

“With the clock ticking down to Brexit date - and with the Tory government incapable of governing and Labour incapable of effectively opposing - the SNP will continue to focus on standing up for Scotland’s interests in the face of a disastrous Tory-driven Brexit and further austerity, and setting out the case for Scotland thriving as an independent nation.”

Stock answer, a tired reply not even given a serious update, you have to wonder how things are in the Bute House Bunker, with Sturgeon under pressure and no way out.

Team Salmond know that they face a long road, their pushing for a second poll on independence is a good gag, because it is designed to stick the knife into Sturgeon when she doesn’t deliver in this term of the Holyrood Parliament. The longer there is no date, and that would be an agreed date with the UK Government, the more support will leach away from Sturgeon to Salmond.

As there is no one to take on the leadership of the party, this leaves ‘Lady Diane Salmond’, who would answer the call, the call coming from his own side naturally.

Then there is the ‘cleansing’, the day of full revenge, the removal of the bad seeds, the unbelievers; the false prophets, those who worship the ‘fake’ Queen and didn’t pay true homage to the ‘Return of the King’. 

This assumes that Alex Salmond lasts the pace and doesn’t drop dead of a heart attack.

Finally, is this the end of the SNP Civil War?

The short answer is no, there is plenty more action coming down the pipeline, more victim playing, more attacks, and more fireworks to be lit. In the movie, Highlander, there is a signature quote;

“There can be only one”.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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