Thursday, December 20, 2018

Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year; yet again, another festive season is upon us, I hope you and your family have a wonderful time, be safe, don't drink and drive, enjoy the holidays and if you get the chance, do a good deed, every good deed you do increases someone’s chance of happiness, the battle for the truth will be on a short pause

Dear All

It is that time of the year again so without further ado; Merry Xmas and a happy New Year to you and your family when it comes!

2018 has been a difficult year for many people, Brexit is nearly here and the opposition to it are desperate to stop us leaving the EU.

If they are successful, politics and trust in UK democracy will be broken between the politicians and people in a way not seen before in this country. We could end up seeing a version of the ‘yellow vest’ protests here and we might even see the formation of new political parties in the UK.

2019 is gearing to be an interesting year.

One thing is certain, the winds of change are blowing, and maybe the wind will become a storm, not just in the UK and Scotland but right across Europe.

The problem with politics or challenge is that when one fight ends, you get plunged into another, either in big politics or small politics. The fight never ends because you must always fight against others who are only interested in their self interest.

I would like to thank all the people who took the opportunity to drop by the blog to read and comment on the stories posted.

I would also like to thank those who read my stories and decided to post them elsewhere and then linked it to my blog, which means I must be doing something right.

I would also like to thank the BBC in London for dropping by numerous this year, I do commentating on TV, hint, hint hint.

And I wanted to thank the print press who also keep rolling by to see the George Laird view on the world, especially the newsquest mob.

All in all, it was a good year blogging; a year of angry people who really don’t know what they are fighting against concerning Brexit.

One theme I look at time and time again is people who made it to the top who end up by their own hand disgracing themselves by their own stupidity.

For the sake of a few points on her licence and a few hundred quid, she has been convicted of the course of justice.

She studied law at the University of Hertfordshire and then attended the University of Law.

The Labour Party has suspended her and they think she should resign as an MP, in reality they couldn’t have stood by her after what she has done, especially when you consider her status as an MP for the Party.

I wanted to comment on her story in my final post of the year to show two things, one political parties look favourably on people like Fiona Onasanya as candidate material because she has done law, and also because of her minority background, they gerrymander their parties to look inclusive, well look how that turned out in this case. In politics, you have to play it straight as I have said many times on this blog, when you don’t the fall from grace can be severe.

Finally, see you all next year; the battle for truth will be starting early as usual and I will do my very best to show you the good, the bad and the ugly side of politics, because there is a lack of people willing to stand up and speak out.

Have a wonderful Xmas and new year, don’t drink and drive, enjoy the holidays with friends and family and stay safe.

Yours Sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. All the best to you to George over the festive season and the years ahead. Thanks for all your insightful and interesting blogs over the last year which are written in a style which I enjoy and gets the message across very well indeed. I`ve a feeling 2019 could be a make or break year in many ways, interesting but scary times too. As a former SNP supporter I pray that we see their further decline and Scotland is saved from their incompetent and incoherent destructive agenda.

  2. George, you have a lovely Christmas and a happy New Year. Been following your blog since around 2009 and will continue doing so.

  3. Hello George

    I hope you have a really good festive season. If anyone deserves a good Christmas , it's you.
    You have entertained us, given us insight and hope that things will improve amongst those of us who want to see the arse of the snp disappearing round the political corner.
    All the best

  4. And you Georgeieboy Crookie

  5. Crack on, George. You have a decent rest, Merry Christmas and a very happy new year. I look forward to reading more of your insightful articles come January! :)

  6. Merry Xmas to you too George, all the best for 2019.

  7. Merry Christmas and I wish you health, wealth and happiness for the New Year
