Monday, December 17, 2018

Europe Needs New Nuremberg Trials; the political elite have destroyed the fabric of Europe, in a remarkable act, Finland considers revoking citizenship for sex crime migrants after child rape gangs shock country, we must deal with the symptoms but we must also tackle the disease head on of the political elite, ‘Europe Spring’ then ‘political war crimes trials’

Dear All

Tolerance is a wonderful thing, but there comes a point when tolerance is actually a weakness that has been exploited. The migrant crisis is still with us, although you see the press do their best to knock it off the front page, it is still with us. In France, tolerance of the French has reached breaking point, hence you get the ‘yellow vest’ protests, they will probably winded down for Xmas, but they won’t be going away. The ‘yellow vests’ have a focus, President Macron, they want rid of him. Macron is a former Rothschild banker, a President for rich, not a President for all.

Europe is turning more towards the right, in a rejection of the political elite who know the people have finally clicked that these people don’t represent them, and never did. In the UK, behind the scenes, Theresa May’s advisors plot a second referendum which if it occurred would effectively break democracy in this country. The idea of being robbed of Brexit as the Irish have been is so untenable, that publicly Theresa May discounts the idea.

Europe is in crisis, not just from the point of view of society but also politically, we edge towards civil war, we already have civil protests. We already have violence on the streets as exhibited by the French Police. Tear gas, water cannon, baton charges and flash grenades in use to suppress the people, but the people will not be suppressed, they are angry.

One thing that is a spark of decency towards victims is that Finland is considering revoking citizenship for sex crime migrants. Especially those migrants that have come to the West to indulge in the child rape gang culture.

Is this too little too late?

Well, it would be a welcome start, but this idea doesn’t go far enough, kicking them out of the country after a long prison sentence is what people should expect as a minimum. I would suggest that these people should also lost all their assets and money, in effective stripped bare. When they touch down in their former country of origin, they have the clothes on their back and nothing else.   

Finland is no stranger to migrant rape gangs that preyed on young girls, it happens right across Europe, so girls end up dead. The cases of these migrant rape gangs have operated for years because of fear to investigate by police, and cover ups by politicians. The fact that the Finnish parliament is currently considering a bill that would remove citizenship and expel those convicted of terrorism or treason is welcome but interior minister Kai Mykkänen said such sanctions should be considered for those convicted of serious sexual crimes as well.

Not only should we remove citizenship, we should also have permanent exclusion orders, and severe penalties if such people attempt to come back. Our justice must be swift, decisive and uncompromising. We should not allow these people to use human rights as a vehicle to stop deportation and these people should be dealt with by a special court, the one and final arbitrary of their status.

Finland saw an increase of asylum seekers entering the country during the 2015 migrant crisis and through weakness of their refugee programmes; they have seen increased sexual violence in places like Oulo.

Oulu Police Criminal Officer Milla Kynuunniemi said that after the influx, “Increased sexual harassment could be seen in the streets.”

She added:

“Whenever people come from another culture, there will also be clashes. Early on, sexual harassment was observed more than before. It’s no good to deny that it was not visible.”

In early December, authorities in Oulu confirmed ten suspects had been arrested in connection with grooming, rape, and sexual violence carried out against three children under the age of 15. All of the men either arrived during the migrant flow or via the country’s refugee quota scheme. This is the direct result of the free for all started by Angela Merkel, these people were let in with no background checks, they just didn’t start raping children in this country, these people were always violent criminals who exploited the system. They exploited the weakness of virtual signalling politicians, hell bent of making a name for themselves.

These virtual signalling politicians should be in jail.

In Finland, matters have come to a head that has so disturbed the country, that the country’s President Sauli Niinistö made a public statement, condemning the “shocking inhumanity,” saying Finland must “show strength” in punishing the rapists so that Finns “can continue to have a just, safe society.”

Finally, when you have people who don’t respect your values, culture or country, you end up with gangs of predators, these people are without humanity, as the Finnish President Sauli Niinistö said, you must ‘show strength’ but also you must use strength to defeat evil. You have heard of the ‘Arab Spring’, you might see the Europe Spring explode onto the streets of Europe, to sweep away the political elite from power, but more is needed than just that. In Europe, we need ‘political war crimes trials’ so that those politicians responsible are held to account for their actions.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

1 comment:

  1. crazy days, i'm 60 and have never seen it so bad
