Monday, September 17, 2018

Angela Merkel’s Europe is dying; German Politician says privately that ‘Civil War Is Coming to Europe’, the ‘Battle for Europe’ isn’t that far away, the anger isn’t just confined to Germany, it is Europe wide, politicians and media are jointing working to suppress the truth, ‘peace in our time’ isn’t possible now, too many murders, too many rapes!

Dear All

Sometime ago, I started blogging on the concept of ‘civil war’ coming to Europe, since I first started commenting on this, the slide towards ‘war’ continues. As someone who has an interest in WW2, I remember reading then watch the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Neville Chamberlain, who made in his 30 September 1938 speech a prediction of ‘peace in our time’. Actually he was rather wide of the mark as events unfolded. When Neville Chamberlain’s end came, he had sought the help of his friends to stay in power and that help wasn’t forthcoming.

After the disastrous Norway Campaign, it was clear that the mood in the Country and House of Commons had changed.

The Norway Campaign had been a failure.

Now, in this era, the situation in which ‘civil war’ is possible has been created by politicians in Europe, the ‘war’ when it comes will I suspect much like how resistance cells operated in Nazi occupied Europe. I think it is safe to say that a lot of politicians will be in danger along with migrants. The countless murders, rapes, robberies and other outrages are pushing Europeans to the brink.

It is 2018, this year is drawing to a close, and a German city politician in an off the record briefing has said that:

“Civil war is coming to Europe.”

The person, he told will not be revealing his name, as he says in Germany there are penalties for this kind of frankness. That conversation is just one of a number of conservations among what people are saying in private in Germany today. Angela Merkel’s open invitation to three million immigrants mostly of fighting-age males from Muslim countries has been the trigger. The official German number is 1.5 million; however, as we know now, we have been lied to by politicians and also by our media. It wouldn’t be ‘quelle surprise’ when it all kicks off, when you plant acorns, you aren’t surprised when a tree pops up!

The ‘civil war’ in Europe, will not just be a ‘German’ event, no, this will spread through-out Europe, when I did a Brexit talk at Strathclyde University for a Muslim student group, I was asked the question about Muslims going to work in Europe. I said to the student that at this time, under the current situation, working in Europe is dangerous, and I won’t recommend it for him or indeed anyone from the UK.

Europe has changed, and not for the better, when fpeople live in constant fear there is always a tipping point.

Although the AfD, Alternative für Deutschland, the main party of the resistance to Angela still only polls around 16 percent of the national vote, their day to achieve power is coming. When people thought in Holland that Geert Wilders would be PM, I said no, the reason was simple, not enough damage has been done yet to make people turn away from the mainstream parties. I was right in that Dutch election, their gains are like a detonator going off before the main explosion.

The other parties in Germany, Angela Merkel’s majority Christian Democrats and the SPD and the Greens will make sure that the AfD stays out of power by forming alliances of convenience. So, in effect, they are priming Germany to blow, when you strangle the people’s voice, when you ignore them, the outcome is things are going to get a lot lot worse before they get better. People will then turn to parties like Alternative für Deutschland.

As part of the political and media strategy to suppress support for AfD, their campaign is to dub AfD as the ‘far right’, this tactic of labelling is well known in politics. Angela Merkel’s party and others would really rather bury their heads in the sand about the problems and just pretend it’s not happening. They should have acted long ago, but didn’t every murder, every rape, every robbery in Germany by migrants can be laid at Merkel’s door.

Merkel should be in prison for what she and others have done!

Finally, if you look at how the protest rally in Chemnitz over the murder of a man by two migrants, you can see how the politicians and media work hand in glove. The purpose of the rally was to draw attention to the large number of rapes and murders inflicted by mostly Muslim immigrants on Germans. That protest was utterly misrepresented by the media and the authorities as neo-Nazi revivalism which it was not.

Nothing, I have seen and nothing I have read leads me to believe that the slide to ‘civil war’ can be stopped; the rock is just starting to roll down the mountain.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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