Monday, August 13, 2018

SNP Neglect and Abandonment, Nicola Sturgeon’s Govanhill defence leaves residents of the Govanhill ghetto totally unimpressed, the problem is leadership and her elected SNP ‘pals’ aren't up to the job, a few wheelie bins, an upgraded cleansing service and a new cycle route would bring in gentrification of the area, could Nicola Sturgeon face being back on the Holyrood list?

Dear All

Govanhill is a byword for political neglect in Scotland.

Govanhill falls within the constituency of SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon, but far from being an area which is pristine, the Nationalist leader has left the area to run down and become crime ridden.

Govanhill is now Scotland's first third world ghetto!

Recently SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon used the press to do a piece in a Sunday newspaper to insist she was working on problems in Govanhill, frankly her defence of her representation of the Glasgow Southside seat is bizarre.

One of the SNP Councillors in the area is the woefully inept Mhairi Hunter, if you check her register of interests on the council website, you can see that Hunter gets well paid for her political offices as well as being paid as an SNP Councillor, she has these ‘jobs’:

P/T Constituency Assistant to Nicola Sturgeon MSP
Co-chair Glasgow City Integration Joint Board
Board Member NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Health Board

Incredibly isn’t it, not the jobs, but how someone so dense gets these positions, but in case you think it is a mystery, allow me to help, Mhairi Hunter is Nicola Sturgeon’s pal, and has been her election agent in the past. In the old days, you heard the phrase ‘jobs for the boys’ in this case, it is very much ‘jobs for the girls’.

The fact that Nicola Sturgeon has been forced to defend the management of her ghetto at the heart of her constituency after repeated complaints from residents shows that the work of ‘Let’s Save Govanhill’ is working. I suspect that her renew interest in the area goes beyond a PR exercise, I suspect that the SNP vote is falling to a point that possibly could see Nicola Sturgeon go back on the Holyrood list to be an MSP.

The fight to rid Govanhill of Nicola Sturgeon is one of the greatest challenges that other political parties have more or less ignored.

Unsurprisingly the residents are highly unimpressed with Sturgeon's Govanhill defence. The squalor and filthy in the area requires action, action which Nicola Sturgeon refuses to take, along with her SNP Council led by the ineffective Susan Aitken. The SNP are masters at the shallow public relations exercise, but despite this residents have made an impressive impact and case for action.

Most of the political representation in the Glasgow Southside seat is SNP, there is no excuse that Nicola Sturgeon can give, no one else to blame, no pointing the finger at Westminster and no pointing the finger at Holyrood.

This time the blame entirely lies with Nicola Sturgeon.

One thing which Sturgeon did say is that rumours that the area’s slum and infested tenements are to be bulldozed are wrong.  Sturgeon said she was “well aware that Govanhill faces some very specific challenges”, but what are these ‘specific challenges’? It seems that the SNP leader knows them but isn’t willing to publicly talk about them.

The answer is migrants; migrants turned Govanhill into a third world ghetto, along with Muslim slum landlords who failed to keep up the maintenance of their properties. The high ethic vote which Nicola Sturgeon depends on is said by some to be one of the reasons for the inactivity of the SNP leader and the elected Councillors to take a leadership role.

So, what is the ‘Sturgeon defence’?

Well, the defence is based on doing the least amount of work to appear active such as:

A clampdown on rogue landlords,
A unique cleansing service to fight fly-tipping,
New wheelie bins to help solve problems with “vermin”.
A new cycle route

Yes, clearly the SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon and her other elected SNP cohorts are clearly out of their depth, her defence is risible. The idea that a cycle route is attracting people and businesses to the area is quite frankly laughable; a cycle route through the ghetto means suddenly it will become gentrified?

Does that mean Govanhill will become as trendy as Glasgow’s ‘West End’?

Nicola Sturgeon doesn’t give a monkey’s cuss about Govanhill, but Sturgeon has plenty of time for LGBT events, she has plenty of time to travel to London to watch the Tennis, she has plenty of time to travel to Brussels to give speeches, but the truth is that she has limited time for the people of Govanhill.

Fiona Jordan, of the Let’s Save Govanhill campaign group, said Ms Sturgeon’s comments reminded her of Nero fiddling while Rome burned.

She said:

“That article is an exercise in damage limitation by Nicola Sturgeon and her PR team. In the real world, Nicola should tell us the outcomes for the millions of pounds that have been spent in Govanhill. It has been nothing more than a band-aid to cover up or deflect from her dereliction of duty and failure to manage Govanhill. She has overseen the creation of a ghetto in 21st century Scotland and we have to live in it.”

Fiona Jordan is right about Nicola Sturgeon fiddling like Nero while Rome burned, her SNP elected officials aren’t fit for purpose, the obscene fact her ‘pal’ Mhairi Hunter is listed as a PT Constituency Assistant to Nicola Sturgeon and a councillor for the same area is a sick joke.

Given that Nicola Sturgeon felt compelled to publicly write her defence in the papers says a lot to me, it says that the SNP vote in the area is going down; it says to me that the SNP lies of being there to help have exploded in her face.

Govanhill is an area that needs stern measures taken against the ‘specific challenges’, the supposed crackdown on slum landlords isn’t really a crackdown. Glasgow City Council has set aside the money to buy up 500 properties in the Govanhill. In the press, it was hyped that these properties were seized in fact the slum landlords actually received a windfall courtesy of Nicola Sturgeon.

If you wonder why Nicola Sturgeon has been less than sterling in her efforts to fix Govanhill, why not have to look at the names of some of the banned slum landlords such as Usman Ul Haq, Abid Mahmood, Abdul Ali, Shazia Akhtar, Abdul Shakoor and Furrukh Saleem and then form your own opinion about the lack of action.

The credit for raising the profile and scale of the problems in Govanhill deservedly goes to Let’s Save Govanhill campaign group and their spokesperson Fiona Jordan, not the SNP MSP Nicola Sturgeon, not to the SNP MP Alison Thewliss, nor SNP Cllrs Mhairi Hunter and Alexander Belic.

On the Glasgow City Council website, SNP Cllr Mhairi Hunter is listed as a carer for her elderly father, one wonders given the state of ‘care’ she has delivered for residents in Govanhill, what are the conditions for the elderly father like?

Do you think he lives surrounded by rubbish and faeces as the residents of Govanhill do?

Finally, in one video when the residents group wanted to speak to Mhairi Hunter, she disappeared rather quickly shouting, 'am in a hurry', ....... busy doing nothing, working the whole day through, she like to be able to do the job...... but is more suited to using the loo!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. A Labour council ran Glasgow for over 100 years without any kind of social change, SNP are there for two minutes and suddenly everything is their fault. Grow up will you, no amount of cleaning, new wheelie bins (and who in Govanhill wants a cycle path) will do anything for the area until you get the people to help themselves. I'm pretty sure it's not the SNP throwing mattresses on the street or vandalising everything in sight, get them to stop doing that and start helping themselves before complaining about others.

  2. This article is riddled with unifash propaganda, ask yourself what "third world ghetto" means? It does serve to highlight the hatred and xenophobia at the heart of every Unionist.

  3. Utter garbage. The Council run the local facilities and the town, not the Scottish government. Dundee has the worst Social and economic problems in the EU and you spout your venom? Hoping the thick and gullible will buy into it? Shame on you.

  4. Of course, this has just happened since the SNP took control of Glasgow City Council 😂

    You omit the recent targeted operations by Police Scotland to cleanse the area of the rogue landlords etc.

    But carry on making a tit if yourself!

  5. Gosh you really are a rabid SNPbad person aren't you . Who was it that caused all this mess and mayhem ? The bloody Labour council that's who . They were in charge for 44 years and this is their legacy . And it's not down to Nicola Sturgeon to sort this out . Yes it is the SNP council who have to sort this out ... and yes it does need fixed . But they cannot do that in a heartbeat . So why not get off your high horse and get Labour telt for their corruption and total mismanagement of resources not only here but in other Labour coumcils instead of your attacks on Nicola Sturgeon , the SNP. As for your offensive racist comments you should be ashamed !

    Oh ... I bet you won't publish this !

  6. I've seen it as well..I've seen residents dumping rubbish all over the place..some from houses and some from's people that make it a midden..

  7. I live in Govanhill. I have more of an issue with folk like you, with a deliberate SNP-bad stance. Yes, we have an issue with litter in Govanhill, this is a social issue as a lot of the folks that live here don't realise there is an issue with dropping litter - so places like Govanhill Housing Association are trying to educate. Having lived in other areas of Glasgow, it's no worse than anywhere else. Do we have an issue with flytipping? Yes, again, but this is a Council-wide issue as a result from the change over from a Labour-run council to an SNP-run council - I've been on the phone with them enough times to know this. The renegade landlords are being clamped down on, and there are hundreds of new homes being built (near Butterbiggins Road, and near Govanhill Health Centre). We're not looking for gentrification here as most of us are low income so to us "gentrification" means the living costs will go up, and price us out of the area. We're more worried about the fact that Universal Credit is being rolled out in the area from September.

  8. Lots of vitriol but no suggestions for what should be done. So a nothing article.

  9. I dont for one minute expect you to post this as I am sure you will only post folk who agree with you, It is not Nicola Sturgeon at fault it is the people who live there, ho can one person do anything, there is a council in Govan who you should complain to, the council is the one who has been given funds to pay for these things

  10. I read the article, seems that it's not about what has already been done more about SNP bad. Councils are funded to see to the areas they govern .. The SG funds these Councils to carry out the necessary !jobs,so if it's not happening then where has the funds gone.

  11. This is indeed written by an anti snp person,the remarks & gestures give it away immediately,which is a shame realy as I do not like to see any one person,or indeed any organisation/other political party trying to score points on the backs of the poor,in the (what looks like) a poor area. I will not comment on what to do or where to go as this has been covered above,all I can say or rather ask,can you see any oil rigs out in the distance from any one of the many food banks in that area?,ridiculous isn’t it ! Mind you,it wouldn’t do you one jot of good anyway as Westmonster moved the maritime border so that ALL revenues go direct to London,specifically so Scotland economy would never look good enough for independence (check out Scotlands stolen seas on YouTube). Labour did indeed cause this and much more everlasting damage to Scotland,but unfortunately that’s how politics work,they practically destroy Scotland then gain brownie points from people who don’t understand how the system works by pointing out how bad the place is/looks,just like ,I suspect ,the writer of this column has fallen for.

  12. I see your blog has been invaded by SNP cranks. Kranky must be frightened...latest news on the streets is even the immigrants dislike her.

  13. Well that didnt go so well did it Walter Mitty. Kicked out of the SNP for being a homophobe, now bitter as hell. Claiming to be linked to Glasgow Uni, a disgruntled day dreamer more like.

  14. Dear Anon

    "Well that didnt go so well did it Walter Mitty. Kicked out of the SNP for being a homophobe, now bitter as hell. Claiming to be linked to Glasgow Uni, a disgruntled day dreamer more like".

    You write so Lord Fraser, leaving that aside, 6108 views of this post so far.


    By the way what is a 'homophobe?

    How can you tell if someone is 'bitter as hell'?


  15. Dear Anon

    "I see your blog has been invaded by SNP cranks. Kranky must be frightened...latest news on the streets is even the immigrants dislike her".

    I can well believe that statement, the ghetto residents all up in arms priceless.


  16. George Laird, you really are a nasty piece of Red Tory work. As Dylan said "Like Judas of old, you lie and deceive"

  17. Guess where I live. I am calling you out as a liar.

    I dot need to say much more than you are a liar as its open for all who stay there to see for our selfs. There is a reason we keep reelecting her. Crap like you're foaming at the mouth ramblings show how desperate unionists are. A;; you get is laughed at!

  18. You're blog is not even funny. Its pathetic. NS has done a lot to help the people of the area. Given the 10 months the SNP have had control of the GCC it shows how hard the SNP work for the people It does not matter what pathetic lies are spouted by guilty as sin pro unionists, the work in the area has been on going and constant. Going further than Labour ever tried or dared to go.

    Do you honestly think people will just swallow the lies? What a fool you are if you think anyone will

  19. Dear Anon

    "George Laird, you really are a nasty piece of Red Tory work. As Dylan said "Like Judas of old, you lie and deceive"

    Oh dear someone really has got their knickers in a twist, calm down snowflake.


  20. George Laird was illegally branded a paedophile by the highest offices of the SNP because he realised they were crooked cranks

    George Laird is a legend


    By the people who live there

    Those who say they live there and its not a mess are LIARS

    I can give you names and addressees George

  22. I was there today George met a local Janni who told me that there were 2 rats ( four legged ones) in the primary school BUILDING yesterday

  23. I live in Govanhill and also used to worked for Glasgow City Council. I can confirm that everything in this article is true about Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP. Scottish families and the elderly are now scared to live in Govanhill because of the mass immigration into the area. We can all say how great multiculturalism is BUT when mass immigration hits your local village I can guarantee you'll be the first to move away. Oh and don't expect to receive the full value of your house when you go to sell it. Just like in Govanhill, the house prices will go down because of all the immigration and crime. Sad but true.
