Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Human Rights or Tyranny: Tommy Robinson freed on bail after winning contempt challenge, his case goes back to Leeds Crown Court after appeal judges pass the hot potato, their problem, let them sort it, the public interest wouldn’t be served by a re-trial and certainly not by imprisoning Tommy Robinson again, expect a massive media circus

Dear All

Tommy Robinson aka Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon has been many things, at the present moment, he is an independent reporter. When he was arrested outside Leeds Crown Court for covering yet another Pakistani Rape Gang story, he was arrested by the Police under false pretences.

Alleged breach of the peace!

The fact that he wasn’t causing breach of the peace didn’t matter, this was a just a mechanism to detain him and then drag him into Court to face a charge of Contempt of Court.

Labour MP Sarah Champion is another person who has spoken out about Pakistani Rape Gangs targeting white female children, she now requires additional security protection, and Muslims are moving to attempt to de-select her as the Labour MP for her area.

Along time ago, I asked a question, ‘why do we give bad people human rights’?

If you understand human rights in its purest sense, you know the answer; we give bad people human rights in order to protect everyone’s rights. If we don’t do that we live in a fascist society where your liberty is based on someone else’s whim.

The case to imprison Tommy Robinson was bad law and bad judgement; however, he is now freed on bail after winning contempt challenge. The initial judge who imprisoned him was entirely wrong, and Robinson wasn’t given a fair trial, it seemed that jailing Robinson was more important that following due process.

Lord Chief Justice Lord Burnett and two other judges in London quashed a finding of contempt made against Robinson at Leeds Crown Court in May when he was sentenced to 13 months in jail.

In reality, there wasn’t much else they could do, if they hadn’t the entire legal process would be under the spotlight, if you are going to attempt to lock up someone, then give them their human rights, given them due process and be fair, and act within the letter and spirit of the law.

Tommy Robinson’s imprisonment made headlines around the world, this wasn’t unexpected, the ‘establishment’ misjudged this rather badly, they thought they were imprisoning one guy, when in fact they were imprisoning someone who has become the ‘voice of millions’.

Announcing the decision, Lord Burnett said the court was allowing his appeal "in respect of the committal for contempt at Leeds Crown Court".

He added:

"The appellant is granted bail and the matter of contempt at Leeds Crown Court is remitted to be heard again."
This is called ‘the line of least resistance’, kicking it back out his door to Leeds, and given them the problem, their problem, let them fix it. I don’t see the value on this case going back to Leeds Crown Court, and I don’t see how this serves the public interest.

The excuse of prejudice of the trial is nonsense.

Here is a video to watch.

The reporter in this case, isn’t really using the prefix ‘alleged’, no, he is out and out calling the accused ‘Pakistani child rapists’, anyone read a story of this person being arrested?

If it was okay to jail Tommy Robinson, then this other reporter should be in the next cell, but he isn’t. It isn’t like his youtube video isn’t easy to find by any member of the public, you can find it in under a minute.

At a hearing in July, Robinson’s QC Jeremy Dein argued that procedural "deficiencies" had given rise to "prejudice". In other words, he was going for a win based on procedure, rather than fighting the charge. Dein also submitted that the sentence was "manifestly excessive" and that "insufficient" regard had been given to personal mitigation. He was again using a technical ploy to get the win; and this paid off with the release of Tommy Robinson from prison.

One of the things post imprisonment was a concentrated attempt by several sections of the media to justify his imprisonment, as part of this tactic, the media focused on Robinson’s past convictions because this was a targeted piece so as to get people not to support him.

These media outlets, who posted on youtube, didn’t get the response they thought they would:

To give you a favour of the responses, the nice ones call Channel 4 fake news, a term that has become very popular, and one of the reasons that people turn to alt media sources.

So, what does Tommy Robinson represent?

Tommy Robinson represents what you might term a ‘people’s voice’, not the voice of the establishment, not the voice of the mainstream media, not the voice of the political parties.

In the past, many people placed their faith in institutions, if you were to ask the people now; you will see that belief no longer exists. The reason it no longer exists is that if you take politics as the top of the pyramid, it has corrupted everything beneath it.

People despise politicians!

You can clear see by the rise right across Europe of other parties that this is so, although the migrant crisis was the catalyst for this change in Europe, for decades in the UK, thousands of female children were raped by Pakistani Rape Gangs and the political parties and others covered it up.

Thousands of female children were raped by Pakistani Rape Gangs and the political parties and others covered it up, this is the point you should home in on. This was done because of the parties seeking British Pakistani Muslim votes in order to win seats for Westminster.

Here is an example of someone who isn’t afraid to speak out, the presenter sets the record straight when a woman who claims to be a British Pakistani woman tries to muddy the water and deflect from the truth of what is going on.

The Appeal Court made the right decision to free Tommy Robinson, if they hadn’t their reputation would have been called into question, as it was highly likely this case would have made it to the Supreme Court, who certainly would have freed Robinson. The story however doesn’t end there, the return t Leeds Crown Court will be a media circus, this case is completely damaged goods, however, re-conviction does appear to be the way to go, this time the Crown will be looking for their ‘get out of jail free card’.

Along time ago, I asked a question, ‘why do we give bad people human rights’.

Now you know!

Finally, yesterday, I blogged on how Muslim Asim Khan should be allowed a fair process, today I blog on how Tommy Robinson should be allowed a fair process, how can I support each of their rights, easy, I believe in justice.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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