Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Losing control, losing the agenda, identity politics destroyed our society: now press and politicians fear the rise of media-savvy populist right parties and their appeal to working class people, across Europe, people are turning their backs on the ‘left’ and the ‘liberals’ because they have actively discriminated against people using public office and the resources of the State, Scotland is a prime example of ‘identity politics’ gone wrong

Dear All

The most discriminated groups in the UK are black people and white working class people. Political parties of the ‘left’ years ago abandoned the working class as organisations set up to protect their rights were infiltrated by middle class careerists straight out of university or via trade unions. As the working class lost their representation, they also lost out on other benefits from elected people. The political elite became to symbolise ‘identity politics’ to the max. If you were white working class you were pushed to the back of the queue, discriminated at every turn.

Right across Europe, ordinary working class people have turned to people who understand their concerns and shown an interest in them. One example of how detached the political parties are is using ‘foodbank collections in order to increase their support in the community. When the election is over, the winning party very quickly abandons this trick because their agenda has moved on. What hasn’t moved on is the need of vulnerable for food aid.

Across Europe, we have seen the right of parties of the right, this has led to the incumbent political parties and the ‘liberal’ press tagging them as ‘far right’. Despite a co-ordinated campaign of sorts, the public has decided to ignore the fake news agenda and continue to give new parties their support. If you see a Donald Trump or Vladmir Putin, you usually see a smear campaign of them not far behind.

Clare Foges, David Cameron’s former speechwriter wrote that authoritarian “strong men”, like Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin get things done, this is in stark contrast to people like Nicola Sturgeon who is mired in identity politics and abandonment of the white working class. The SNP lie ‘Stronger for Scotland’ doesn’t apply to white working class in education, jobs, health, and law and order unless you tick an ‘identity politics’ box.

People should be aware of the intolerance of ‘liberals’, these are the people who don’t want you to speak or have an opinion aired unless it agrees with them. The rise of the fascist thugs dubbed ‘Antifa’ is a group which uses violence to silence people who dare to protest about what is going on around them.

You could describe these people are as mixture of middle class thugs and ‘commies’ masquerading as socialists. People who are so anti establishment that they want to become the establishment.

Iain Macwhirter isn’t a fan of Brexit, he says at the moment that there is a distinct air of Weimar about British politics; of course, you should remember that Germany had just come out of WW1 as the loser. Germans were angry with the political class who hadn’t just led them to defeat but also starvation and unemployment. Not a happy time indeed, but the misery wasn’t just a German thing; the ‘Great Depression’ of the 1920’s caused problems everywhere from Germany to the US, Russia after the revolution wasn’t a paradise either.

In politics, you have to face up to a plain simple fact, in elections, the ‘best man’ doesn’t always win, that isn’t the purpose of elections; it is to elect someone. I don’t have to reel of a list of scumbags who got elected, you can google that yourself and see depending on how much research you want to do. One thing which you will have heard of is ‘tactical voting’, tactical voting isn’t about electing someone you want, it is about attempt to ‘get anyone but’ the party you hate getting in.

In Europe, the rise of the ‘right’ in politics is not a surprise, the ‘left’ and ‘liberals’ caused it by neglect, which is why we get leftwing thugs on our streets hunting for ‘nazis’, not World War 2 Nazis, not Zombie Nazis but ordinary people who dare to speak out about what the political elite has done while in office.

Yesterday, I wrote about how American families were right to get justice for their love ones who were brutally murdered by ‘British’ Jihadists dubbed ‘the Beatles’, if their crimes had taken place on British soil, then I would say that legally, they would have to be tried in our jurisdiction but the murders happened abroad. I have no problem in sending these Isis ‘recreational killers’ to the US to face justice. Iain  Macwhirter seems to think this is a problem, he wrote:

“It’s perhaps no accident the UK Government appears to be prepared to accept the death penalty for British Islamic State terrorists in America, something that would have been unimaginable until recently. This is pure populist politics”.

To be clear, the UK Government in the shape of the Home Secretary said that he wouldn’t ask for assurances that these people wouldn’t get the death penalty if convicted. The Prime Minister said she hoped they spend the rest of their lives in jail. Given these people have been stripped of their British citizenship, perhaps the use of the term ‘British Islamic State terrorists’ is wrong.

We don’t have the death penalty in the UK, but they do in America, Alexanda Kotey and El Shafee Elsheikh doesn’t deserve to escape justice, no one does, and certainly not for engaging in torture and murder, these two aren’t soldiers.

And they do have charges to answer.

Iain Macwhirter is wrong to say that the refusal to seek assurances:

“This is pure populist politics”.

No, it is not, it is the ‘politics’ of justice.

The contempt that people must feel for those who have protested that the Home Sec didn’t ask for assurances against the death penalty just beggars belief. No trial has taken place; no sentence has been handed down but the ‘left’ and the ‘liberals’ are practically in tears about poor ‘recreational killers’. This case encapsulates why the British people are so sick to death of the political class in this country.

A recent YouGov poll suggests that 24 per cent of British people would now vote for an anti-immigrant party like the Alternative fur Deutschland or Marine LePen’s National Front. The thing is any political party cannot just be a party of protest, it has to be willing and able to be a party of government, this is why so many minor parties fail to gain support beyond a ‘single issue’. Right-wing populism is the dynamic force in European politics at present, in Viktor Orban’s Hungary and Slovenia has just elected a right wing, anti-immigrant government.

Even the carefree Italians in Italy ares now under coalition led by Lega’s Matteo Savini, who has talked of “a mass cleansing” Italy of immigrants. Norway and Denmark have right-wing parties participating in government. The one to watch is if the Swedish Democrats who are leading in the polls go all the way to government.

Sweden is the rape capital of the world.

How did it become so?

The political elite allowed in rapists from third world countries, the migrants done the raping, but the political elite did all the backroom facilitation, everything from ‘soup to nuts’, transport, food, clothing, housing and money.

Of course, their ‘excuse’ is that ‘we didn’t know this would happen’.   

When people like Iain Macwhirter talk about a new form of nationalist populism and how that transpires into a sophisticated, media-wise Alt-Right, he could be talking about people like Austria’s Martin Sellner.

It would be wrong to say that people like Sellner just target white working class, his organisation cross the social barriers in his own country. That said regards of country, the appeal of the right in white former working class communities, hit hard by globalisation, and feeling abandoned by the left is a ready market. The fact is the white working class has been abandoned by the left, it isn’t a ‘feeling’, it is a reality. The political parties are not interested in the working class; they focus on ‘identity politics’ focusing on minorities such as racial and gender minorities, LGBTQI++ and religions. At the moment the media is as Iain Macwhirter wrote, is preoccupied with transgender issues and feminists of #metoo movement. As Milo Yiannopoulos says, feminism is now a man hating activity.

Even trade unions seem to have abandoned young working class people. As the Institute for Fiscal Studies noted recently, “union members are now overwhelmingly public sector, white collar and middle-aged”.

Finally in the ‘good old days’, political parties could count on the white working class vote, given what we have seen, the white working class have abandoned them, in Scotland, this can be seen by the spectacular fall of the Labour Party, once the dominant force. Given that so many people have been disenfranchised from voting, there is a pressing need for the emergence of new political parties who are not willing to engage in the murky mess that is identity politics’ which are platforms for active discrimination of people. If we are all supposed to be the same and equal, and it is enshrined in law, why are political parties allowed to operate discriminatory policies?

The old days of just giving your vote because of your social class are gone, and so is fairness, justice and equality of outcome, it all died a long time ago which is why the working class despites so many middle class politicians.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. I remember back in 2007 when I first voted SNP. Two old guys, now dead, told me I made a mistake and the SNP are no good. 11 years later, I see what they mean. Salmond/Krankies SNP are not only anti working class, they are anti Scottish. A few years ago; I applied for a security job, I applied for over 150 vacancies and didn’t get one reply. Go into any shop, I’ve meet guards who can’t speak English but if I dare complain about not even getting an interview for a dangerous min wage job, I’m a hater, a Nazi, a racist and religious bigot, I’m certainly not an unemployed man who was desperate to find work. I also have qualifications in Networking but I’ve been totally unable to even get an interview in networking too.
    The trade unions are the same; all they care about is public sector workers. All our political elite now appear to be the same. They are basically treating us like we are sheep in a farmer’s field.
    As a socialist at heart it troubled me but I voted Tory last election because with the Tory you know what you’re going to get. I must add, I’m not too happy with that Ruth. She really does sound like she would be better off in New Lie@bour.

  2. Just a little bit of a history lesson, the Nazis were actively dismissed and ignored by large swathes of German society during the 1920s. What changed? The 1929 Wall Street Crash and Great Depression. Let's not forget that while Japan was even more animalistic in the Second World War, it turned that way because of the depression as well. The left wing and liberalism would do well to learn their lessons from 2016 but they seem to have failed in this.

    As for today, the days of running liberalism as a house of correction are well and truly over.
