Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Denying Direct Democracy: the ‘Remain Camp’ think they have hit the jackpot as Met Police are to probe Vote Leave after Electoral investigation, now there are calls for the referendum result to be made void, dream on, Brexit is still moving forward, if Brexit doesn’t happen then the UK will face a political crisis not seen since Suez

Dear All

Ever since the result of the Brexit referendum in June 2016; the ‘Remain side’ have been exceptionally bad losers, they have tried repeatedly to deny the British people their democratic right to have their vote respected. I fought on the Leave side, the EU is a wholly corrupt organisation which is anti worker and anti country, it is controlled by a ‘political elite’ who are un-elected.

Lack of accountability makes the EU a dangerous organisation.

The Remain side is made up of various vested interests groups, including the ‘Progress’ wing of the Labour Party. They want to see a re-run the EU referendum; this cannot be allowed to happen. Ireland voted against the Lisbon Treaty but the politicians re-ran the referendum till they got the “right” vote, their vote.

The Ireland situation was a complete betrayal of democracy.

Several attempts have been made to garner support from the people of the UK for a second referendum but the public isn’t interested, the political elite in the UK have set up various little organisations but the reality is, they are just talking to themselves.

Everyone else has moved on.

In elections and referendums, we expect each side to act in a fair and democratic manner, following the letter of the law and the spirit, but as I have mentioned numerous times, our politics have been infiltrated by minority groups who operate to their own agenda within various political parties. These people use their minority status to undermine parties for their own ends, and that of others they are in league with.

Police are investigating senior figures in the Vote Leave campaign after the group was fined for breaking strict electoral rules. This information has prompted Winston Churchill’s grandson, Sir Nicholas Soames, to declare the British electoral system should be “blown up and started all over again”. Although everyone supports in theory a fair system, the fact is the system is geared towards larger parties, which is why proportional representation is always being called for in the past.

It is said that the official campaign for leaving the EU exceeded spending limits by almost £500,000, flouting electoral law, would this have swayed the result by much, I don’t think so, the UK Government prior to the referendum sent a booklet to every home at the cost of circa £9 million. The machinery of government and the ruling party led by David Cameron were staunchly pro EU, however they activities it seemed didn’t come under the electoral law because they were publishing ‘information’.

During the Second World War; Winston Churchill defeated this country from Nazi Germany, one wonders what he would think of his grandson, Sir Nicholas Soames now. It seems that investigators found "significant evidence" of joint working between Vote Leave and another campaign group, BeLeave. The latter was founded by Darren Grimes, then a 23-year-old fashion student who made a name for himself, today he found out the price of ‘fame’ Darren Grimes: the pro-Brexit student activist fined apparently £20k.

Kyle Taylor, director of Fair Vote UK, said:

“This is much bigger than Brexit: breaking election law is undermining the very fabric of how we believe our society should make rules. We are sleepwalking into a future I don’t want to be a part of.”

In the interest of fairness, here a link to their site;

You might want to pop in and have a look.

One of the people who is quite happy to sabotage the direct democracy of the people is the middle class sycophant Labour MP Chuka Umunna, he has condemned the revelations as an “affront to our democracy”. Umunna is someone who shouldn’t be a Labour MP in my opinion, who he ‘represents’ is anyone’s guess, but I doubt it is the ‘little people’.

That’s you and me!

Apparently in his element, Umunna is raising concerns of “foul play”, and siding with the SNP, they are saying via Brexit Secretary Mike Russell by insisting the vote to leave the EU was “obtained, at least in part, by breaching electoral law”. Before this storm in a tea cup erupted, both Umunna’ crew and Nicola Sturgeon were attempting any trick to get a second vote.
Russell is trying the old trick that this shouldn’t be a UK wide vote but each country should have one single vote, it denies a fair process, and is designed to be possibly a stalemate. Westminster has already dismissed this nonsense previously, Scotland is part of the UK and the UK voted to leave the EU. This ploy is all about the SNP angling for a second referendum at a time of their choosing; effectively they want an ‘open’ Section 30 order without a time limit.

And they aren’t getting that from Westminster.

In what can be seen as politicking, the Labour Party has called for ministers and formers ministers who were key figures in Vote Leave such as Michael Gove and Boris Johnson to be investigated, the end game is the collapse of the Conservative Government, and attempting to garner election support.

Labour MP David Lammy declared that Vote Leave had “cheated” on spending rules and the payday should be a new vote on whether the referendum result was now void. There will be no parliamentary vote on whether the result of the June 2016 referendum should now be classed as void, it will never happen.

The Electoral Commission found Vote Leave failed to declare money it spent with controversial data firm Aggregate IQ. BeLeave "spent more than £675,000 with Aggregate IQ under a common plan with Vote Leave", investigators found. This was not declared and took the latter over the legal spending limit. This came to light via whistleblowers, the cash was used to pay for targeted messaging services on Facebook and other social media. One of the whistleblowers was Shahmir Sanni.

So, who is Shahmir Sanni?

If you think back to the start of this post, you will have read me stating that ‘our politics have been infiltrated by minority groups who operate to their own agenda within various political parties’.

Found this as well for you to look at:

One thing that Shahmir Sanni isn’t is a hero!

A Vote Leave spokesman said the Electoral Commission's report contained "a number of false accusations and incorrect assertions that are wholly inaccurate and do not stand up to scrutiny".

Finally, most people are ignorant of politics, how it works, who is in, and how they got there, in the past, I said the system is corrupt, from attempted vote rigging of candidates, to people being discriminated on the basis of their skin, background, sex, and other numerous combinations to keep it like a private club, merit doesn’t count, hard work doesn’t count and vision doesn’t count either. The Met Police can do what they want to do if investigating is their wish, however, there isn’t going to be a re-run of the 2016 referendum.

The Prime Minister Theresa May is getting on with delivery of Brexit, the process is in motion, there are legal frameworks, and come 29th March 2019, we are out of the EU. Cabinet Office minister Chloe Smith insisted the Government was “getting on with delivering the result of the referendum”.

There is no going back!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Hi there, just wanted to mention, I liked this article.

    It was practical. Keep on posting!

  2. As a remain voter, I find this all rather embarrassing. Sorry guys, we're not all like that. Some of us really do believe in democracy and accept the vote. In fact, I'm sure that there are plenty of us out there who think that even if we don't agree with Brexit, not only do we accept it as a democratic decision, but if we're clever we could well use it as a fresh start for the country.

  3. Hi Al C

    Now there is talk of plans in the event of hard Brexit, which I have blogged on, will it come off?

