Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Clowns in the Chamber; 28 SNP MPs engage in mean spirited and 'pathetic theatrics' in order to force 5 votes during England's World Cup clash with Columbia, the pettiness of this act speaks volumes, the SNP are using parliamentary procedure to cause trouble, I think it is time that the UK Government started to push back and give the SNP, a taste of their own vile medicine

Dear All

There are a few times in your life when national events capture your imagination to the extent that you feel you need to be there, even if it is in the role of a spectator. The World Cup rolls around every four years and is quite a spectacle which many people enjoy.

Doubly so if you have a team competing in the event!

The only UK team in the World Cup is England, and this naturally has created a lot of interest, even in the political bubble that is Westminster. In what is an act of mean spirited pettiness, the SNP has decided to take the opportunity to spoil it by forcing five votes during England's World Cup knock-out clash with Colombia.

At Westminster, it isn’t uncommon for the SNP to drop the mask and show their true colours, but on this occasion they are sinking to a new low. To actively go out of their way to spoil people’s enjoyment is a measure of what the SNP have become under Nicola Sturgeon. Douglas Ross, Conservative MP for Moray made the point that the SNP's "pathetic theatrics" have affected staff in the chamber from having a chance to watch the game. You could make the point that ‘they are paid to work’ however, there are times when common decency dictates that the rules are quietly forgotten.

The World Cup is one of those times.

Culture minister Margot James confronted SNP Westminster leader Ian Blackford in the Commons, however this is a waste of time, and making a point, Conservative Sir Bernard Jenkin also questioned if so many votes would have taken place if   Scotland were in action.

The answer is No, plus you could probably add to that the SNP MPs would have cleared out to the nearest Commons bar to load up on cheap booze. In an attempt to play the ‘honest broker’ and failing, Blackford insisted the Government was responsible for the timetable, and votes on motions linked to public spending could only take place from 7 pm.

It took 66 minutes to get the 5 votes done. The SNP also added this was their only opportunity to "speak out against the continued austerity".

The SNP are an embarrassment to the people of Scotland and also a party out of friends at Westminster, they care nothing for goodwill because they are ‘users’, and the only way to get rid of them is the ballot box. Even then such lessons as handed out in 2017 were their numbers were reduced from 56 to 35 MPs taught them nothing. In 2015, the 56 MPs thought that they were the ‘new establishment’ in Scotland having wrestled the seats from the Labour Party.

The SNP leader Ian Blackford said his party were acting on their vow to use parliamentary procedure to oppose the Government "every inch of the way". The thing about rules is that they can be changed by a majority of the House. The Government won all five votes in the end and the number of MPs voting in favour felling as the England game progressed. 

The gesture by the SNP was pointless; it was also a sign that will be picked up by the voters in Scotland, when elected, people hope they don’t send a clown to Westminster, but the SNP are really kicking the arse out of it. If there is a silver-lining, it is surely that down the line the 35 SNP MPs will be reduced dramatically. Although most people are disengaged from politics, they do play attention when the need arises, several SNP MPs have blotted their copybook, and best start looking for a new job come 2022.

During one of the votes, a Conservative frontbencher approached Mr Blackford and SNP Commons leader Pete Wishart as they chatted on their frontbench with Tory business minister Richard Harrington.

She was heard to say:

"What about the people who work here?"

Easily answered the SNP Cult doesn’t care a jot, and hold the ‘workies’ in utter contempt!

The SNP's new resident comic Patrick Grady (Glasgow North) joked:

"I understand there are hoards of people around London this evening looking for 90 minutes of entertainment on a green playing field. Where better to look than the House of Commons? I think we've been thoroughly entertained and I'm sure there's nothing else on this evening's line-up that could be as interesting for people."

A crude attempt to rub people’s faces in it, best to laugh now, down the line, Grady might not find the time for laughter because it rather looks like the SNP ‘Glasgow Six’ won’t all be going back in 2022.

Finally, in public office there is such a thing as the Nolan Principles.

The SNP MPs don’t seem to have read the principles, or don’t understand them; there is a complete lack of integrity and more importantly leadership for the Nationalists at Westminster.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Oh boy, oh boy have I been waiting to say this.

    The SNP are the idiots who started the pathetically poor sportsmanship of 'Anyone But England' on the pretext that they don't like hearing about the England team's successes when the world cup is on. What do they expect? To shut up and not celebrate it?

    The feeble-brained arseholes who do this and support "whoever England is playing" if Scotland is off the menu, usually respond to the English with the excuse of "oh, but you want the other team to lose if they're playing England" as if that makes sense. Anyone with half a brain would say "well, no shit but that's because we want our team to win, not for a team to lose to spite a group of people for which we harbour pointless hatred".
    I mean, if Scotland isn't in the world cup, that sucks, but you COULD just find another team to support because they're a good team. I mean, there are England supporters from Japan and Jamaica, Brazil supporters from England, take your pick!

    Hell, at its worst, this A.B.E "banter" got to such a fever pitch that there were cases of English football fans being assaulted in Scotland, which is disgusting. And who are the ones who are to blame for inspiring this craze? The SNP of course, and they've demonstrated their spiteful nonsense in the House of Commons yesterday.

    What a worthless bunch of inadequate insects the SNP is.

  2. Hi Al C

    Well said indeed


  3. Couldn't agree more, Aiberdeen loon!

  4. You really make it seem so easy with your presentation but I find this topic to be
    really something which I think I would never understand.
    It seems too complicated and very broad for me. I'm looking forward for your next post, I'll try to get the hang of it!

  5. Blackford is nothing but a wee fat wanker oops sorry I meant banker.

  6. These SNP MP’s are an embarrassment. They do not represent me or many others. I can’t wait to see them lose their seats, bring in 2022. Joanna Cherry’s behaviour is shocking. Chris Law looks horrendous, needs a bloody good hair cut. Ian Blackford has so many jobs I’m surprised he has time to sit in chamber, rich banker who can never be forgiven for his treatment of Charles Kennedy. Charles Kennedy was a true gent, brilliant politician. All the things that jumped up little cretin will never be. In fact each and every one of them make me cringe when I hear them. By the way where is wee Miss Black, she must ha e invented an invisibility cloak, have t seen her in ages.

  7. Its fantastic as your other posts :D, thank you
    for posting.
