Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Throbbergate Part 3: unpopular Nicola Sturgeon appears to confess that her former minister Mark McDonald made certain women feel uncomfortable, SNP MSP goes into hiding, his office is shut down, and Sturgeon is defending him, Nicola Sturgeon failed to protect women, anyone asking the question……. Why?

Dear All

It may come as a surprise to you that Nicola Sturgeon is defending her former minister Mark McDonald as the Holyrood 'sex scandal' rumbles on, but not me, much like Alex Salmond getting on the wrong side of history is more or less a given with her.

Nicola Sturgeon picked Mark McDonald, and in this case, all roads not to Rome but back to her, it is her judgement which is flawed, now she has to defend him because she has to defend herself.

So, what should happen to Mark McDonald of the SNP?

Well the speculation continues to mount about his political future as it seems that he has failed to return to the Scottish Parliament or his Aberdeen Donside constituency office. When you get outed for your behaviour in the current climate, the only way is down, are the SNP secretly preparing for a by-election?

Mark McDonald of the SNP has admitted “inappropriate” previous behaviour, in the case of wife beater Bill Walker, he was shunned almost immediately by the parliament; can there be any less treatment in store for McDonald?

A Tory spokesman added:

“The public don’t understand how a minister could suddenly resign in the way he did, and for the SNP to expect everyone else to fill in the blanks. Mark McDonald going into hiding is hardly helping things.”

And you can add to the mix, we haven’t heard the accusations, and we haven’t heard from the victim, it seems that the ‘wall of silence’ benefits McDonald, but is he or the SNP playing for time, well I think many people would strongly suggest that is the case.

In trying to put a clean pair of heels behind her Nicola Sturgeon has decided to appoint a woman to the role vacated by McDonald, naming the Highlands and Islands MSP Maree Todd as his replacement.

Where it all falls down is when Sturgeon said he had "done the right thing and taken responsibility".

Did he have a choice, and what does taking responsibility means in the SNP anyway, it means nothing.

Sturgeon who doesn’t want a by-election added:

"He's a good MSP and he will continue to be so."

How can you be a good MSP if you leave public office as a minister in disgrace?

Sturgeon also mentioned in trying to spin NcDonald as a ‘good guy’:

"He has reflected on his behaviour having had things brought to his attention, aspects of his behaviour that he thought was humorous or friendly he now knows made certain women feel uncomfortable. He's done the right thing by taking responsibility for that. I'm not going to say any more about the detail of that because as well as Mark's position, these situations of course involve the privacy and confidentiality of women and if we are to encourage women to come forward and raise concerns then it's important that they know their privacy will be respected."

So, did Sturgeon just allegedly admitted that there is more than one victim, exactly how many victims of Mark McDonald are they and what positions do they hold at the Scottish Parliament?

It would appear that the SNP strategy is that Mark McDonald should go into hiding until he and the SNP think the heat has died down then reappear. An SNP spokesman said:

“Mark McDonald will be returning to parliament shortly and is continuing to serve his constituents in Aberdeen Donside.”

But, the big kick in the teeth is that a senior SNP source said he hoped Mr McDonald would be able to return as a minister in the future.

Has to resign due to alleged creepy behaviour and they think a return as a minister of the crown is possible?

No, and when the next election rolls round, McDonald will have a fight to keep the Donside seat because you be sure the women’s vote will take a hit, a big hit.

Finally, Nicola Sturgeon has made a great play about standing up for women, although those in the know think this is horseshit, which it is, the lack of action relating to Nicola Sturgeon doing anything about McDonald is very telling indeed. It shows yet again, that Nicola Sturgeon’s judgment is warped, and the SNP is still as I stated years ago, a ‘rat ship’.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Not good enough for the women of the SNP but good enough for all the women in his Constituency? Ladies (or men) of Aberdeen, make sure you're chaperoned everywhere you go, there may or may not be a sex beast on the loose. Nikla needs to speak up.

  2. Sturgeon has aptly demonstrated that having a woman in power doesn't automatically solve the problem. I can tell you that when I was on the receiving end of the same thing as a teenager, one of my tormentors was the head teacher's son. Now, the head teacher was supposed to be doing his job, but he clearly wanted to protect his son so, under the bus I went. We're seeing the same thing here. In Hollywood, both men and women have covered up for the serial predators, sometimes out of fear, at other times just to protect their own wealth and power, same in the Westminster government, and I think the same here in the Scottish government.
