Thursday, August 10, 2017

Targeting the Vulnerable, 18 strong Muslim rape gang get convicted for child rape, drugs offences, inciting prostitution, yet again the same format is used to lure young children, multiculturalism has failed, and we need new laws to be introduced to strengthen the time served in prison

Dear All

Politicians know that multiculturalism has failed, it was forced onto the British people in a dramatic way by the Labour Party under Tony Blair, at the time; the people of UK were specifically told this was done for economic reasons to help the country grow.

It was a lie; it was a social engineering experiment which was to have disastrous consequences down the line.

No one got a vote on whether they wanted multiculturalism and the ramifications of relaxing controls saw a rise in the breakdown of social cohesion. You could say; that the Labour Party had laid the foundations of the UK’s exit from the EU, the resentment; the seed that was planted was to grow.

Once the people clicked onto the fact that their views weren’t being addressed, and that the ‘regressive left’ were quick to brand people as ‘racists’, the people were always going to react badly. A problem was to emerge which the political class weren’t keen to acknowledge, a heinous crime where Muslim gangs would be formed to indulge in child rape. Of course, the child rape crimes weren’t taking place within their own community but specifically targeted towards young white children.

There have been many cases of Muslim rape gangs operating in the UK, and they seem strangely to all the same format. The format is to seek out poor white female children in deprived areas and then supplied with cash, cigarettes and drugs in exchange for sex.

In the latest episode of Muslim rape gangs operating in the UK, a 13 year old girl was taken from her home and repeatedly raped by Muslim men as if they were in a 'relay race'. This was done by a group which was allegedly 18-strong; luckily these people have been caught and convicted.

Sadly before their crime spree came to an end, they had managed to rack up crimes against up to 108 girls. One girl spoke of how a rich Muslim would come picked her up in a Mercedes from the children's home and take to flats to be sexually abused.

So, who are these child rapists and what part did they play in these crimes?

Saiful Islam, 35, of Newcastle, was jailed for 10 years in January 2016 for raping a 15-year-old girl in 2011.

Yasser Hussain, 28, of Newcastle, was jailed for two years in October 2015 for a sex attack.  

Mohammed Hassan Ali, 34, of Newcastle, was jailed for seven years in December 2015 for sexual activity with a child.
Redwan Siddique, 32, of Newcastle, was jailed for 16 months in February for supplying M-Kat to a 19-year-old in return for sex at his student digs in 2013.

Defendants yet to be sentenced:

Carolann Gallon, 22, from Newcastle, aged 17-18 at the time, admitted three offences of trafficking girls for the purposes of sexual exploitation.

Mohammed Azram, 35, of Newcastle, admitted five drugs offences and was convicted of one count of sexual assault and one count of conspiracy to incite prostitution for gain.

Jahangir Zaman, 45, of Newcastle, was convicted of rape, supplying drugs and inciting prostitution.

Nashir Uddin, 35, of Newcastle, was convicted of sexual assault, allowing premises to be used to supply drugs, conspiracy to incite prostitution and who admitted four counts of supplying drugs and three of possessing drugs.

Abdulhamid Minoyee, 34, of Newcastle, was convicted of rape and sexual assault and pleaded guilty to supplying drugs.

Eisa Mousavi, 42, of Newcastle, was convicted of three counts of rape, two counts of supplying drugs, allowing premises to be used for the supply of drugs and conspiracy to incite prostitution.

Monjur Choudhury, 33, of Newcastle, was convicted of supplying drugs, permitting premises to be used for the supply of drugs and conspiracy to incite prostitution.

Taherul Alam, 32, Newcastle, who was convicted of two counts of supplying drugs, one count of permitting premises to be used for supplying drugs, attempting to sexually assault, and of conspiracy to incite prostitution.

Prabhat Nelli, 33, Newcastle, who was convicted of two counts of supplying drugs and one count of conspiracy to incite prostitution.

Nadeem Aslam, 43, Newcastle, who admitted possessing cannabis and was convicted of two counts of supplying drugs, one count of possessing drugs and one count of permitting premises to be used in the supply of drugs.

Habibur Rahim, 34, of Fenham, was convicted of two counts of conspiracy to incite prostitution, relating to eight different victims. He supplied them with cannabis and mephedrone and was also convicted of a number of trafficking for sexual exploitation offences. He was convicted of one count of rape.

Abdul Sabe, 40, of Newcastle, was convicted of conspiracy to incite prostitution, conspiracy to traffic for sexual exploitation, conspiracy to sexual assault, and supplying drugs to victims. He was already on the sex offenders' register.

Badrul Hussain, 37, of Newcastle, was convicted of allowing drugs to be used at his premises and of supplying drugs. He was cleared of inciting prostitution for gain.

Mohibur Rahman, 44, known to victims as Jimmy, admitted conspiracy to incite prostitution and five drugs charges.

This is the seventh large scale sex gang scandal to hit the UK after infamous cases from towns including Rotherham, Rochdale, Oxford and Bristol, those prosecuted were from the Bangladeshi, Pakistani, Indian, Iraqi, Iranian and Turkish communities.

If you want to know how badly multiculturalism has failed then the words of convicted, 37-year-old Badrul Hussain should be heeded:

'All white women are good for one thing, for men like me to fuck and use as trash; that is all women like you are worth.'

Chief Constable Steve Ashman, of Northumbria Police, said strong punishments are needed to deal with the 'vile' individuals who target vulnerable people, and to act as a deterrent, he is of course quite correct. I think in crimes like this involved organised crime, there should be a minimum 20 year sentence on top of punishments for individual acts. Although most of these people were apparently born here, their values in the main the values of the majority of the population, and as such they should be removed from society until they no longer pose a threat.

Of those people who are foreigners, once their sentences are completed, automatic deportation should be the norm, and where citizenship has been granted, it should be revoked.

Lots of people have lost faith in politicians and in politics, when you read stories like this, don’t read it as an abstract, instead imagine for a moment how you would feel if it was your child who was used and abused. Too many people in society refuse to speak up, because the political class turn on them and brand them racists while at the same if contacted by the media for comment do through the ritual of condemnation, praise the police, and saying ‘lessons need to be learned’.

One lesson which hasn’t been learned is that the politicians who caused the damaged to social cohesion have escaped without sanction.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

1 comment:

  1. To be honest, I think that not only has this use of human beings of all ethnicities like livestock for an "experiment", but the idiots who keep up this nonsense are at the heart of it, going to screw it up for themselves if they carry on like this. Why? Because people will disembowel them at the ballot box, no question. Last year was a massacre, and there's been more in 2017, but unless they change their tone, address people's concerns, and start eating humble pie pretty fucking quick, they're finished.
