Thursday, July 27, 2017

End of Freedom of Movement, UK Government's immigration policy is branded "a shambles" by pro EU group, there will be a new Immigration Bill going through Parliament next year, it is high time that the free for all, and the damage done to social cohesion was fixed in the UK

Dear All

The end of freedom of movement is essential, not just for the UK but also for the rest of the European Union. When the EU was relatively small, freedom of movement wasn’t a problem, not that the EU has grown to 28 member states, it is very much a problem of epic proportions.

Freedom of movement has been abused; it has lead to flight from poorer countries to rich countries so that migrants can access the benefits system. One of the other drawbacks is that freedom of movement has led to criminal gangs setting up operations such as prostitution and the epidemic which organised begging gangs in our cities.

Once freedom of movement ends, these criminal gangs and their offshoots should see the end of their operations by way of deportation back to their home country!

Immigration is a good thing, too much however is a bad thing; increased competition directly affects those at the bottom of society and unduly increases the pressure on them in so many ways.

Freedom of movement restricts social mobility and choice of indigenous people when the influx cannot be halted because of the way the EU has been setup. The EU is as I have publicly said anti worker and anti country. The solution to Freedom of Movement is what I suggested a long time ago, the EU needed an internal immigration policy in order to regulate the flow of people. This idea probably would have saved Britain’s membership of the EU but the people who run the EU aren’t open minded, their deeds and actions speak for themselves.

One thing which did tremendous damage to the UK was the lie used by the Labour Party under Tony Blair to increase immigration as part of a social engineering experiment, multiculturalism is a failure. People like Trevor Phillips and even Angela Merkel have acknowledged this failure publicly.

I don’t subscribe to the view that the UK Government’s immigration policy is “a shambles” because of the move towards end the freedom of movement after Britain leaves the European Union in March 2019, it needs to happen. Brandon Lewis, the Immigration Minister is right to say that: “Free movement of labour ends when we leave the European Union in the spring of 2019; we're very clear about that." Although there is talk of a transitional or implementation period for up to three years in terms of trade, the political enactment of the ‘direct democracy’ vote must be respected.

When freedom of movement ends does that mean immigration ends?

The answer is no, Britain will still allow immigration; we will see a system which is more in tune with the needs of the country and the people. The scare story of the NHS being crippled because of deportation of EU nationals is a made up story, these people and their jobs in whatever capacity from surgeon to hospital porter aren’t in any danger.

These people are welcome, and they were never unwelcome previously.

There are outstanding issues regarding other parts of Brexit such as free trade and single market access but as long as the direction of travel is maintained in accordance with the wishes of the British people, the transitional or implementation period for up to three years will probably be allowed to go through.

Labour’s Pat McFadden, a former Europe minister, speaking on behalf of Open Britain, a pro EU campaign group said about the end of freedom of movement:

“This is a shambles”.

He added:

“Only hours after the Home Secretary announces there will be no cliff edge when we leave the EU, her Immigration Minister announces a definite end to freedom of movement from March 2019”.

Looking him up on wiki, I came across this:

“he was appointed as a Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Social Exclusion at the Cabinet Office”.

So, now he wants to see freedom of movement continue which the direct result results in Social Exclusion for people at the bottom of society.

All I can say is ……… what a cunt!

This is the type of bastard which should be booted out of politics altogether; he clearly by his speech has no real concerns about the state of this country and the break down of social cohesion. He needs removed from his ‘ivory tower’ and face the harsh reality of living in places like Slough or Govanhill as it is now and then experience what the effects of the disaster that is freedom of movement has caused in these places.

There will be a new immigration system in place from the spring of 2019 and that this would be outlined in an Immigration Bill that will go through Parliament next year, the Bill should be about fairness and if there is an argument let it be about the rules and not as we have at present, a free for all.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Freedom of movement worked until 2003. Until that point, the "poorest" countries were Greece, Spain and Portugal. If you recall, they were quickly-growing catch-up economies -- much like Ireland -- until the economic collapse in 2008. The numbers moving were manageable. Britons moved to Spain, France and Portugal to retire. Others moved to the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark and Sweden for employment purposes. Some Dutch, Germans, Italians, French, etc. moved to Britain for work and personal reasons. In any case, they were largely self-supporting.

    Post-2004, all hell broke loose. Poland has lost over 10pc of its population, Romania has lost nearing 30pc, Bulgaria has lost over 40pc. The Baltic Trio have similarly bled demographically. Initially eastern European countries were relieved that they could shed some of their excess population. It reduced pressure on their governments to reform economies. Well, now it's made it virtually impossible for many eastern European countries to function! How can Romania or Slovakia realise their full potential when so many working-age, skilled people emigrate? How can Poland's regions avoid demographic collapse -- not helped by their low birthrates and urbanising trend -- when the working age population works in Germany, the United Kingdom, Ireland and Sweden? I admit that I'm an unusual case. I'm from Germany originally, but I've completely integrated into British society to the point that I speak English better than German and am more British than German. However, I've seen too many people from the Continent simply refusing to do what I have done. They act as colonial populations with no real desire to do more than function on a basic level and make money licitly and otherwise.

  2. The amount of foreigners I see and hear and the vast majority arriving these last 4 years. Nice to know they are doing the jobs we couldn’t get. Who am I to complain? After all we need them to pay our pensions, never mind me losing 1 year and the wife losing 8 years pension, why go into boring subjects.
