Friday, March 17, 2017

The dawning of her political death; Nicola Sturgeon has made a very big mistake, over indyref 2 and it's just beginning to dawn on her, there is no possible chance that she can keep political momentum going for the next four years, people of Scotland are sick to death of the SNP talking non stop about independence, they want a government in power who are willing to do the ‘day job’, is this the start of the end of the SNP as a political party?

Dear All

Nicola Sturgeon has made a very big mistake and it's just beginning to dawn on her.

You might be tempted to say, is there any proof?

Well, a crack in the façade was clearly on show when Colin MacKay dropped the news to her that Theresa May had turned down her request for a new Scottish independence referendum, at that point you could see her brain going into overdrive.

Then fuse!

After getting the bad news of no Section 30 order, she also got told that Westminster wouldn’t entry into talks. You could clearly see her head go down as she dived into the lift at Holyrood to escape, but there is no escape from the very big mistake she has made, no rewinding of history or time.

In an attempt to appear relevant; Nicola Sturgeon has made clear she remains determined to hold indyref2, its just talk, but not for the people of Scotland but for her supporters. Having overplayed her hand and facing the disastrous consequences of that miscalculation, she has left herself wide open to questions about her suitability to continue on as SNP leader.

When the Prime Minister delivered her “now is not the time” message, whether Sturgeon liked it or not, it was entirely wrong and foolhardy to think that in the middle of the most serious talks over Brexit that anyone would have time for her. No one has time for her during Brexit, not even the Europeans; they will be seeking an accommodation because the ‘men in the grey suits’ aren’t going to sit idly by and see hundreds of millions of investment being put in danger. Money as they say makes the world go round, and into today’s interlinked global market no one gets to be a ‘problem’.

Nicola Sturgeon just made herself a ‘problem’ which is why she was so quickly and effectively shutdown by the real people in power.

Sturgeon doesn’t as she claims have an "unequivocal mandate" to hold a second referendum, she doesn’t have power, she doesn’t have legal authority and she doesn’t have moral authority. There will be no declaration of UDI as the real nutters of the Nationalist camp periodically cry.

Sturgeon said to the BBC:

"You are asking me to accept that a Conservative Prime Minister, who has one MP in Scotland has the right to lay down the law to Scotland's democratically elected parliament. That is unacceptable."

She thinks that Holyrood or to be more specific the SNP have the right to override Westminster because they control Holyrood, they don’t have any right and more importantly they know it. Interestingly Carole Malone, the TV pundit was quick to call Nicola deluded.

Malone said:

“I think she talks about this referendum all the time to hide the fact that she’s making a mess of running Scotland. It has a massive deficit, it has a £15bn deficit which is proportionately twice as much as the UK’s deficit. Education is in a mess, health is in a mess.”

The heat was further thrust on the Nationalists as John Humphrys tore into the Deputy First Minister John Swinney as he tried to dodge a simple question on independence four times. Swinney stalled as the veteran broadcaster repeatedly asked if the SNP would be prepared to hold an advisory referendum. If the SNP do attempt this, this could see the Scottish Government and Parliament shut down and power returned to the Scottish Office.

Shutdown Holyrood if there is an advisory referendum stands a very good chance of happening, once power is out of the SNP’s hands, they lose all control and effectively becoming powerless. Westminster will reluctantly be forced to use their powers which could mean down the line that the current Holyrood setup is radically changed to prevent this happening again.

The wheels are falling off the SNP bandwagon, they can no longer claim to be acting on the ‘will of the people’ so now they are claiming that they will be acting on the ‘will of parliament’ clearly the SNP cannot be trusted and as much as the SNP try to muddy the water on timescales.

Finally; John Humphrys mocked the SNP new attempts for a fresh independence as he flippantly said:

“Maybe we should redefine generation to being a rabbit generation, how long do they live, three or four years?”

The subtext for his listeners was that the SNP are dishonourable and liars, they aren’t honouring the Edinburgh Agreement and as such cannot be trusted.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Hello George

    I agree with your analysis. It looks like there may finally be light at the end of the tunnel. This experience has been a nightmare for me. Judging by the fact that the anti referendum petition has just passed 177,000, I am not the only one to feel that way. If the anger that sturgeon has released spills over into lost votes at the upcoming local elections, then the writing really will be on the wall. Here's Hoping!

    You have been an inspiration and a source of hope during this whole godawful period.

    Thank you.

    Auld Jock

    1. Dream on chief.
      The people will decide.
      Independence is on

    2. Alistair McDougallMarch 20, 2017 at 7:40 AM

      Can you confirm the postcodes of the signatories of the anti referendum please, you will find that it is open to all of the UK to sign.

  2. Sturgeon has broadcast her moves.
    Difficult to see how she can squirm out of this mess. Given voters worry about the economy Indyref2 will bomb spectacularly.
    But we face the same problem. Who will replace the SNP? The current crop would get a knockback as trainee McDonald's managers.

  3. Hi Auld Jock

    While in the SNP I used to say when people floated nonsense don't do that it will piss off people big time, or if an idea was stupid, I would come right out and say it before it went ahead.

    This is why lots of SNP hate me, they know I have a tendency to get it right.


  4. Dear Anon

    "Who will replace the SNP?"

    What Scotland needs is a replacement to the SNP, a new centre right Nationalist party.

    "The current crop would get a knockback as trainee McDonald's managers".

    Well, maybe fish fryer jobs are available.


  5. She's a nut, always was a nut. The minute the SNP elected her as leader, i stopped voting SNP. She's made me into a Tory, how she managed to do that is beyond me. I also deeply regret voting YES in 2014. A very fortunate escape, I must say.

    1. Nobody 'makes' you a Tory. You're born with it - it's an inherent hatred for anyone poorer than you. If you find yourself wanting to kick a beggar, spit on an unemployed person or generally think 'I'm alright mate' when hearing of thousands of job losses, you're a Tory.

    2. As opposed so a socialist with an inbred hated of anyone aspirational and/or successful

    3. So sad , thats what you traitors to your country are.

    4. Well said Anonymous.

    5. I am a tory I don't hate anyone I am not rich. I work hard in the NHS and I pay all my taxes and bills with my hard earned money. Do not make crass statements you know nothing

  6. Excelled again George, look forward to all your blogs, they cut through all the crap and get right to the heart of the matter. Just wish the MSM and BBC had as much insight. Listening to them would make anyone in Scotland, who isn`t part of the brainwashed SNP cult, want to jump off the nearest bridge!

    Nicola must be rueing the day she allowed herself to be the puppet of that arrogant arse Salmond, who`s only interest now is gaining a place in History before he fades into irrelevant obscurity.

    I can see nothing but serious trouble. It looks as if the SNP minority administration is gearing up to declare political civil war with the rest of the UK by far exceeding its authority and for all intents and purposes declaring it is the supreme authority in Scotland. This is scary stuff and could lead to civil unrest which, if history teaches us anything, can quickly lead to violence. The present SNP leadership`s attitude appears to be "bring it on ". What a bunch of dangerous nutters. Here`s hoping it`s all just more bluster and bravado.

    1. Billmcampbell@sky.comMarch 18, 2017 at 11:15 AM

      Brilliant response. I thought the Scottish public were going mad in still supporting this bunch of losers

    2. Hi George, its the first time I have read your blog and highly impressed, you see, when someone talks sense it rings true. Please try your best to advertise your thought and truth. Remember the truth will set you free. Free of SNP.

    3. Civil unrest would be worth it , especially to be rid of the rule from westminsters paedo decked halls. Independence is the only way to achieve this.

    4. civil unrest etc etc ... Ha! go to your window open it and lean out ... now if the wind is blowing in the right direction you will hear the sound of me laughing at you ... all the way from the Vendee.

  7. I cannot imagine the SNP + Green contingent being able to form a majority after 2021. Barring some strange and unforseen event, the pro indy majority is gone by that point.

    Two things concern me however:

    If the SNP emerge as the biggest single party, will they automatically rule again as they did in the 2007-11 parliament or will a unionist coalition of some sort take control? The SNP, if left to govern in such a circumstance, might not be able to initiate an indyref - but they would still act to undermine the union in everything they do (think Gaelic road signs, everything forced to have 'Scotland' or 'Scottish' as part of its name, kids taught braveheart history in schools). Should that continue, the union remains threatened - if not perhaps immediately so.

    Secondly, we know there are closet nationalists in Scottish Labour. Can we guarantee that every Labour MSP after 2021 is pro union? Can those flirting with Scottish secession be expelled from the party? There is no use in winning a 'pro union majority' only to discover that a good number of your contingent are treacherous and willing to switch sides.

  8. From an Englishman's business viewpoint, should Sturgeon and Salmond(indeed two fine fishy characters) get their way on Scottish Independence, I believe that such a 'divorce' would lead to immediate English resentment, and I for one, having been rejected, would never do any further business with Scotland.
    I could then envisage many Scottish companies moving across the hard border into England, in order to maintain their continuous business relationship with Scotland's largest market.
    I also remember other things, like the last vote on dropping British Summertime, which failed when taking its affect on our Scottish friends, and Scotland's geographic position into account.
    This change would have been to England's advantage, but would have hugely disadvantaged Scotland.
    The list of disadvantages for Scotland is endless, and I for one would be very sad to see it happen.
    But if it did happen, then we do what we have always done. We get on with it!

    1. What ever has a persons surname got to do with anything, your not in the playground now Bummyboy69

  9. There’s talk of an illegitimate referendum being held, initiated by Privy Council member, Agent Chucky.

  10. I really think you should employ a proof reader, I lost count of the mistakes in this article.

    1. tut tut is that all you can do is be critical other peoples errors you must be very shallow minded

    2. Look I'm an Ex English teacher. Any body with any interest in the subject would not waste time not picking typon. Get a life!

    3. I am looking for the grammatical mistake you claim?

    4. Any body or anybody? Ur the English teacher, you tell me. :)

    5. Typon? Didn't learn that in English haha. Maybe it's a Scottish thing 😀

  11. Hi Al C

    Thanks for the thumbs up, sadly not everyone shares your view of my blog and the effort I would it to make it as best as I can for the readership. I was shocked that someone thought I could afford to employ a proof reader.


  12. Dear Anon

    "I really think you should employ a proof reader, I lost count of the mistakes in this article."

    Are you available?

    Anyway, first complaint in 4381 views of this post, can't be bad?


  13. Thank you, excellent article. Calmed my mind a bit as this week has been very worrying.

  14. It's not the wiLl of the people itsay the will of Nicola Sturgeon

  15. Anon: For goodness sake, it's a blog not an essay for an exam.

    You might also prefer not to hide behind 'anonymous'?

    George: Liked your (careless, misspelt) blog enormously!

  16. The SNPISH do not talk for all of Scotland. I am and will be to the day I die a very proud Scot. Proud of my heritage and all that Scotland as a whole has given to this world.I not for any religious reasons (as in my own country am classed as a boggot and if only people knew) am totally against the SNP. I served in the forces as did my father mother and grandad and served with lads from all over the UK.We work well together and do not need a poisonous racist bigoted party like the SNP in this day and age. I voted to remain part of the UK, Scotland voted to stay part of the UK so why has Sturgeon totally ignored my and the majority of Scotland's wishes. She bangs on about democracy where is the democracy in ignoring the majority?

  17. The SNPISH do not talk for all of Scotland. I am and will be to the day I die a very proud Scot. Proud of my heritage and all that Scotland as a whole has given to this world.I not for any religious reasons (as in my own country am classed as a boggot and if only people knew) am totally against the SNP. I served in the forces as did my father mother and grandad and served with lads from all over the UK.We work well together and do not need a poisonous racist bigoted party like the SNP in this day and age. I voted to remain part of the UK, Scotland voted to stay part of the UK so why has Sturgeon totally ignored my and the majority of Scotland's wishes. She bangs on about democracy where is the democracy in ignoring the majority?

  18. Excellent reading once was SNPsaw the light a number of years ago before they came to power. Now would like to see them disappear before they damage Scotland any more. A damage inflicted in the belief it's the way to break up the Union.

  19. Nice to read a balanced and sensible opinion of the mess we now find our nation in, its independence at any cost,the snp are undemocratic, that's two referendums they have refused to accept the result of.

  20. She and her merry men have strung the Scottish people along for too long. Sturgeon knows full well that there will never be an independent Scotland and that the Neverendum creates a distraction and division that plays into the Tories hands. The SNP are a right wing Nationalist party (dishing out baby boxes is not a socialist gesture, nor is compulsory mentoring of children) whose role has been, and remains, to keep Labour out of power in Scotland.

  21. Dear Mr Laird,

    Thank you for your insightful analysis.
    What would you propose the Scottish government should do?




  24. Our deficit of 15 billion compared to 1.7 trillion difference at all...

    1. Please learn the difference between deficit and debt. The UK has a deficit of £67 billion - with 8% of the population, Scotland's should be just over £5 billion but, thanks to the SNP, is nearly three times that. The debt (1.7 trillion) is what you get when you run a deficit year after year. A deficit of even a penny is going to increase the debt.

    2. You are confusing deficit with debt. The £15bn is our yearly deficit. To cover this we would have to borrow £15bn per year which would then covert it to debt.

      E.g. after 10 years our debt would be £150bn (well more than that due to high interest costs, deficit increasing etc)

    3. Hahaha So much nonsense. Where do I start ,OPEC are gently slowing down production. Eventually this will increase the , actually most of the contributions like the article have so much delusional anti-Scottish guff it is not worth wasting my time on.
      I really want a referendum.
      So do the vast majority of my peers.
      As does my family.

  25. 15 billion compared to 1.7 trillion. Seems shocking...

  26. What a blinkered ill informed piece of tosh. Open your eyes and see the day job the SNP have been doing for the past 10 years and thank god that one party at least has the drive to provide an opposition to those who would drag Britain into a dark, extreme right wing world.....for Scotland at least.

    1. Yes we have opened our eyes thanks and realize the SNP have been doing a poor job. We need them out

  27. She was damned if she called it, damned if she didn't, but in her arrogance she totally screwed it up and played her cards at the wrong time. She got all the attention she hope to get except it wasn't the positive praise she hoped for, just people pointed out her mistakes. As the week has progressed she has just dug herself into a bigger hole over what she is actually wanting from the EU, completely invalidating her excuse of "being dragged out of the EU" when it now looks like she's not intending on going for full membership, finally admitting they can't just walk straight back in, although all the well trained speeches from SNP MPs & SMPs have all stated how welcoming and accommodating the EU will be. She thinks we are stupid and will accept her saying Westminster haven't listened to Scotland over Brexit, when negotiations haven't even started so she hasn't a clue what will be discussed or agreed. May was right to knock her back and tell now is not the time. Hopefully this will put it to bed for a generation or longer as hopefully Sturgeon has done enough damage to lose even more seats at the next Holyrood elections and the Greens aren't doing themselves any favours abandoning their pledges and backing the SNP.

  28. Thank you for Cheering up this Expat in Canada...cant wait until i toast the demise of snp and their racist views...(if you hate english vote snp crap) They have caused massive divisions in Scotland,in work and in my own family. Dont let the door hit your Arse on the way out nicola..

  29. Excellent in every way. Judging by all the Facebook comments and likes a lot of other people agree with you. Well done

  30. Thank you for your article I thought everyone was going mad listening to a mad woman constantly ranting about independendance. Why she wants Independence from England but wants to remain in Europe really puzzles me. Where is Scotlands biggest trade England or Europe?
    To many people are letting patriotism rules their heads I am proud to be Scottish and alway will be, but within the union.
    Great article as I couldn't agree more and it's good to know I am not alone when thinking the SNP need to drop it and concentrate on trying to run our great country correctly


    get this insane fucker he wants UDI

  32. despite all of the apparent 'cock up' made by the SNP and its leadership they still get voted in. So it seems to me that the complaints and moans against the SNP management come to nothing at the ballot box when the tick is put in the box labelled SNP

    1. Not next time. Last time they promised voters in 2015 they promised voters a vote for them wasn't a vote for independence.

      People will not be fooled twice

    2. People wil always be fooled, by whatever the bbc, snp, westminster and even this particular article decide to throw at them. I'm only in my mid fifties, but watched history repeat itself over and over. The schooling system really should be teaching the populace to think for itself, but that would conflict with the BIGGER PICTURE. So, baah, foolow on flock, keep repeating the opinions of those who spout what you've been trained to like, rightly or wrongly.
      Please dont bother replying to this, unless its with your feet.

  33. Excellent as usual George, Sturgeon is FCUK'd 😂. I also noticed the odd typo, but it in no way did it ruin the quality off the piece or your blog. The person complaining needs to get a grip, pathetic cretin. Keep up the good work, your blog is brilliant.

  34. What I'd like them to tell us is where the money to keep Scotland afloat is going to be coming from, as we all know the last time it was from Oil Revenue but that wouldn't keep a medium sized company afloat now never mind a country. So what outlandish plan do they have this time? They keep banging on about 'Hard Brexit' do they think that if Scotland does vote for independence we will all be living in the land of milk & honey? The cuts that will have to be made to survive will make whats been going on the past 8 years look like nothing ever seem before, services will be non-existent

  35. I vote yes for independence!

  36. I think wee tricky Nicky has actually realised she should have stayed at home in her sunny wee sea side town of Irvine instead of trying to job non it with the tin man, the scare crow, the lion to go up against the wicked witch of Westminster
    Great a salmon and a sturgeon
    Two fish out off water me thinks

    Grow a pair Nik and do the bloody job you getting paid for
    It's not all about you
    What you want is not what our country wants
    Kindly listen!!!!!!!

  37. She's got plenty of time to brainwash 16-17 year olds though?

  38. Saddly this mad woman has Serusly damaged relations with the rest of the UK where people are sick and tied of her rantings.

    1. Think the latest polls is 50/50

  39. Dear Anon

    "Dear Mr Laird,

    Thank you for your insightful analysis. What would you propose the Scottish government should do?"

    Logically, retreat, Westminster wouldn't hold talks while Brexit goes on, then you add in talks if available later, add best part of a year on that, then if there is a campaign, add in 12/ 18 months minimum.

    You tot that all up and it is 2021.

    The SNP ran out of political steam with a two year campaign before, repeating the same thing over and over again, and lying, getting caught, refusing to answer questions, and generally being clueless about their plans. The White paper, load of rubbish, 650 pages of no substance strung together.

    Scots will not vote for independence under the SNP.


  40. Dear SNPout

    "Excellent as usual George, Sturgeon is FCUK'd 😂. I also noticed the odd typo, but it in no way did it ruin the quality off the piece or your blog. The person complaining needs to get a grip, pathetic cretin. Keep up the good work, your blog is brilliant."

    I do as you will have noticed attract critics with my odd typo, do my best to spot them but sometimes, the odd one or two slip through.

    Thanks for the thumbs up.

    At the time of writing this, 52,428 views of this post, must be doing something right, it is the most viewed post I have ever written.


  41. might be viewed but that means nothing.


  42. Dear Anon

    "might be viewed but that means nothing."

    It is now 58875 views now.


  43. A decent thought piece that manages to avoid the name calling and the mud slinging that tends to underpin much of the current debate. The big hanging question is not 'so what' but 'so, what should we do?'. Until a clear and consistent alternative set of views are articulated (and not from Westmister), the First Minister and the SNP have the stage.

  44. Hello I British and I live in England, why do I call myself British and not English, because my family hails from across the mainland uk with Welsh, Scots, English history, which i suspect can be said for lots of people in this country. I accept that Westminister is not perfect and needs a deep overhaul and we are not going to see it until the tories are kicked out! So on this behalf I am sorry.

    What i dont understand and maybe some from Scotland can help, the SNP are determined to gave independence, (fine okay we know thats what your about), but then say and we trade with the rest of the Uk as they need us and there wont be any barriers or borders? Why because they say so? What I fear and suspect will happen is that for the first time since the collapse of the Roman empire, a physical and mental boundry will appear, as the remaining uk government will no longer care about scottish concerns but care about the concerns of the remaining population of 55 million, and as the snp are creating the impression that the english are bad and nasty whilst at the same time creating the impression in england that scots are ultra nationalistic, which I suspect they are not but like me just wont to get on with life and pox on the politicians. That the feelings on both sides of the border will be provoked so high that a physical boundry will have to be put in place. As for the politicial problem, its what we are all suffering from within the Uk, so a new Federalist party maybe started in scotland which wants a balanced equal relationship would be one I woukd join and encourage and contribute towards

  45. The oil idustry is not at all what it was .
    The vote was for brexit.
    People in Scotland are being subsidised by England
    England has just given millions to Scotland inth budget
    Spain will be against the separatists ie Scotland because they have thier own attempting separatism.
    A recent poll for the times found the majority of Scott's
    Want to stay in the UK
    So the words Nicky come into mind smoke screen mirrors

  46. First I have read your comments and glad I found your blog. I have never voted SNP and I am a pround Scotsman. The sooner this ciris is stopped the better. Independence is NOT a priority right now, survival is. That is so much more easily achieved as part of the Union. Europe don't want Scotland they wanted the UK.

  47. The SNP seem to think that an independent Scotland will continue to trade with the rest of the UK as though nothing had happened. I suspect that having essentially told 54 million English people to f**k off there would not be a warm welcome for Scottish goods on the other side of - what I believe - will be a very hard border. Divorces are often very bitter affairs particularly if - in the case of an indie Scotland - one party immediately launches into another relationship.

  48. What absolute deluded fantasy. If you truly take this mish mash of conjecture, wishful thinking and misinformation as factual, then God help you.
    Still, even the blind can have an opinion.

    1. Totally agree total mis information once again Scotland doesn't unite and throw them out why for once cant we get a Scottish leader working for the good of Scotland still so much rubbish being thrown in the air and a complete lack of action . SCOTLAND IS OUR COUNTRY.STAND UP unite and be a nation again not just lap dogs fed scraps from the English high table when we learn 😖

  49. Born in England of Ulster Scots stock I not only see the economic argument but more importantly want to keep Scotland in the Union. Old friends/enemies but we have been together for a long time. Are the SNP looking for a deal to guarantee the rights of Scots to live and work in England post independence?

  50. At last someone who speaks common sense .... between the two fish running and previously run the SNP. Scotland could and would fall back into the dark ages and they're hell bent on risking the union and for what, a good retirement pension. Stay Scotland listen not to these fools and reap the spoils now and after the exit from Europe. We're not going to suffer any great losses by any stretch of the imagination.

  51. It is widely accepted that empty kettles make the most noise. I say give her indy2. If she wins we'll be 15 Bn better off and won't have to support RBS, if she loses she'll be out on her derrière and while she's sitting on it we will no longer be able to hear the rhetoric that emanates from the hole in her hide.

  52. This is unionist propaganda, you should be ashamed considering the human rights violations the UK government does on a daily basis, your judgement is clouded by your very clear hatred of the snp, who were voted in on a clear mandate to hold another referendum. I guess democracy only matters when the empire gets it own way. Oh and Australia will trade with Ireland due to brexit. As will other countries. Brexit is bad for Scotland as 62% are well aware. Please stop shouting your pish.

  53. Interesting reading. I am not any sort of activist, but cannot help thinking that article sums up the situation very well.

  54. For a moment i thought i was reading the comments in the Scotsman. Well done George.

  55. Poll out this morning,

    No 56%
    Yes 44%

    Or, to put it another way, the unionist lead in Scotland is in more or less the same territory as Ronald Reagan's poll leads in America just before his blowout landslides of 1980 and 1984.

    I think Theresa May did the dreamers a favour by blocking their Naw2 unionref...

  56. Spot on, George. The SNP is a scourge to Scotlamd. I am not a Tory, but have to give Mrs May 10/10 for stomping all over Sturgeon last week. Sturgeon provoked her beyond the limits of even the most patient of saints. The PM then destroyed her in the most magnificent and highly-professional way possible.

    I lived through Thatcher and can tell you that the SNP surpasses her by many orders of magnitude when it comes to damage done to the Scottish economy, public services, education, infrastucture, industry and society.

    Now it's up to us voters to finish off Mrs May's work. Starting at the May council elections. Vote Anyone but SNP and Greens. I wont even have to hold my nose to vote Tory to keep the SNP out.

  57. hahaha get this prick Georgie boy

    March 19, 2017 at 2:04 AM

    Anonymous said...
    might be viewed but that means nothing

    THATS WHY THE WEE SHIT IS HERE GREETING BECUASE GEORGE LAIRDS BLOG IS a FUCKING LEGEND , that's why the rat vermin SSNP are here seeing the lie of the land , the truth their party of lying shyster Nazi arseholes want tell em...they are fucked

    Another Scottish independence referendum should not be allowed to happen
    We in Scotland are fed up of persecution by the SNP leader who is solely intent on getting independence at any cost. As a result, Scotland is suffering hugely.
    Sign this petition
    190,583 signatures


  58. Georgieboy may I ask a favour and ask you to let me say these three wee words that the SNP hate so much...GOOGLE HOLLIE GREIG



  59. Great post ..cutting through the bs as usual.

    The frantic, desperate behaviour of the SNP as it changes its indyref2 position daily is a sight to behold. It is like that of a beast that knows it is mortally wounded.

  60. Georgie,,, I notice the SNP Crapship supporters are out in force. Salmond has probably told Murrell "ratbag Sturgeon", to get the "sheep" off their arses and start spewing out their bile. Lol.

  61. It's all very well writing a blog about how the "people of Scotland are sick to death of the SNP talking non stop about independence, they want a government in power who are willing to do the ‘day job’". But what's the alternative, how will they do the ‘day job’ better? How will the pay for it? What will they increase spending on and what will they reduce spending on the finance it?

    The "people of Scotland are sick to death of the SNP talking non stop about independence, they want a government in power who are willing to do the ‘day job’" isn't really a convincing argument to vote for a party. We need to know who and how they intend to do the ‘day job’ better?

  62. Dear Alan

    “It's all very well writing a blog about how the "people of Scotland are sick to death of the SNP talking non stop about independence, they want a government in power who are willing to do the ‘day job’". But what's the alternative, how will they do the ‘day job’ better?”

    Firstly local government needs reformed to make and generate money.

    Secondly, Scottish Government, increase number of Deputy Ministers in key portfolios, cut back on waste and shelf anything which is no essential.

    “How will the pay for it? What will they increase spending on and what will they reduce spending on the finance it?”

    We keep getting more money and budgets are still getting cut, were is the money going?

    “The "people of Scotland are sick to death of the SNP talking non stop about independence; they want a government in power who are willing to do the ‘day job’" isn't really a convincing argument to vote for a party. We need to know who and how they intend to do the ‘day job’ better?”

    Scotland needs a new centre right Nationalist party, it also needs new parties of the Union to provide ordinary people with a chance to stand in elections, a more common sense approach to getting people who want to do localism, to raise standards and fight for their constituents, no matter who they face.


  63. CIVIL UNREST WOULD BE WORTH SAYS THE YESSER , yeah it works both ways , and we will have the Army navy and AIr force so bring it on son

    , as for paedos nothing on your teams cover up of the Hollie Greig case

  64. we are the people and we will decide


    Another Scottish independence referendum should not be allowed to happen
    We in Scotland are fed up of persecution by the SNP leader who is solely intent on getting independence at any cost. As a result, Scotland is suffering hugely.
    Sign this petition
    192,399 signatures

  65. There are 2.370.000 households in Scotland. 2.8% are vacant and 1.5% is second homes. That leaves 2.269.090 households lived in. 87% of households have internet access... That leaves 1.973.238. Let’s say 80% of the people who signed the Petition are Scottish - Another Scottish independence referendum should not be allowed to happen - at 22.43pm 19.3.2017,the figure is 192.492 so 80% =153.993. So far, almost 8% of Scottish households with internet access have signed that petition.

  66. I think Sturgeon's an idiot, but I'm also pretty sure she knew what she was doing going on about a 2nd referendum at this point.

    Sturgeon will do whatever she feels like to gain ammunition to claim that Westminster doesn't give a toss about Scotland, and asking for a referendum at a time when she would've been almost 100% sure of getting a knockback is one of those.

    It's exactly the same as having all 50+ SNP MPs voting against renewing the nuclear deterrent, knowing that there was no way the vote was going to go with them, just so that she could claim that Scotland's voice was not being heard in Westminster.

    And what about all that bollocks about Theresa May not having been elected blah blah; has she forgotten how the UK electoral system works? Something approaching 50% of the prime ministers in the last 100 years have acquired their position without being the leader at the time of an election. That's how the system works; you don't vote for the prime minister, you vote for the party that you want to govern and it's up to the party to determine who their leader is (and, thus, who is prime minister). Also, as numerous people have pointed out, Sturgeon leads a minority in the Scottish parliament so she can't talk.

    Her and Salmond have given the SNP a very bad name and she's got to go.

  67. Hi Steven

    “Scotland has a deficit yes but it's been created as part of the uk”.

    We (Scotland) get £1200 more than the rest of the UK.

    “It's going to be tough to eliminate but we need the powers of independence to do it”.

    What services do you want to cut?

    How many job losses would this take?

    How big would be the tax hikes?

    “Tories said we would be part of single market, turns out that's a lie”.

    Where and when did they say this, the Tory position is clear from the start, Brexit means Brexit and that means out of the single market.

    “Of course Scotland should have a choice”.


    There was no Scottish vote, it was a UK wide referendum, you babble can’t change that.

    “If ur opposed to a referendum then ur opposed to democracy”.

    Neverendum isn’t democracy; the SNP had their vote and lost in 2014.

    “In Scotland the people are sovereign so it's for the people to decide how we go forward”.

    The majority vote for remain part of the United Kingdom, and I see that Nicola Sturgeon has stopped talking about the will of the people, instead she talks about the will of parliament, so the people are getting ignored.

    Maybe you need to wake up and smell the coffee, Sturgeon isn't offering Scots independence, she wants to hand control over to Brussels.

    If you support that, you aren't a Scottish Nationalist.


  68. And you are George? This talking about handing "control" to Brussels is an nonsense on stilts. When the UK went into the EEC it was the poor man of Europe and like Ireland benefited greatly from being a member of the largest trading block in the world. Note as a member with a the power of veto. Our representative on the comm=mission and Ministerial meetings gives voice on policy. Not perfect but far superior to what we as a supposed equal partner in this UK union have.

    Never mind Article 50 to be triggered in 9 days time... Think of all these "powers" going back to the most right wing government since Thatcher. Not to be shared.. The pound already affecting imports...we get a lot of food from abroad..prices already affected and no commensurate rise in wages ...happy days

    Roll on Independence!

  69. Voters against Indepenence should start voting their resistance in the May council elections. But I strongly suspect Sturgeon will ignore the signal. However, I would hope candidates like yourself would get a hefty boost if this transpired.

  70. I respect everyone's right to an opinion. However, I think it is inappropriate to present such a partisan view on a site that purports to be about human rights.

    Human rights means things like benefits, immigration, protection from harm etc., not whether you agree with a particular person/party's views on constitutional affairs.

    If you have specific complaints about the SNP's record on human rights, please feel free to give them; otherwise you should consider very carefully what your motivations are for using this forum to spread your views.

  71. Dear Haggis

    Firstly, you don’t believe in Scottish independence, you aren’t a nationalist either, you want to sell out your country to Brussels as soon as it would be independent.

    “And you are George? This talking about handing "control" to Brussels is an nonsense on stilts”.

    Is it?

    “When the UK went into the EEC it was the poor man of Europe and like Ireland benefited greatly from being a member of the largest trading block in the world. Note as a member with a the power of veto”.

    We weren’t a poor country in 1973.

    “Our representative on the comm=mission and Ministerial meetings gives voice on policy. Not perfect but far superior to what we as a supposed equal partner in this UK union have”.

    We have an EU parliament with 751 MEPs who are powerless, and this talk of the Commission as being far superior is nonsense, 70 plus amendments from UK to EU over the years, everyone rejected.

    “Never mind Article 50 to be triggered in 9 days time... Think of all these "powers" going back to the most right wing government since Thatcher. Not to be shared”.

    You don’t know what Scotland will be getting in terms of new powers, isn’t that true?

    “The pound already affecting imports...we get a lot of food from abroad..prices already affected and no commensurate rise in wages ...happy days”

    Why don’t you buy Scottish products, and I have seen much in the way of what you claim other than companies profiteering and they already started that long before by reducing size of food products why keep the price the same, it is a rip off.

    ”Roll on Independence!”

    Glad we agree on something, independence from the EU!


  72. Dear Anon

    “Totally agree total mis information once again Scotland doesn't unite and throw them out why for once cant we get a Scottish leader working for the good of Scotland still so much rubbish being thrown in the air and a complete lack of action . SCOTLAND IS OUR COUNTRY.STAND UP unite and be a nation again not just lap dogs fed scraps from the English high table when we learn”.

    Do you have any idea how nuts what you have written sounds?

    We don’t get scraps from the English table; we get £1700 more per head of population than the English.


    1. We send them 100% (not counting oil and gas) and get back 60%. Our average tax take per head is hgher than theirs. We also have difficulties connected with geography that are the reason for the increased amount under the Barnett Formula. What is wrong with that?

  73. Hi Folks

    Just to update you, 144,319 views of this blog post on Nicola Sturgeon's future demise.



  75. Anonymous said...
    Nobody 'makes' you a Tory. You're born with it - it's an inherent hatred for anyone poorer than you. If you find yourself wanting to kick a beggar, spit on an unemployed person or generally think 'I'm alright mate' when hearing of thousands of job losses, you're a Tory.



  76. At last some common sense analysis, surely time for the Uk government to shutdown that wasteful experiment at Holyrood, which has become nothing more than a glorified toon cooncil which that disgrace to democracy aka the SNP have hijacked for their own narrow ends. Who else would sacrifice our future in the UK to abdicate power back to the EU just so they can claim to be self governing - they have lost the plot. The end is nigh the experiment should be shutdown, they have abused the devolved powers they were empowered to deliver improved services to the Scottish people, instead they have done us all a great disservice, from a disgusted SNP ex supporter.

  77. 197,006 signatures

  78. I think Scottish independence now pivots on one issue alone - can Theresa May secure a decent deal from the EU? If she does, then its almost a moot point. If she doesn't then the battle will be long and bloody with a fair chance yes will win - but even then it isn't guaranteed.

  79. Utter right wing unionist nonesence.
    You dont even have the eloquence to formulated a basic case.
    Scotland has 55 mps out of 59.
    They have a huge electoral mandate to govern and they will shortly dominate our councils. Hardly acting without the consent of the people.
    I suggest you need a lesson in democracy and less time spent on subserviant propaganda for your English masters

  80. Given that the Tories have admitted their plan to scrap the Human Rights Act after Brexit, to replace it with a watered down British Bill of Rights, I don't understand why a Human Rights group would be against Scotland becoming independent and retaining all our Human Rights.

  81. Anonymous at 9.52,,, what an arsehole. If YOU or any member of your family need a life saving operation in London, you'd be down there like a bullet,,, the same with all you other mouthy, cult following sheep. DON'T VOTE SNP,,, OR THESNP PUPPETS,THE GREENS IN MAY,,,,


  83. Lot of tory pish on here.Legally May or any other tory can not stop the request for a independent No 2.EU rules won't allow the refusal,but May and her puppets say that the SNP and the Scottish people can have the referendum No 2 after brexit as we would not be members of the EU by then.

  84. Dear Michael McCole

    “Utter right wing unionist nonesence”.

    Is it? How come you do recognise the truth?

    “You dont even have the eloquence to formulated a basic case”.

    I beg to differ.

    “Scotland has 55 mps out of 59”.

    Scotland has 59 MPs out of 59, the SNP have 54 MPs, two suspended.

    “They have a huge electoral mandate to govern and they will shortly dominate our councils. Hardly acting without the consent of the people”.

    Do think the collapse of other parties is a mandate for the SNP, rather they are the protest party.

    “I suggest you need a lesson in democracy and less time spent on subserviant propaganda for your English masters”.

    I don’t have English Masters, it is a rather silly thing to say, and shows how out of touch you are.


  85. Hi Crookie


    Guess, we are now up at 154, 679 views, pretty good for a wee working class Glasgow boy.


  86. Dear BHLgowan

    “Lot of tory pish on here”.

    Firstly, I have never been a member of the Conservative Party, and I have never voted Conservative in my life.

    “Legally May or any other tory can not stop the request for a independent No 2”.

    Sturgeon can request what she wants legally she doesn’t have the power or authority to get anything she wants which is reserved.

    “EU rules won't allow the refusal,but May and her puppets say that the SNP and the Scottish people can have the referendum No 2 after brexit as we would not be members of the EU by then”

    EU don’t get a say in domestic politics of member states so their 'rules' don’t apply, after Brexit EU Nationals will not be legally entitled to vote which is democracy.

    Hope this helps.


  87. Uninformed drivel masquerading as a voice of human rights. How about the rights of the 62% in Scotland who want to stay in the EU. Less than 40% of the electorate for Brexit, about the same amount that voted the Tories in. The SNP won an election with a manifesto that clearly stated that being taken out of the EU against our will would trigger a referendum. It's called democracy, which is a human right.

  88. Dear Anon

    “Uninformed drivel masquerading as a voice of human rights. How about the rights of the 62% in Scotland who want to stay in the EU”.

    Scotland didn’t vote as a country, it was a UK wide vote; therefore your attempt to create a narrative of the 62% is bogus.

    UK wide vote!!!!!

    “Less than 40% of the electorate for Brexit, about the same amount that voted the Tories in”.

    Given the resources in Scotland for Leave, they achieved a remarkable result.

    “The SNP won an election with a manifesto that clearly stated that being taken out of the EU against our will would trigger a referendum. It's called democracy, which is a human right.”

    In case you missed it, they can promise what they like but that doesn’t mean they can deliver it. They don’t have the authority to deliver a referendum and people don’t want it either, they are sick to death of the SNP’s constant rhetoric on indy.

    Finally, why aren’t you willing to accept the democracy of a UK wide vote?


  89. Well that escalated quickly! The Gnats are swarming around this one, anyone might think they were a tad worried. Good stuff Mr Laird.

  90. Hi D Stewart

    "Well that escalated quickly! The Gnats are swarming around this one, anyone might think they were a tad worried. Good stuff Mr Laird."

    They seem upset but they know they are on the losing side yet again, point, never follow Nicola Sturgeon.


  91. What a disgusting load of garbage, and to use a "human rights" website in order to knife the SNP. Tell just how many deals with countries that abuse human rights has the UK done over it's history? Answer too many to count.

    This piece of trash is only worthy of the bin, only idiots would be taken in by this.

  92. Dear Alan Reid

    “What a disgusting load of garbage, and to use a "human rights" website in order to knife the SNP”.

    Load of garbage, really?

    Funny, this post has had 166653 views so far, it is the most popular one I have ever written.

    “Tell just how many deals with countries that abuse human rights has the UK done over it's history? Answer too many to count”.

    Haven’t the SNP sucked up to the same countries that abused human rights on official visits?

    “This piece of trash is only worthy of the bin, only idiots would be taken in by this”.

    Idiots? Is that anyway to talk about people who can think for themselves, you know some of us can actually form our own opinions.

