Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Sick to death of the SNP, indyref 2 isn't even got a date but already Holyrood sees the angry tone develop for the next fight, Gina Miller went to Court on Brexit, is a legal challenge in the works for the way that the SNP are being unconstitutional over indyref 2, where was the public consultation?

Dear All

If what happened at Holyrood yesterday is anything to go by the next Scottish independence referendum will a nasty vicious affair, even more than the last one in 2014.

To refresh your memory if you wish to fight on the pro UK side, stand by to be called paedophile, racist, homosexual, homophobe, apologist, Uncle Tam, misogynist and anything else the Nationalists can think of to smear you or your family.

I, myself was a victim of a hate crime as many people know; this led to the arrest of one of the seven worst cybernats outed in the Daily Mail. Tommy Ball repeated tweeted about sexual intercourse with very young children using a fake account setup in my name, using my picture and linking to my blog. It took several years to get him into Court but the effort was worth it.

He was convicted and was fined £1500 at Glasgow Sheriff Court.

The SNP can claim to have the real scum on their side.

What unpopular Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP are doing at present is to play a sick game called neverendum, they think they can setup a scenario where Scotland every few years gets pushed into a referendum by them on a trumped up excuse.

The SNP think that they can literally bully Scotland into voting Yes. Sturgeon says that denying Scots a second referendum would be “wrong, unfair and utterly unacceptable”. She lost two referendums, in two years, Scotland is saying no to Nicola Sturgeon if there is another vote.

To get straight to it, the SNP can no longer claim they are acting on the ‘will of the people’ so instead they are now claiming that they are acting on the ‘will of parliament’.

People are rightly becoming sick to death of the SNP but they have an opportunity to send Nicola Sturgeon a message at the Council elections and vote for pro UK candidates such as myself.

Vote George Laird for Ward 3 Greater Pollok!

The new referendum isn’t a choice over accepting Brexit as claimed; it is a political calculation in which the Nationalists think that Unionists who voted Remain will switch to them, that won’t happen. Remain voters will realise as do SNP members that Brexit opens a new load of opportunities for them and Scotland.

The SNP know that they are about to lose 180,000 EU National votes as once we leave the EU, they will have no right to get a vote. In order to try and ring fence their votes, the SNP want to start talks now before we leave. You will have notice that they want the window of autumn 2018 and spring 2019.

The laughable thing is that Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP wouldn’t get a new independence vote in this timescale, they won’t even get talks started, everything will be put on hold till after Brexit.

And the post Brexit landscape will be rather unappealing to the SNP because a new deal will exist with Europe, already behind the scenes the UK and Germany are talking on many issues.

The SNP aren’t part of any of these talks that are going on, they have been left behind, a good deal for the UK spells disaster for the SNP so they want to go early so they can claim that Scotland’s interests are being damaged which will be far from the case.

Brexit makes Scotland open to the World.

Sturgeon said:

"The future of the people of Scotland should not be imposed upon us. It should be the choice of the people of Scotland.”

It seems that Nicola Sturgeon isn’t interested in the will of the people who spoke only a couple of years ago.

Brexit is just a pretext to attempt to secure independence, it is dishonest politics, it is the politics of the gutter and it shows how low the SNP leadership are willing to sink in their attempts to win.

You can expect now to see the SNP faced a barrage of criticism as campaigners take to the streets so that Westminster knows that the sovereignty of the Scottish people rests with the people and not Holyrood. For too long the silent majority have been silent, this can no longer be the case. People need to protest, to be vocal, and to fight the SNP at every opportunity.

The sham vote in Holyrood changes nothing as the SNP and the Scottish Greens scheme to set the country on a dangerous course which Brian Wilson wrote about, the are engaged in 'deliberate attempt to sectarianise Scottish politics', you can see this in their language as they use the word ‘Unionist’ all the time. The importing loaded political language from Ireland hasn’t gone un-noticed by UK Ministers who drafted in Martin McGuiness for help in dealing with the SNP. The thing is to ‘deal’ with the SNP you have to marginalise them from power.

Holyrood needs fixed, one of the problems is the discredited list system which effectively blocks out independents in favour of smaller parties such as the Scottish Greens. Margo McDonald was effectively the only person to really make it through that system.

We don’t need so 129 MSPs when in the past Scotland had representation at Westminster with 59 MPs, perhaps it is time to redraw the political map of Scotland downwards?

There will be no Section 30 order granted for a referendum between the autumn 2018 and spring 2019, the likelihood is that if at all, everything will be pushed back towards at least 2021.

It maybe the case that the only way to realign Scottish politics are for new pro UK parties to come forward with a radically different agenda instead of the current status quo.

Scottish Labour sitting at 14% in the polls is looking like being decades from power, and they still haven’t got a narrative that works for them, or a united party. As to the new idea of federalism, it is the wrong thing, at the wrong time, it is almost like Scottish Labour is fiddling while Scotland burns!

Finally, if you tune in regularly to the blog, you will already have read I said that indyref 2 would be even nastier than the first, George Laird right again.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. It would be nice if there was a legal challenge George even better if it could be against the SNP and individuals rather than using public money to defend it.

  2. The posters in Govanhill of the missing Msp are being splattered everywhere.
    Sturgeon loves the UK wide publicity of her ranting however, it exposes her to the English electorate and she needs to be careful. I can sense a backlash on the horizon. Most English media interviewers are now asking hard questions and Sturgeon has zero answers. Everything is "being looked at". I still can't believe she is heading down this road.
    We're having a referendum because we're being dragged out of the EU against our will? But if we win , we'll be dragged out anyway?


  4. Have a look at the youtube video of Labour MSP Neil Findlay getting tore in to Sturgeon at Holyrood today. Sturgeon, and the rest of the SNP Ratship were absolutely speechless. The look on the face of witch Sturgeon said it all,,, Neil Findlay asked her to respond, but she COULDN'T, she had NO answers at all. The whole SNP shite pack were left in tatters,,,the LOL,,,, have a look at the video George, it was one of the best speeches i've ever heard. Well done Neil Findlay.

  5. Have a look at the youtube video of Labour MSP Neil Findlay getting tore in to Sturgeon at Holyrood today. Sturgeon, and the rest of the SNP Ratship were absolutely speechless. The look on the face of witch Sturgeon said it all,,, Neil Findlay asked her to respond, but she COULDN'T, she had NO answers at all. The whole SNP shite pack were left in tatters,,,the LOL,,,, have a look at the video George, it was one of the best speeches i've ever heard. Well done Neil Findlay.

  6. Hi Sherbie

    I saw this clip and you are right, it was a very bad day for the SNP.

